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  • So it's been a minute since I've looked at a razor laptop.

  • The last one I featured was a bit of a departure from their typical styling.

  • When I signed in that color, I was like, You know, creative people want to stray away from, say, Mac books and devices like that might start to look at this thing because it just had a Mork kind of creative professional look to it.

  • That device had a crazy display on it.

  • 240 Hertz refresh rate, which a creative professional would have absolutely no use for Now I've got this other laptop in front of me, and I'm hoping what I'm about to look at is actually the other version of the 15 inch advanced blade.

  • But instead, this time with an old led display.

  • You're not going to get any crazy refresh rates, but you're gonna get old lead and you're gonna get four K.

  • Now we're talking about a totally different market.

  • That's what's exciting about this one.

  • I don't think I've ever looked at a laptop on this show with an older display, or if I did, it wasn't this big little cleaning cloth.

  • Some razor stickers are in there as well.

  • A giant, powerful power brick with a braided cable.

  • And this is the proprietary connector, which delivers the power you need a bunch of power, obviously, I nine and Artie X 28 graphics.

  • You gotta feed it some juice.

  • Crack this baby open so we're back to the classic razor styling on this one.

  • No fancy, limited special color.

  • Instead, it's the matte black.

  • You still have the logo, which represents the culture to a certain degree, but the matte black finish.

  • It's nice.

  • It's simple power input.

  • Couple of typical USB A port.

  • There is a headphone jack also included on the other side of the device you have.

  • I'm guessing that's Thunderbolt three in the form of USB Type C connected.

  • There's another U S B.

  • A.

  • A full size HD in my port that looks like a display for and is a little locking area there as well.

  • So let's crack this open real quick boom, and you know what I know right away that it is the old lead panel because its glossy So if it's all about the visual experience, you might want to put up with some reflections and go for this display options.

  • Well, just keep in mind.

  • 60 hertz, four k.

  • Resolution.

  • The layout.

  • Here you have the keyboard.

  • Giant track, Otis hair.

  • This is what people are looking for by today's standards.

  • The build quality here.

  • It feels great.

  • The whole thing is very sturdy.

  • The screen, this always gets me.

  • It doesn't actually go back very far.

  • And maybe I'm just spoiled with all these thinkpads I've been using.

  • It stops right around here.

  • Now I get it.

  • If this type of setup, that's probably as far back as you're ever gonna need it.

  • It's a tiny little nit.

  • Pick the keyboard, chick lit style.

  • A little bit of travel to the keys.

  • Now, I talked about this on the previous video that I did on a razor laptop.

  • They've improved this keyboard.

  • This could be fined for.

  • I think I could type it up.

  • What would it be as satisfying for me as the ThinkPad keyboard?

  • Probably not.

  • Oh, my God.

  • Look at this whole My God, that is vibrant.

  • I don't know if I'm gonna be able to go back after this.

  • Who they claim.

  • There's some technologies that play some little little tricks in the background that make sure that burning does not occur.

  • Something called pixel shifting.

  • Things move ever so slightly.

  • You could barely see it and and therefore protecting your pixels, protecting you from burning.

  • But, my goodness, if you know about the benefits of old lead on a smartphone and on a TV, just imagine that being brought to your laptop.

  • I can't imagine wanting to sitting in front of a better displayed in that, that is, That's a beautiful thing.

  • You're also probably noticing at this point that the keyboard is backlit.

  • It's RGB cycling through the colors.

  • That's kind of the razor default.

  • You see, this is the 38 40 by 2160 native resolution.

  • Is that a 200% scale on it?

  • The thing is, with LCD panels, right?

  • The lighting has never really turned off your black send up this gray thing, and then you end up with these the various gaming technologies that attempt to change that I have an LCD left over in my house.

  • It drives me crazy.

  • When I got the local dimming, I could pick it up with my eyes, and it's just compared to an old that panel.

  • It's night and day.

  • Why not in on box therapy video?

  • That's a little bit darkest, a little bit light.

  • And most importantly, we published to YouTube before case, so we can actually watch it in the native rez here.

  • This is what you are working with.

  • One thing that you're going to notice is the black levels.

