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beyond player.
Wait, wait.
Oh, my Oh, Winters.
So you just wait.
Wait, no.
You got good.
Good to know.
Good to know.
Hey, welcome back to another P m A tutorial.
My piano playing that common This is David here.
And today I'm gonna teach you how to play this song.
You've got a friend by Carole King like me Show you how to do it.
Okay, so I'm gonna start by playing the intro very slowly.
We started with an A major court and we place follow up until here.
I'm gonna play a G sharp minor seventh.
So, ji sure B c Sharp and F sharp, which I'm going to B c sharp then starts rivers when you're down with land f sharp.
Minor chord a C sharp in f groove is right.
Next court research sharpened if right next again, two counts of F sharp minor, right.
Going to G sharp minor, B D sharp, G sharp.
Next would be after a minor butt with a bass.
Both right, left, and we go with both again.
Next would be be minor.
Seventh a, B, D and F sharp.
A B and E in the bass, he says four two counts off a major a c sharp e to check out what I'm doing.
So 123 Sharp D's Fisher left seizure Mmm uh, Self from here again.
G sharp B c sharp in f sharp.
Think off sharp.
Be sharp, thin.
I goto f sharp on T shirt so going toe next would be to comes off after a minor seizure after print a going to dish of minor so d sharp g sharp in B then f sharp a c sharp and aim the base.
Next come back T shirts f sharp.
Minor way we go One court inversion down to a three sharp and f nd the base with two c sharp.
So from here, two counts of F minor going thio G sharp minor.
No record inversion seizure.
Back to be minor.
Seventh a.
B, D and F sharp C sharp minor, seventh B c sharp, G sharp way He sees us seventh, which is B e and A and we place follow.
I'm going to show you these two bars against lonely again on that.
We're right on course, and we played G sharp BC sharpen e So, a major seventh.
The whole bar going to D Major, seventh a c sharp and F sharp.
Check out what I'm doing at peace Accord again.
Okay, so again, again, Toe image or seventh.
But this time I'm going to start with B six European, eh?
For the next bar.
Going to G sharp.
What is your major bars off F sharp.
Minor C sharp after pin A going to be diminished.
So C sharp N g and in the base will be there to count off f sharp.
One count of being one starting from the beginning.
Yeah, way.
Go simply to another verse.
But I'm going to go straight to the bridge, so because I don't want to repeat it again.
So we have a way a g g and jean the base going toe if you're in here a sharp major seventh.
Gee, sure.
B c sharp in Hee hee.
Okay, so I'm going to quit this piano tutorial in here.
But if you want to watch the rest of it, all you have to do is click on the link here below or to the right.
Depends on where you're watching and the link will take you to the full piano tutorial off.
You've got a friend, Carole King with piano.
She that will help you to play the song exactly as they did at the beginning.
Off these damn a tutorial.
So we'll see you at my website by that Come.