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  • Oh, they're our neighbors.

  • Evanson.

  • Do you actually know the distance between the two clubs?

  • Too close.

  • Too close.

  • Close.

  • People normally estimate about a mile.

  • Last time it was measured was in May.

  • AM on the distance was 43 points.

  • Hello.

  • Welcome to Anfield.

  • We're gonna be doing the tour today, and I mean with Danny.

  • Danny, Hello?

  • Hello.

  • Right.

  • We can't wait.

  • I'm sure your one see what it's like inside the ground.

  • Probably being outside.

  • You peed in the stands.

  • But Danny and I are gonna take you inside the stadium inside.

  • I'm field.

  • We always start our Liverpool FC tours with the Great Mind Big.

  • Who made it all happen?

  • Because without him, I wouldn't be in the job and no one will come on the tour.

  • So Liverpool, because without him, we wouldn't be very relevance.

  • We wouldn't be to success on the global attraction that we ask today.

  • He put us on the map not only in England, but in your Oppa's well on In 1965 ones are best.

  • We believe we wasted 73 years, so we're not First they called him back then in the sixties, yet more prestigious than winning the league.

  • Everything has won the F A A way hadn't wanted, and they used to take the Mick out of those, Thank God Tables of 10.

  • Now the most handsome Spanish man I've ever seen in my life, Raffa Benitez gets a high five because he wanted number five and Istanbul, the medical of Istanbul, just 10 12 going into cardiac arrest on my living room, for I could not believe what I was witness.

  • And honestly, it was just unbelievable, mate.

  • We'll never forget it.

  • And what about now?

  • What about them when you're 12 year old Danny, just 12 year old Danny thinks he works in.

  • Exactly.

  • I would never have imagined that I was away from here one day telling people about this night when I was watching it.

  • Then, honestly, it's a dream come true to represent the Court 12 to supporters on a daily basis about that, the night that we've all witnessed.

  • And there's plenty more to come as well with this manager with this team, the good times about honey, I just can't wait for every game.

  • Now.

  • This is the country where the TV commentators and cameramen would sit on a match day.

  • It's actually 15 meters higher than the old one used to be there before the main stands was extended.

  • So if you look behind us, this those 94 meters and something 94 rows buck and on all the way up there, you need binoculars.

  • You actually suck it up there.

  • I'm long sighted, so it doesn't affect me.

  • But yet Martin Tyler, Gary Neville, Jamie Carragher, the likes of them.

  • They would all sit here on a much day in a Martin Thailand.

  • Not care about what he says says this is the best country, that he sits in the milieu.

  • Look at the view only you got a view down there.

  • You also exactly.

  • If you look ahead, the seer Kenny Dalglish stunned status.

  • The stands named after him on it doesn't even sitting.

  • He sits in the main stand here, but I'm I shouldn't sit in here look unorganized and your name is a and they're easy and they So what's the difference between this tour on?

  • Let's say the burn about our new come, You can come on a guided tour, which is an 80 minute tour, and you're taking around the state and by guys like me.

  • Sell it because this just isn't for me.

  • This today is that this is you.

  • This is you every day.

  • This is Danny.

  • Every day.

  • This is my job.

  • This is what I do.

  • I talk.

  • Hold the Reds football in general to supporters from around the world.

  • So what we're looking at no, is the original main stands seats these seats from the main stuns when faced opens in 1906 And we stayed here until May 2016.

  • So hundreds in 10 years, these were the main stand seats.

  • And if you sit on them, but not the most comfortable things you know, health.

  • They've seen some sights on.

  • There's Jordan Henderson about lift number six.

  • I don't how many times I've watched the footage.

  • Can you do a dance studio?

  • What an amazing nice one achievements by this group of players.

  • And this is only the beginning.

  • This is the beginning of something special.

  • And why not start with the biggest trophy looking for space?

  • We've got to fill their number seven their number eighth.

  • This is the European Boulevard section of the tour.

  • So the only includes our European trophies here on that Parise did you go to with Certainly did went to its wife.

  • So where it started in Elland Road really done the train to the end by the life building?

  • Amazing.

  • I am.

  • I went to be Obviously, I went to the parades in 2005.

  • That was amazing as a kid going this time with me.

  • Gail friends as well.

  • And you've never seen a parade.

  • She's actually a lead support.

  • Actually believe fun.

  • Yeah, she's from Leeds.

  • So it's all right.

  • She's a leak.

  • And ice.

  • It's fun.

  • Fully embedded into the Liverpool culture.

  • I saw her to see this on.

  • She said it was just unbelievable thing.

  • And she lives in the city centre and seeing the Pact of Liverpool supporters on Ran in red everywhere.

  • Fire work, Welcome in our heroes Home life Birds Red again.

  • What a night!

  • What a night!

