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welcome to T.
Bids you to be where we talk about all the ridiculous things going on with YouTube right now.
Yeah, it's pretty much influence a brand new segment on the channel, but it does allow us to keep you informed with what's actually going on in this crazy world of YouTube.
So today we're gonna be talking a bit about the future of this channel.
Last week we posted a video talking about YouTube trying to end this channel.
What happened was done in response to their new approach, the family friendly channels.
Now, when the last video was released on November 29th there wasn't much analytical data to analyze.
Since YouTube delays that information by about two days, there also wasn't enough information shared by other creators yet.
But then we did a bit more investigating when we were able to get to the bottom of what's really going on.
So after going back and forth with other creators and analyzing the data on the channel, it seems like most of what happened to TPM Vids has nothing to really do with inappropriate content, but has everything to do with inappropriate comments left by viewers.
We realize this because after a closer look, videos that were affected were videos where the content has nothing whatsoever that could be considered non family friendly.
Like the top 10 best Disney cast members, the top 10 best flat rides, the top 10 Andy's Coming Funny Moments and the top five extinct Disney animatronic characters bite after going through every single comment.
In those videos, there were a few that could have potentially ruined the party.
So on her top 25 performing videos at the time, YouTube detected some words or phrases that they didn't want younger audiences to see.
So their solution was to just disable comments on videos that have hundreds of thousands, if not millions of views, as opposed to deleting the accounts.
Who left these comments?
They decided to punish the Creator instead.
So when they disabled these comments, they completely wiped the video's off YouTube, regardless of whether they're still monetized or night, where they don't appear in any searches or in any recommended videos at all.
Now it's like these videos don't even exist anymore.
When you search extinct Chuck E cheese animatronics.
Our video, with almost one million views, should be one of the first results, but it's nowhere to be seen after pages and pages of YouTube videos.
This video had comments disabled and still has the gray monetization icon, meaning that monetization is removed when you search for extinct Disney animatronics.
Our video that has over 850,000 views is also nowhere to be found.
And this video never had monetization removed but did have comments disabled.
So the only way to see these two videos, as well as all the other 25 is by physically scrolling through the video list on the channel.
Some of you have left comments saying you couldn't find certain videos when he searched for them.
And this is why all the Disney Fail videos have been affected.
Top 10 Fantasmic Secrets and fails Top 10 flat rides Top 10 Disney Animatronics and Chuck E.
Cheese Malfunctions.
Top 10 Disney Ride Fails and Breakdowns Top 10 Great movie Ride, fax and the list just goes on.
Any video you see here on the screen is completely gone from YouTube search and algorithm because of comments left on the videos, we've corresponded with YouTube support over the last week and 1/2 getting the same story of this all being a technical issue on them, never directly answering questions but instead just copying and pasting generic answers.
The worst thing is that these videos that were meant to stay on YouTube for an eternity videos that were meant to preserve theme park Chuck E.
Cheese or Disney history are completely gone for doing nothing wrong because you can't search for them.
And since they no longer appear and recommended, it doesn't allow anyone.
You who isn't already part of the TPM crew to find these videos and the channel.
It sort of defeats the purpose of having videos publicly on YouTube.
So we've contemplated long and hard about this, and there's just too many videos that don't deserve to be forgotten about and basically deleted off the platform.
Way too many hours of work went into creating these episodes, so something needs to be done.
The only way we'll know for sure that these videos will remain on YouTube as if they're re uploaded again to our channel.
You all showed an insane amount of support on these older videos using the hashtag TPM crew, and even with that increased traffic.
YouTube still held these videos down and they're glitch destroying the videos.
Now, I really hope you're okay with the idea, but our proposal is to re upload some of these videos over the next couple weeks.
And if this was just an issue of views trailing off, we could still search or get the video recommended than a re upload wouldn't be necessary.
But YouTube isn't giving answers, and action needs to be taken now.
It's definitely not gonna be all 25 videos, but there's gonna be a handful of them that will start with that really deserve to be back on YouTube, including the top five extinct Disney animatronics Top 10 extinct Chuck E.
Cheese animatronics and Top 10 Disney Ride Fails and Breakdowns.
We're definitely going to go in and fix up some of the edits and possibly the voiceovers as well, so they'll be as polished as possible.
When they go up again.
They won't be directory uploads.
Some things will definitely be edited and changed.
But this doesn't mean that new content won't be coming your way as well.
They're still gonna be new videos posted in addition to these re uploads now If you do see a video title that you recognizes previously being uploaded, please continue to support and watch the videos.
It would really mean a lot.
And hey, it's always better the second time around right now, since this comment issue was discovered, we went through every single video on the channel and deleted over 4000 comments.
But it just had to be done somewhere very necessary to be removed.
But maybe some others weren't.
YouTube hasn't said exactly what words or phrases were detected, but at this point it's just better to be safe than sorry.
So please keep the comments you leave on the channel, clear of any profanity and anything else that might be considered inappropriate.
Like we said in the other video, comments are being monitored very closely now.
And if you've left a comment and find that it's been deleted, this is why I truly believe that with the power of the T.
P M crew, we can definitely get this channel back up to what it was before, and so far you've all been super supportive of this channel and everything that's happening.
So just keep expecting entertaining videos to come.
Your way now, since it's also the holiday season.
It's also a perfect time for some giveaways, So keep your eyes open for those announcements to come very soon in future videos.
Thanks again for listening TPM Crew and I hope you can all continue to support this channel.
Thanks so much for watching Click the TPM icon on the screen to subscribe to this channel and check out some of these other videos, which we're sure you'll like.