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Hi, I'm Tara Stiles and today on the Yoga Solution, I'm going to show you a great routine
that you can do around the holidays to get your total body workout on. Let's get started.
So we'll start on all fours here on your hands and knees, just to start to open up the spine
a bit here. So simply moving along with your breath. So take a big inhale, drop your belly
down, looking upward. And then as you exhale, rounding all the way in, tucking your chin.
And just a few more times like this here on your own. Nice and smooth and easy, starting
to create little bit more space in your body, open up things up a bit here so you can move
more freely. And big exhale to round inward. And the next inhale, looking all the way upward
to the top of this here. Tuck your toes, start to lift your hips way up and back to your
nice Downward Dog. Relaxing the heels, soften your head and neck and shoulders. So we'll
take a big inhale, lift way up on to your tippy toes. Reach your heels up high. And
then as you exhale, soften right back in. Twice more just like that here. Big inhale
lifts you right up to the top. And then as you exhale, soften the heels and relax. One
more time just like that here. Big inhale lifts you right up to the very top. And then
ここでは、より多くの時間をちょうどそのような。大きく吸い込むと 頂点まで持ち上がりますそして
as you exhale, soften and relax right back in. So we'll take a big inhale, reach your
right leg way up and back behind you, Downward Dog Split here. Open up the hips and shoulders.
右足を上に上げて後ろに倒す ここでダウンワードドッグスプリット腰と肩を開く
Bend the knee, reach the toes, make some space here. And we'll arc your right knee way up
膝を曲げてつま先を伸ばして ここにスペースを作ってそして右ひざを上に向けて弧を描く
and around, tap it your right shoulder. Softly bring your foot on the ground right outside
of your right hand. Real gently ease your back knee down to the ground. So just making
右手の本当の意味で優しく 後ろの膝を地面に下ろしますそうすることで
some space here for your hips. Maybe staying upright. Maybe come on down to the forearms
here. Just breathe a whole, whole lot. And coming out of this one, start to straighten
up your arms on to your shoulders. Tuck your back toe. Straighten up your back leg here.
We'll spin your right foot out to face the right. Reach your right arm all the up and
backward upward here. So keep on rocking until you land on the outside edge of this back
ここで後ろ向きに上に向かってこの背中の外縁に着地するまで 揺らし続けてください
foot, and we'll sweep your top leg right up and over to a nice Side Plank here. We'll
open everything all the way upward. And we'll round all the way back to your Plank Pose.
We'll lower and lift here a few times. Knees up or down, up to you, bend your elbows straight
back. And then right from your belly in one piece, all the way back up. Twice more just
like that here. Bending straight back and then all the way back up. Last one just like
that here. Bending straight back, keep breathing, all the way right up and back to your nice
Downward Dog here. Soften the heels, relax your head and shoulders. So take a big inhale,
ここでダウンワードッグ。かかとを柔らかくして 頭と肩の力を抜いてだから大きく吸い込んで
reach your left leg way up and back behind you, Downward Dog Split here. Again, if it
左足を上に上げて後ろに倒すんだ 下向きの犬のスプリットはここだもう一度言うが
feels nice to open up the hips go for that. And, again, we'll take your knee way up and
around, tap it to your left shoulder. Softly bring your foot on the ground right outside
of this left hand. Gently ease your back knee down to the ground. So, again, just spending
a few moments here for your hips. Maybe staying upright. Maybe come on down. Maybe shifting
a little side to side. Just breathe a lot. When you're ready, coming out of this one,
start to straighten up your arms under your shoulders, tuck your back toes, straighten
up your back leg here, spin your left foot out, reach your left arm all the way up and
skyward here. Keep on rocking until you land on the outside edge of your back foot. We'll
ここで空に向かって後ろ足の外縁に着地するまで 揺らし続けます私たちは
sweep this top leg right on top of the other here, nice Side Plank. Open up everything
here. And, again, rounding back to your Plank Pose. So, lowering and lifting a few times.
