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Okay, everybody, it's complimentary.
Welcome back to my channel today.
I have a huge on boxing for you guys, so I hope you guys are excited for that.
But before we get started, I just wanted to give a quick thank you to the sponsor of my channel.
You type h q dot com These guys help me make more content for you guys.
And they also gave me a brain spanking new camera and microphone.
So hopefully you guys noticed wth e upgrading quality of video.
So I hope now my video sound and look a little bit better than they were before.
So again, thank you so much to new type for sending me the equipment to make better videos for you guys.
And don't forget to use my cold Gumpel Mellie to save yourself 10% off your total order when you buy from them.
Now let's get started into the unboxing, Which is why you guys are here.
Here is the box.
Freaking huge.
As you can tell, this thing is massive.
So I'm pretty excited to see what's in here.
So let's get started handed any scissors to get the same cracked open?
Yes, so this box is freaking huge.
So you guys can already tests.
How many kids are gonna be in here, but a significant amount?
I'm pretty pumped.
Let me gently cut this tape off so I don't accidentally cut anything.
Okay, I know I should just open it for then.
That might ruin the surprise was here.
So maybe you should do this off screen in that way.
It's a surprise.
What's in the box?
I don't know.
I just think it myself.
How hard you see right here that you guys could see all the lovely goodies.
Oh, are in here?
Uh, no.
Let me make sure there's no, uh, personal information being released.
Let me get back out of there.
Some stickers.
Um, from use a Gundam.
This unboxing was sponsored by USC Gundam.
Thank you so much for them to send me this humongous box unopened for you guys.
I'm so excited to get into this.
I do have a code.
If you like to shop from them, use my code compliment for 10% off your property.
Your order?
This is a lot of kids.
Holy cow.
Let's get right into it.
Let's get to showing you guys okay?
So 1st 1 off is he Sanon?
Jew narrative version Now, I haven't watched the movie yet.
I'm gonna watch it eventually.
I miss the premiere date because I was working, unfortunately, so I'm pretty bummed about that, but I and so pumped to get this guy.
I love this and I enjoy having regular Mass agreed version cough, but I don't have any of the Did he comes a high grade?
I don't think so.
I think just a massive great, right?
He's, uh, one I love, probably.
Oh, you can even see him.
He's right over there, That guy.
So I'm pretty pumped a Have the sky actually love this designer diaper for over the red one.
But I when I saw it was like, Oh, my God, he's so cool.
I want him.
I think the annoying part for me is gonna be his little wrist and chest pieces.
I think they're d cows.
Not, um, it's not individual pieces, but I'm probably do a reverse watch.
And not because I just don't like the stickers on those things where I'm sorry d calls because I'm triggered some people when I call them stickers.
Okay, so anyways, that's the 1st 1 Second kit is this guy from the thunderbolt Siris?
I honestly I first I wasn't a huge fan because I just don't like the way the whatever come little surfboard surfer things are.
But I like the actual design of the mobile zit itself.
I really like how the joints are kind of resemble like ball pivots almost to me.
And I know if I'm using the right word, but I just really like how the whole frame is set up.
He's very different from your standard Gundam.
So I was very excited when I saw him first released eso.
I'm pretty happy to add to my collection because I love Thunderbolt.
I don't have that many kids from the actual Siri's, so I'm pretty excited to Adam to my shelf case.
A 2nd 1 Let's never want to be 38.
I You know what I'm a sucker for, right?
I have a lot of red kids.
I absolutely love bread.
You know, the whole standard Gundam color paint job kind of gets just four, you know, I get like it's just hiring the same, you know, every single color.
So I like having kids with Brian feel like it gives him more shelf presence when they're just want with, you know, a sea of white.
So I do like hits that have blue or red or purple.
Or there's any purple kiss.
Yes, there is this thorn from mom kind of unicorn.
What's the name for one?
I know you guys know what I'm talking about.
Lee, let me the comment done blowing What's his name?
Look, I'm not good with names, but I'm no the designs, okay?
But I know there's a purple one.
Just the name is escaping me.
I actually don't have him yet, so I plan on picking him up.
Maybe when I see when I go to Japan, I want the clear version cause I know if he has a clear version of the mobile suit, but anyways, I'm pretty excited to add to my collection.
I think he looks so cool looking, so I'm pretty excited about this guy.
Okay, time for the next kit.
And here is the next kit from the origin line.
I absolutely love all of the orgy kits.
I have so many from them because I just think they're fantastic.
High grades, they're very deeds.
They have a lot of surface detail and the pretty inexpensive for what you get.