  • What a day This is the players dining area and the computer after Game six, and you get to get here like an hour before that.

  • So afterwards in the game wants to be in legging it round for 90 minutes expended all that energy pressing.

  • This is where they come and get the carbs in the air in this room.

  • What I love about it if you look over here.

  • Governors teammates relieved as family yang box for lost feet, and here we are, in the changing room of the champions of the order about it.

  • So this this is the actual changing.

  • This isn't something for the tour's benefit.

  • No, this isn't something that the club of dawn to say.

  • Let's just keep him out.

  • This is the actual A lot of a lot of customers do ask that question, they say.

  • Is this the actual change in real?

  • Because you think we've got, like, replicas of these areas like, Is that 100% thistles where most sits on a much today?

  • This is most Corbett ready pushes for long guns.

  • That's where the charges a Spohn Jesus my from thes of the actual seats off my players.

  • What's so great about this room is it's soundproof, so the players can play more like their music for motivation, a lot of them into hip hop on, like playing stuff like that before the game.

  • Especially Jimmy.

  • One album.

  • He's supposed to be the little players deejay booth, newest tracks and everything in this room, it's saying, also, we can adjust the temperatures to see players there.

  • The away seems wasn't after benefits to the old one years ago famously used to have a slippy floor.

  • It did so our flows always being non slip for packing.

  • Chunk Lisi, already awaiting dressing room, used to be a normal floor.

  • Found someone make it shines.

  • Shankly would make someone do that to do that anymore.

  • Or do we play a little bit way Play Nice and out way play nice, but we've still got Our psychological advantage is so what Shankly used to get aimed the cleanest, polishing the floor continuously to make it nice and slippy for the opposition and hopes.

  • And And he made the doors of the whole team, changing the two inches narrow where two inches short.

  • So when the away team was waiting in the tunnel, our players walking out the door for the would look like giants and all these little things a little psychological advantages which get into the opponent's head.

  • So here we are, the walk that everybody wants to do.

  • What I'm looking off.

  • I act on this war before you get to do everything, I do it every day, maybe a little bit.

  • Bad weather book.

  • What's what.

  • You must see people's faces when they come down that tunnel, it Amis and like the lies lights on and people say, Oh, it's life changing, But you gotta If you're a small kid, you You're a big old kid.

  • That's that's a big thing we see on TV, even not only the kids, but the adults as well.

  • Delighted kids in a candy store like comin out on Dhe.

  • See in this standing where Jorgen stuns walking away the players, this is the closest the majority office will ever get to the pitch.

  • I am so getting this close to the pitch and get a feel for the auction.

  • It's really unbelievable.

  • It is.

  • You can just feel the magic, all that you can feel the power of it.

  • This is the home team Dugout.

  • Jurgen Klopp seat is the bottom left one Dunning.

  • Did I hear right?

  • Someone told me.

  • I don't know are true.

  • This is But these are heated.

  • The Arctic Sea away Don't go.

  • Isn't that struck?

  • Very true.

  • We thought we'd save on the lefty bills there.

  • And but no, if we don't take a piss, they don't take personal because that happens a lot in the grounds around the country.

  • The away team isn't.

  • He's at the home.

  • Team is.

  • That's a benefit A lot of stadiums have installed along home advantage for a reason.

  • But something I've noticed this season is Jurgen Klopp's changed the seat, so he used to be in this Sam 1st 1 Now he's sitting in the 2nd 1 As he explained, There's not explained it.

  • The are the most unused seats in the in the staging.

  • Let's face it, he's always stands on end.

  • Ryland is players on board, he asked.

  • Change seats and I don't know the reason for that.

  • I'm very curious as to why he's gonna Nyoni.

  • Guess would be.

  • He wants to be able to speak to both of his assistance, Peter another side of him.

  • So maybe that's why he's so used to sit in between them.

  • But this pitch as well as you can see it's getting caught by our groundsman and it is courts five days a week on on a much day.

  • That's why it's looking like a carpet.

  • It's 97% real grass on 3% plastic fibers, which seats way beneath surface in known this vessel in death, so is manufactured unimportant.

  • All that from Collins just binds the grass to gather.

  • So when it's a slide tackle, what a player slides on the menus for the bowl celebration.

  • Your asshole guy grass specialist?

  • Well, well, yeah, you got to know these things.

  • Is something else interesting about it is underneath the pitch.

  • It's 16 miles off on two grounds piping in, which allows the picture to be pleased on an ice, frost, snow or conditions.

  • Right?

  • So that's it.

  • We're here in front of the cop.

  • That's the end.

  • It's all all I can say is going it, Dani, Thank you.

Oh, they're our neighbors.


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INSIDE ANFIELD|リバプールFCスタジアムツアー (INSIDE ANFIELD | The Liverpool FC Stadium Tour)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日