Andthen I havesomestuffherethatareusedinthemirrorhere, so I have, like, a littlegoon a workoutroomand a littleexerciseball, whichis, honestly, morefuntoplay.
What's initistoworkoutwith I'm a child.
It's okay.
So I'm gonnarunprobablyfivemilestoday.
I wouldprobablytake a littlelessthananhour, so I'm gonnaturnonmybeatpill.
I'm gonnagettorunit.
Okay, so I justfinishedrunning.
I didfivemiles, 600 caloriesburned.
I didsomeintervals, and I didsomestraightmiles.
Soifyouguyswant a fullworkout, routinemoneydownbelow, I havetodoupdatedone.
Itwouldbelikeathomeworkout, because I haveeverything I needathomeandis, I thinkyouguysholdmytipsandtricksandnotyou.
Hi, guys.
So I justtook a showerbecause I wasrunning.
Andnow I'm justthrowingonsomemakeup.
I onlyputconcealerandthisblushstuffontoday.
It's liketheglossycoppain, and I'm gonnafixmyeyebrowsandfromsemesteronandbedone.