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  • Hello, everyone, and welcome to another video.

  • Now, when we think of demanding games, maybe titles like the Classic Crisis all the recently released Metro exit a spring to mind.

  • Both look great, but both required decent hardware to maintain stable frame rates.

  • But what about Minecraft?

  • Yet you heard correctly.

  • This charming but graphically unimpressive game will surely run fine almost systems out there, even those considered low end.

  • But a few graphical tweaks certainly have the potential to change this and make Minecraft one of the most intensive titles around.

  • Welcome to what is a slightly different video, but one high I hope you'll enjoy.

  • Nonetheless, when in video first announced, there are T X lineup of graphics, card and rate tracing was first introduced.

  • Hardware enthusiasts marveled at the potential of this new technology.

  • After all, it makes some games look incredible.

  • Though performance certainly takes a hit rate, tracing has since been enabled by in video on some older performance Duty X cards, though it's not as impressive feat.

  • But let's say you don't have a top end Artie X or GTX card, and, well, you want to experience effects similar to that of invidious Cornu technology.

  • Well, I'm sure you've seen hundreds of videos on the subject by now, but I couldn't resist testing out Sonic Evers.

  • Latest Unbelievable Shade is build.

  • Here's how it looks.

  • So what exactly is it?

  • Well, this is a shade of PAC ads path tracing effects to the world of Minecraft, which offer similar lighting effects to that of Ray tracing.

  • However, this could be installed in used with any in video graphics card providing.

  • It's powerful enough to handle these new effects, of course, and that's what I wanted to test out the shade Ipek is available to gold patrons of Sonic either meaning you'll need to pledge $10 at the moment anyway, all links necessary and info to get it working will be down below.

  • It's not very tracing its path tracing, but the results are similar.

  • And the reason I wanted to check this out today is because performance is apparently improved over earlier versions.

  • So after running it for a bit on my eye 5 84 100 gee takes 10 70 here will be seeing how the entry level Jew text 10 50 can handle these impressive graphics.

  • Who says you need a r t x 2080.

  • Anyway, here with my Jew checks 10 70 you can see that we're averaging between 30 and 40 frames per second, a 10 80 p, with the settings turned right up on the render distance off 32 chunks.

  • These aren't the highest possible settings, but they still do a great job of allowing us to see this graphics mode in all its glory.

  • The lighting effects really are very impressive.

  • A larger on screen explosion actually caused the frame rate to dip quite a bit, but it never really went below 30 for any prolonged period of time.

  • That's not to say the overall performance doesn't take a huge hit when compared to the Vanilla Game.

  • So how does a more budget friendly card handle section overhaul?

  • Well, it's time for the two gig 10 fifties turn, and as you can see, this cart struggles a little bit more, which was the obvious outcome.

  • But keep in mind that we are using the same settings as the 10 70 here.

  • So in that respect, I guess it didn't do as badly as I first thought it worked.

  • If we drop the resolution to 7 20 p and again keep the same settings that were previously used.

  • The frame rate hovers closer to 30 but this will drop to the mid twenties as we start to move around a bit more, maybe explodes and TNT, or just generally walkabout in areas containing more foliage.

  • Because Minecraft isn't exactly the most fast paced game out there.

  • These drops don't feel too bad if I'm honest.

  • But anyone used to getting a smooth 60 f ps and beyond on this sort of hardware may be hesitant to use this graphic what grade, especially as we had to drop the resolution here when keeping a 30 f.

  • P s target in mind.

  • If we switch the graphical preset too fast.

  • However, from the in game menu, then the frame rate well, only slightly improved will remain more stable.

  • And there won't be as many drops into the mid twenties as there were before.

  • Though this is 7 20 p gameplay once again, and it seems as though this is better on a card like this.

  • Is this worth trying on your hardware?

  • Well, if you don't mind contributing $10 monthly to Sonic either on patri on for what is, to be honest, fantastic work, and you are willing to take a rather large frame, right?

  • Hit.

  • Then why No.

  • I've been wanting to check this out for a while and was curious to see how an entry level graphics card like the 10 50 would handle it.

  • This overhaul certainly turns Minecraft into a very demanding title, but it's one that represents what is great about the PC gaming community, not to mention it looks fantastic as well.

  • So there we have it.

  • I said before that this video is a little bit different, but I hope you've enjoyed it nonetheless.

  • Let me know if you've tried the sound and if you have how it ran on your hardware, particularly if it's a more sort of budget orientated leva like on the video.

  • If you enjoyed it, leave it dislike.

Hello, everyone, and welcome to another video.


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しかし、それは実行することができます.....。マインクラフト? (But Can It Run..... Minecraft?!)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日