Up or down with the knees, bending straight back, all the way up for one. Twice more just
like that here. Bending straight back and then all the way up for two. Last one just
like that here. Straight back and then all the way right up and back to your nice Downward
Dog here. Relax the head and neck and shoulders. Real slowly, we'll start to walk your feet
all the way up to your hands. Just checking in the with backs of your legs. And then once
you're all the way upward here, folding inward, let your head soften, let your neck be easy.
you're all way upward here, folding inward, let your head soft, let your neck easy.
And we'll come into your Chair Pose here. Sink your hips, bend your knees here. Big
そして、ここで椅子のポーズに入ります。腰を沈めて ここで膝を曲げます大きく
inhale to sweep your arms all the way up here. Nice long spine. Shoulders relaxed. Breath
staying calm and easy. And then as you exhale, we'll fold up and over legs. Gently interlace
your hands behind your back. Nice shoulder release here. And just let your head go, let
your neck go. Breathe a lot. When you're ready, gently release your fingertips back down to
your ground. Next inhale, lengthen up to a flat back. As you exhale, plant your palms.
We'll step right back to your Plank Pose here. And then this time, bend your elbows straight
back, and we'll roll through a nice Upward Dog here. Open up the whole front of your
body. Maybe sway gently side to side here to get into every part of your back here.
And keeping your knees on the ground, shift your hips up and back to your heels. Big breathe
here in your Child's Pose. And when you're ready, back onto your hands and knees. Spread
ここでチャイルドポーズをしましょう。準備ができたら 手と膝の上に戻って広げる
the fingers, tuck your toes, and use the big inhale to float all the way up and back to
your nice Downward Dog. So we'll take a big inhale, reach your right leg way up and back
behind you, Downward Dog Split. Open everything all the way upward here. And, again, we'll
take your knee right up into your forehead. Softly bring the foot between your hands,
Low Lunge. This time, push down. Big inhale lifts you right up to a nice High Lunge. And
then as you exhale, we'll spin around to your right side here. Let your arms open really
wide. Big inhale lifts yourself all the way back up. Twice more just like that here. Big
exhale, easy twist. And the inhale lifts all you all the way back up to the top. Last one
just like that here. Big exhale, easy spin. And we'll tip it all the way back behind you.
This time we'll slide your top arm all the way down and around, coming into a nice Warrior
2. So, sinking your hips here, relaxing your head and gaze and shoulders. Breathing a lot.
And just simply hanging out here in your Warrior 2 for a few easy breaths. And we'll take a
ウォリアー2に乗って ここでぶらぶらしているだけだよそして、私たちは...
big inhale, lift everything all the way up. And then as you exhale, sink right back down.
We'll tip it all the way back into your Reverse Warrior. And then keep it going way up and
over to your nice Extended Angle here. And we'll bring both fingertips down to the ground
here either side of your front foot. Come onto your back toes. And we'll shift your
weight into your Warrior 3 here. So moving right on top of that standing leg, top of
your head floating forward, back heel floating back behind you. So if you feel pretty steady
here, maybe bring the palms together. If that's a little too much for balance, you can always
bring the fingertips down too. Just stay wherever you can breathe a lot. And then we'll round
up to stand here. So soften the knees, round your back here. Use your stomach here to give
ここに立つためにアップします。ここで背中を丸めて 膝を柔らかくしますここでお腹を使って
this knee a nice little tug. And then we'll open up to a Tree Pose here. So gluing your
foot right up into your leg, it can be anywhere along the leg. Up high. It can be down low.
So make sure wherever you're at here, you can find a nice sense of ease here in your
body. So either having your hands together or stretching upward. And just keep it nice
体のことです。手を合わせるか 上に向かって伸ばしてそして、ちょうどそれを維持します。
and soft. And when you're ready, we'll give the knee squeeze back in here. We'll send
と柔らかいです。そして準備ができたら ここで膝を絞るようにします送ります。
the leg all the way back behind you. Plant the palms down. Stepping right back to your
Plank Pose. And we'll bend your elbows straight back. Ease into your nice Upward Dog. Relax
your shoulders down to your back. Breathe a lot here. And keeping your knees on the
ground, gently shift your hips up and back to sit on your heels. Take a big breath in
your Child's Pose. And when you're ready, we'll come back onto your hands and knees.
