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  • I do a song for you now that a lot of people have been asking for ever since I started doing the dollar show.

  • They asked me why I didn't sing the song about Jolie.

  • Now, this is a true story for those everything.

  • Don't know.

  • I wrote this song about 20 years ago about this woman down in Nashville that worked at the bank.

  • She was trying to take care of my husband while I was out on the road.

  • Well, I didn't go over too big with me.

  • I felt that redheaded woman like a while.

  • Can't she dirt my wig off and almost beat me to death with it?

  • But I kept my husband.

  • I got that sucker home and beat the tar out of way.

  • Gotta hold two redheaded women down here.

  • As a matter of fact, only looked a whole lot like you.

  • You ready way?

  • Go with beautiful story of Joni.

  • Please don't take him.

  • Just beauty is beyond.

  • Compare with flaming locks with green.

  • Your smile is like a spring in your voice.

  • Hey, talks about to sleep, But I can easily understand.

  • You don't know what it means to me.

  • Oh, please you could have your choice of man, but I could never sees the only one for me.

I do a song for you now that a lot of people have been asking for ever since I started doing the dollar show.


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A2 初級

ドリー・パートン - ジョリーン 19880110 (Dolly Parton - Jolene 19880110)

  • 19 1
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日