So I am flew.
Love any of these kids?
Everyone always asked.
Well, the people that do you ask, you know, they want to start getting to building in terms and they don't know what to get.
I recommend anything from the high grade origin Siri's because I just think they're amazing kids for the price moving on to the next one.
I know.
I told you guys I had a lot to a lot of kids in here.
I'm gonna be very busy.
We'll be very busy.
Lady the manga met Magan Neck.
I'm terrible pronouncing these things, but this guy from gonna wing now, as you all know, I love love, love.
God only knows what got me into the coal building kits in the first place.
So I have lots of different kids from the wing Siri's because it's my favorite one.
So, you know, I tend to have a lot for my favorite series, right?
So I was pretty excited when this gate when this guy came out, so I'm pretty pumped to build him, I might consider painting him.
I don't know.
I guess I'll see you when I build him out of the box where they're not.
I want to change a scholarship.
I don't know yet, but yeah, I'm pretty excited to snap him and put him on my shelf with the rest of my wing gets.
I am excited for the high grade Sandrock.
I know he's gonna be released later.
September August, I believe later this year.
So I'm definitely going to be getting him because I love Sandrock.
He's not my favorite one.
But I would say he's my my second favorite.
I would think second their favorite.
Uh, Gundam from that from gonna wing.
Okay, next one.
The really great Gundam wing Now, as much of a wing fan, I am.
I I don't have any of the real greats.
I know there's two of them, right?
You have gonna wing custom and they have the regular one.
I don't have either of them, unfortunately, so this is actually my first actual real great build.
I know.
I have, like, half of a one.
Some Worley in here.
I technically didn't build it per se.
So I'm not gonna count that as my 1st 1 But this one will be my first real great bill.
So I'm pretty excited about it.
I hope it's not a terrible building.
You know, I hear a lot of negativity about real great sometimes.
So we'll see how I feel about this guy.
But I'm pretty pumped.
I'm pretty pumped because I absolutely love Come wing.
I love this.
This gun.
And this is probably the one this.
Actually, this was my first when I just want But the master grade was my first Gundam that I ever built.
So I'm pretty excited to have it in group great form.
And I'm hoping I'm gonna have a lot of fun building him.
I might even look into getting wth e p band.
Uh, extra thick parts, like little feathers That kind of come like a known lying thingamabob.
I'm gonna try to find out when I'm in Japan.
Hopefully I'll be able to find it to add it to this kid right here.
Okay, Now, time for the last I'm gonna get okay is the narrative.
And, um, now, at first, when I saw him, honestly, I was not a fan of the design, really.
I just felt like he kind of looked like he was just missing pieces like it just looks weird to me.
But as I kept seeing more pictures of him, more builds on instagram.
The design did grow on me, so I was like, You know, maybe I will Adam to my wish list, but I'm pretty excited to build him because he is a different design, then, like your typical unicorn.
So I don't know.
I'll see how I feel once I step out of the box and, you know, see what I think I might like him even more after I watched them.
Would be because once I watched, like, see how cool I hope he's cool in the movie.
It might, you know, change my feelings about him.
And maybe I like him even more than what I do right now.
Right now, I'm just, like, indifferent little bit on how I feel about this kid.
But we'll see.
And there's some other cooties in the box.
Oh, I'm sorry, guys.
I totally missed another kid, and this one actually isn't by band.
And it's not a Gundam Now, as you guys know, I really only messed with Gundam Kits.
So I haven't really deaf too much into other MECO franchises.
But I didn't build one's alloy.
That was for my sister.
And that's what I don't think I have really touched into building other kids.
So when I saw Oh, actually, no.
I do have another form.
It'll panic.
But that's by bandits.
So technically, you know, maybe not, doesn't count as Gundam, but same company.
So this is my actually recall.
It's my second because I did build is oi!
This is the second, uh, model kit that I'm building that's not produced by Bandai.
So I'm pretty excited in terms of, you know, quality how this is gonna come out.
I do love full metal panic.
I wash it back.
When I was in high school couple years ago, I love, love.
Love the show.
I do have one of the mobile suits in my display from the series and I do plan on getting more of them.
When I saw this guy, I was like, I have to have him.
So I'm looking forward in terms off quality shelf presents, Articulation how this is gonna compare in terms of the goddamn kids I have back here.
So I'm pretty excited to see how this guy's gonna work.
And I just think he's so cute, right?
It's like a little frog.
I just You know, I find, you know, I don't know why I find these things cute.
I do think the cute And I think he's so cute.
And I was my song.
I was like Frog man.