Re-spread the fingers, tuck your toes and take a big inhale to lift up and back. Nice
Downward Dog. So take a big inhale, lift your left leg way up and back behind you, Downward
Dog Split. Open up the hips and shoulders, make some space. And we'll take your knee
right up into your forehead super high. Softly bring your foot between your hands, Low Lunge.
Nice. Push down, big inhale lifts you right up to a High Lunge. And then as you exhale,
we'll spin around to your left side. Arms open really wide. Big inhale to fill yourself
right back up. Twice more just like that here. Big exhale, easy spin. And inhale lifts you
right back up. Last one just like that here. Big exhale, easy spin. And then we'll tip
it all the way back behind you. And then we'll reach this top arm all the way around right
into your nice Warrior 2. So letting your heels find the ground. Hips sink nice and
low. Nice easy gaze over your fingers. And just simply breathing here for a few moments.
So take a big inhale, lift everything all the way to the top. And then as you exhale,
sink everything all the way back in here, Warrior 2. And we'll tip it all the way back
ここに全てを沈めるんだよ ウォリアー2そして、俺たちはそれを全部後ろに沈めて...
here, Reverse Warrior. And then tip it all the way up and over to your Extended Angle
here. Forearm meets your thigh. Spin your whole body right upward here. Nice easy opening.
And then we'll bring your fingertips down to the ground here either side of your front
foot. Come onto your back toes. And we'll start to shift your weight into your Warrior
3. Top of your head floating forward. Back heel floating back behind you. So, up to you,
maybe keep the fingertips down if you want a little bit more support there. If you feel
steady in your balance, maybe bring the palms together here. And then we're gonna round
バランスを崩さないように 手のひらをここに寄せてそして、私たちは丸くなります
up to stand for this one. Soften the knees, round your back here. Use your stomach to
draw this knee all the way and give it a nice squeeze. And then we'll just open up to a
Tree Pose here. So foot can be glued up into the top of your thigh. Toes can tap down.
So wherever you can find a nice easy balance. Maybe bring the palms together. Maybe stretch
your arms straight upward. And just breathe a lot. And then when you're ready, give the
knee a good squeeze back in here. We'll send the leg all the way right back behind you.
Tipping over, we'll come all the way through a nice Low Lunge. Plant your palms down, step
right back into your Plank Pose here, top of your pushup. Just holding here for a few
easy breaths. So we're gonna lower and lift here a few times. Knees up or down, up to
you, bend your elbows straight back. And then right from your belly, all the way up for
one. Twice more just like that here. Bending straight back. And then all the way up for
two. Last one just like that here. Bending straight back and then all the way right up
and back to your Nice Downward Dog. Soften the heels, nice long spine. So real gently,
と、ナイスダウンドッグに戻る。かかとを柔らかくして 素敵な長い背骨を本当に優しく
we'll start to walk your feet all the way up to the top of your mat here, one easy step
at a time. Once you do arrive all the way upward here, folding inward over you legs.
一度にここで足を内側に折りたたんで 上に向かって到着したら
Let your head go, hanging like a rag doll. And we'll round up one vertebrae at a time,
no hurry. Once you do arrive up, take a big inhale to float your arms all the way out
and up. And then as you exhale, softly relax right back inward. And we're just gonna come
と上を向いています。息を吐くときは 内側に向かってそっと力を抜くんだそして、私たちはちょうど来るつもりです
all the way down to sit on your hips here, nice and gently. Come back to an easy, comfortable
position here. Close your eyes. Just drawing your attention a little bit deeper inward.
Finding your easy, deep pace of breath. And when you're ready, open your eyes. And great
自分の楽な、深い呼吸のペースを見つけること。そして準備ができたら 目を開けてみましょうそして、素晴らしい
job. So there you have it: A great total body workout routine that you can do around the
holidays to keep yourself feeling fantastic. I'm Tara Stiles and I'll see you next on the
Yoga Solution.