  • My shirt is like pitch black relative to the rest of the frame.

  • The black shirt is very black, and that's what I'm looking for.

  • And also, yeah, I mean, just the quality of its Ah, it's a beautiful display.

  • Jack just interrupted the entire video.

  • Right now he wants he wants you all to know that you have to go out and buy a $3000 computer toe properly.

  • Watch how much therapy videos because he wants it to look like this.

  • I mean, it looks great.

  • It looks cinematic.

  • The detail in my hand tones over here is like I don't know if you can pick that up, but it's like typically, a lot of this stuff ends up blown out on some displays, see the shadows and stuff in my hands.

  • I mean, what am I doing?

  • I don't have to sell you a lead at this point.

  • Everyone knows the industry is going that way in some way or another.

  • There are drawbacks.

  • I told you about it earlier.

  • It's just a 60 Hertz panel.

  • If you're heavy on the gaming side, you're probably gonna avoid this.

  • Probably gonna run games in this resolution anyways, So you already know you're gonna pick the 2 40 hurts option.

  • But I think this particular model is interesting because it reaches out to the other segment of the audience that I mentioned earlier people who are looking for a well designed, solid, well presented package from a workstation perspective.

  • On the window side, there's not actually that many options that are able to deliver this kind of power, these type of specs and so forth to compete with the Mac book pro.

  • The last thing you want when you're setting it up is to be fearful of potentially interacting with it wrong and catastrophe.

  • So I think I think that the speaker's air bevel let down relative to the monitor.

  • You're looking at the monitor.

  • You're like whoa, and then the speaker's air like that's those air laptop speakers.

  • It's not fooling you by any means, particularly for this dialogue in this video.

  • Here, leave the device unfolding.

  • I mean, they worked, but that's a max volume right there.

  • It's just not that impressive for dialogue.

  • You're gonna watch video in here.

  • You're gonna play games on your Maybe you can use the speakers from time to time.

  • It's gonna be a headset.

  • Laughed, talked to get any kind of punch out of it.

  • It seems that way at the moment.

  • Okay, so here's the way it breaks down this particular laptop.

  • It starts out as a standard razor blade, 15 I 7/8 generation and a full HD display at 60 hertz.

  • That's sort of your entry point you take to get you started the lowest price point this one year, obviously cooking a little hotter than that from a speck perspective.

  • So when you go through the configuration, I'll give you a sense of how tow how the price goes up as you change things around.

  • So first being a graphics card, you could see your starting around $1600 us to scale up to the O.

  • R t x 2080 Let's say, Now you're a 28 100 bucks off course, the full HD 1 44 her.

  • It's gonna be perfect for a lot of people, particularly gamers.

  • That's fine.

  • Stay in that department, even if you wanted to.

  • Top graphics to 40 hurts takes it to another level if you're so if you're so inclined.

  • But then the one I have here is the old Ed Fourcade touch.

  • That's right.

  • It's a touch screen as well.

  • I think I told you that earlier, but I didn't show it off.

  • So that's the one we're going to select and you see now defects.

  • Just again.

  • We're at 3300 US.

  • It's not a cheap laptop.

  • It's important to note that for these parks you're gonna pay for it.

  • But I have to say, you take a look at this thing and you realize it's a different experience straightaway.

  • That could be your future laptop display, just like the beauty of Colette phones and oh led TVs, that tech has finally made its way into mainstream laptops.

  • Otis, you want to be in the bid, Bud, don't relax.

  • This absolute Sponsored by CO they have this new super portable of speaker here.

  • Bluetooth called the commuter the batteries.

  • 1,004,000 pes.

  • So last quite a long time.

  • It's got water resistance.

  • So if you're at the pool or something and you get it wet, it won't get damaged.

  • We have this NFC feature which offers Master cheering.

  • Oh, there you go.

  • So there's a D S P chip here, which offers an automatic equalizer so you can get optimized experiences Whether you're indoors or outdoors right now, you can get 40% off this speaker with the promo code, check the link down below.

So it's been a minute since I've looked at a razor laptop.


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有機ELスクリーンのラップトップはついにここにある... (The OLED Screen Laptop Is Finally Here...)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日