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  • I was born in Melbourne, Australia, 1982. And my parents had no idea that I was going

  • to be born without arms or legs. I was the only one that I ever saw without limbs.

  • My faith in Jesus Christ was sealed after seven years of wondering why, God, I was born this way.

  • He answered me very clearly through John, chapter 9, and I gave my life to Jesus

  • at 15 after reading about how he came across a man who was born blind. And I'm like hey,

  • hold on a second, this looks interesting. And no one knew why he was born that way,

  • I'm like, perfect! So I read on, and in verse three of the ninth chapter,

  • Jesus said it was done so that the works of God would be revealed through him.

  • And I'm like wow, God, if you had a plan for the blind man, you do have a plan for me.

  • And that was the beginning of my personal relationship with Jesus.

  • Youth groups were starting to call me, churches were starting to call me, opportunities were

  • opening up everywhere for me to share my testimony. I was speaking in front of 300 sophomore public

  • high school students. Three minutes into it, half the girls were crying. One girl in the

  • middle of the room started weeping. She put up her hand, and she said "I'm so sorry

  • to interrupt, but can I come up there and give you a hug."

  • In front of everyone, she came and she hugged me, she cried on my shoulder, and whispered

  • in my ear "no one's ever told me that they loved me, no one's ever told me that

  • I'm beautiful the way that I am." I couldn't believe it; it changed my life. At that moment,

  • I know God was ministering to her through me. It's not by my speech or my power;

  • it was God. And my heart was ignited with a passion, and it was an awesome day to see one soul

  • transformed forever. That was when I knew I was called to be a worldwide evangelist.

  • Today, do not leave here unchanged. Leave here unchained.

  • You just don't know what God can do with your broken pieces until you give God your broken pieces

  • I want you to know when you fall down, God's grace is a vision. God's hand will come down and pick you up;

  • Give you the strength to get back up.

  • In the first seven years of ministry God opened up doors for me to speak 2000 times across 44 countries on six continents.

  • from university campuses, 40,000 students in China, to India, where I was talking to sex slaves,

  • to crowds in the jungle of India, 110,000 people. Down to Indonesia and all of southeast Asia

  • to speaking at congresses of nations, like Colombia and Costa Rica, where you see

  • the leaders of the nation commit that country to the Lord Jesus. To Korea and speaking to

  • the next generation about depression and suicide, and to Eastern Europe where we did Serbia,

  • Slovenia, and Croatia. And then doors in the Middle East with the message of hope was spread

  • throughout the whole Arab world. That is God. And we know we've just begun.

  • By the grace of God, we have seen face to face a half of million souls say yes to Jesus,

  • and be plugged into a local church. As crazy as it sounds, our goal at Life Without Limbs Ministry

  • is to preach to every single soul on the planet. Seven billion people.

  • We believe that this goal is possible, as the holy spirit is gathering an army and building up supporters

  • to send us and accomplish this mission. But this all takes support. And yes, I ask

  • for your prayers, pray for us, pray for our board, pray for our staff, and our team. But

  • we could not do this much, where we've come this far, without the people who financially

  • support us, in actively sending us to complete the mission before us.

  • We are praying by faith that the holy spirit speaks to you about supporting us and becoming

  • a partner in helping us to accomplish this awesome mission ahead.

  • God is good, all the time. Alright.

  • My story is the story of redemption. Help us share it with the world so that others will be free indeed.

I was born in Melbourne, Australia, 1982. And my parents had no idea that I was going


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ニック・ヴジッチのための神の奇跡的な計画 - 手足のない人生 (God's Miraculous Plan for Nick Vujicic -- Life Without Limbs)

  • 3815 475
    Halu Hsieh に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日