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  • first game.

  • I remember playing Los Ah day off the tentacle palm was my first video game.

  • J T A Light stood.

  • First game I played was manic miner me, my mother and my sister.

  • We would play a lot of pong during the weekends was very competitive.

  • Videogames industry is like the medium of our time.

  • It is an absolutely amazing and exciting industry.

  • I want everybody to feel welcome.

  • I want everybody who wants to you to come and work in video games.

  • Women are a vital creative force in every aspect of the creation of major PlayStation four games.

  • These games truly wouldn't have happened without that level of diversity on our team.

  • It's amazing to see how people's idea built on top of each other and keep growing like a snowball.

  • And I don't think there's anything cooler than that.

  • Everybody's really happy to help.

  • I'm happy to help and you become that person after after all the years and he has mentored me from from the beginning.

  • I still remember well, when I interviewed Johanna, that was one of only one of the best fun interviews I ever did.

  • She was so passionate about programming I think women bring a really different set of thoughts and values into into the work environment, which does make an impact on the Games.

  • I've always kind of felt like I could be whoever I wanted to be in games, and that's one of the exciting things that has drawn me to wanting to work in this industry.

  • I'm able to be a mum on DDE, be up a working woman, and I've always felt that my company supports me and everyone around me supports that.

  • Here in the studio, we have women.

  • Major roles like Jessie has been a huge inspiration for me as well as Amelia.

  • They're very strong and they inspire other people would be the same.

  • I think it's difficult for any one person to create worlds that feel believable for everyone.

  • When you have diversity, especially in a team that allows us to create games, you're just more authentic.

  • It is truly a place where you can, through your merit and hard work and experience, have a place at the table and really achieve great things as a team.

  • My advice for someone trying to get into the industry as well is contact all the companies that you want to wait for.

  • Ask questions and don't be afraid to move forward.

  • If you fail, that's fine.

  • Don't give up.

  • Play more games that will wider your experience.

  • You need to keep learning and enjoy learning and be passionate about what you do.

  • There is absolutely a place for women.

  • I see it, I live it.

  • And I think every woman here at Santa Monica studio sees it.

  • We still have some work to dio, but we as a tribe of women, can get there, and I'm very proud to be a part of that.

first game.


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A2 初級

プレイステーション|国際女性人権デー2019 (PlayStation | Journée internationale des droits des femmes 2019)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日