Kind of like gum from idea.
What was his name?
The big kind of frog looking one.
I'm terrible with names, but you guys don't talk about So this is me with my second frog mechanism.
I'm going to call it because I have two versions of the other frog one for my video.
But I'm pretty excited about this.
I hope it's gonna be a good build.
We'll see.
That's a lot.
A lot of kids I have next to me to act my backlog of already like 20 something in my closet.
Okay, let's see what we have in here.
I have I don't know what this is.
Absolute show Go Keen.
This right here.
I have no clue what this is.
So let me let me open the box and I can show you guys what's in it.
I'm gonna need some scissors.
So not me.
Go ahead, open these thing.
Our thing.
Let's see what's in here.
Feels pretty heavy.
Like I don't know what this is.
Too bad.
I can't read Japanese, but there's a little Oh, man.
Little pamphlet with a bunch of other figures.
And the front granddaddy right there thinks his mettle definite, not plastic.
No wonder it's so heavy.
So cute things.
That cute guy.
Oh, this is definitely metal.
So you guys can see he is a shiny.
I'm pretty sure he's an AC.
You guys, I'm pronouncing it right, but adorable.
I love this.
Could I have this in the master grade form shooting his little pistol weapon missiles underwater.
But he is a hunky, chunky, little heavy piece.
I'm pretty sure this is metal, but really cute.
Now I'm gonna want to get the other one, so hopefully I'll find the rest of these in Japan because he's really cute.
He has some little markings on the bottom of his feet.
I can resign.
There he is pretty cool looking figure.
I mean, I like anything going them.
So I'm all about collecting paraphernalia.
And I have one of these mobile suit Gundam Machine head.
Never had one of these, so I don't know what this is.
I guess it's like a little figure me that you built your older It's a mystery box.
Okay, which one did I get?
It's a clear one.
I was this son, Andrea.
I think this is a non Jew manual in here.
Okay, there's a manual.
Okay, Cool.
I think this is definitely son Andrew.
Judging from how little foreign piece here and a side.
I'm pretty sure that's a non Jew right there, but it's pretty cool that he's clear.
So I guess he's like, a little head thing that I snapped together.
So that's interesting.
I never had one of these things before.
Okay, Cool.
And I think that's it in terms of locks.
Now I have one more thing.
I'm not really into figure collecting, but I do have shar and Salen and, um, Merida Cruise, I think, was her name.
Have three figures from the gun of franchise.
I wanted to get more like lock on Stratos, but it's just too expensive, Like $100,000 a figure.
And you get somebody kids for 100 bucks, right?
So setting in motion a figure when I'm not a figure collector first, please, it seems like a lot to me.
Um What?
Here he is.
Ramble row.
I've been wanting this guy for the longest time.
I went to Japan free time looking for him and was not able to find him.
So I'm pretty excited.
I finally have gotten my hands on this guy because I love the figure.
I like the goof A lines on my favorite enemy Susie juices Balu.
So I mean, it was like my favorite color.
So I was so pumped when I was able to get a chance of finally having adding to my collection.
I think he's such an awesome character.
So I am so happy that I finally finally gonna adding to my collection, I don't know.
We're gonna put him a prime.
I maybe I'll put him with Sha're or someone here, but I will gladly do a review of him on my channel.
I'm just so happy because he was kind of hard to get because they printed him and then didn't reprint himself was really hard to get him, except at a fair price.
I think they did release him pretty recently.
So if you guys like it, you might as well try to get it now because who knows if they're gonna release it again in the future, and then you are going to like for it, which I was not willing to dio.
But I'm just happy that I finally have him, like Adam to my collection because I do love thes Gundam figures.
So I don't know if I will buy them because they are very expensive.
But if you like collecting figurines, then I highly suggest that you look into these because the sharp one is very good.
Well done, said the masses Well done.
And, uh, I mean, this guy off the bat quality in terms of quality looks amazing.
And he popped right out of the jungle book.
So that is it in terms of what's in the box and my boxing.
So thank you again.
So much to the guys over at U S.
Gundam for sending the me this box open up for you guys.
I will be reviewing all of these kids here eventually because citadel of the build and I'm in the middle of also doing more builds a review on the channel for you guys and thank you guys again for supporting my channel and liking and commenting things.
I'm going to be doing a poll on my patron channel for those who are over there about you know which of these kits you guys want me to review first and build first.
So I'll let the might my patrons over there have the honor of picking.
You know which one they want me to do first and second and so on.
So I'll leave that over there on that website.
So again, Thank you.
Ready for watching?
I'll see you around.