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  • Yeah, man.

  • Wednesday here at the P I.

  • It's been a busy week, a lot of camps getting in town.

  • We have some guys get in last week.

  • Some came in over the weekend for sure.

  • Everybody by Tuesday check ins are on Tuesday.

  • A lot of training going on around the facility, A lot of media chutes and things like that between here at the H Q and an apex across the street.

  • And the biggest thing is accommodation, you know, were designed to be flexible with our service is to be flexible with our hours are facility, so these guys and girls have what they need at any given time.

  • They're all running on very different schedules, that coming from all over the globe somewhere getting adjusted to the time difference.

  • Some of them starting their weight cuts a little bit early.

  • Others air just tryingto get a little bit rejuvenated.

  • Take advantage of some of the recovery pieces as they get ready for weigh ins and big fight day.

  • Coming up on Saturday.

  • So Wednesday is kind of one of the peak training days.

  • It's like the last big day.

  • A lot of people are getting a lot of MIT rounds and things in because come tomorrow, you are a lot of our service is gonna be centered around cutting, feeding, home fueling home.

  • Keep him hydrated after the cut, as well as supporting whatever teams need it as they're using the saunas and steam rooms and things along those lines just being a helping hand.

  • So we're engineered that way.

  • The design of the P I.

  • It's built to be flexible on agile so that we can just accommodate.

  • It's a lot of times were just kind of hands on deck when these guys were coming through the door.

  • We do get a lot of heads up on when they're coming and what their expectations are, but even when they're not, we're just reactive, um, and making sure that we throw out a welcome mat out when they come through the door to supply him with whatever needs they might have.

  • So, first off, all the fighters with a card had priority.

  • They come in and we really try to work around.

  • But then all the other guys that are here for rehab this week and stuff way just kind of bounced around.

  • We extend our hours.

  • So we're here pretty much from eight in the morning until sometimes 10 11 12 at night just to get everybody in way.

  • Also, have a lot more.

  • We have some staff from Shanghai helping us out.

  • We have some students that are finishing up their clinical rotations and about to go into the real world for jobs helping us out.

  • So there's about five on stuff and we're averaging about 30 to 40 appointments today.

  • On these guys today, we're probably about 50.

  • So I sent is top notch, probably the best thing I've ever experienced.

  • I will say they got him.

  • Open up something on the ballot and bring the staff from here too long because I don't get treatment like this anywhere else.

  • Food therapy twice a day and just overall nice people, good training.

  • And look at this facility.

  • Man is amazing.

  • This'll facility the p I.

  • I haven't seen the P I in China yet.

  • I hear it's even nicer than this one.

  • But this one here is I mean, I don't think there's any sport in the NFL, you know, Major League Baseball, basketball.

  • I don't think any score provides this type of facility for their athletes That just has an open door policy for them.

  • I mean food with medical treatment, rehab treatment facility itself, all the equipment space.

  • It's all top end.

  • I mean, it's it's phenomenal.

  • So I think the UFC fighters all love it.

  • Take advantage of it.

  • It's something that they shouldn't take for granted.

  • Do you have approval?

  • Go, Cheese.

  • Hi.

  • Oh, shoot.

  • You know, if you don't during fight weeks here in Vegas, everybody comes into town.

  • You know, there's a bigger population bigger card drawn here in Vegas.

  • Way work through all of them.

  • So we kind of filter the ones in early in the morning because we know the fighters on the car coming and kind of later towards the evening around there five times.

  • So we kind of mix them all in, get him all taken care of.

  • Stay busy.

  • Stay crazy.

  • It's a busy week.

  • It's a fun week.

  • It's gonna culminate into a fantastic event on Saturday.

  • And our goal is just to make sure that every fighter has every resource they need to perform at their optimum level.

  • The surgeon.

  • Would you Yeah, Officially away.

  • You tell me where you sent him there tonight.

  • Just you don't touch me.

  • Just the central.

Yeah, man.


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A2 初級

UFC 248の解剖学:エピソード5 ft. Li Jingliang, Aljamain Sterling, Beneil Dariush & Zhang Weiliチーム (Anatomy of UFC 248: Episode 5 ft. Li Jingliang, Aljamain Sterling, Beneil Dariush & Zhang Weili team)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日