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  • shoot.

  • What's up, you guys?

  • It's Warren and I decided to film appeal box video.

  • Finally, I've been saying that I'm gonna blow my p o box video for the longest time, but I finally am doing it.

  • So here we go.

  • So I have some boxes that, like I have some boxes that, like, already open, actually already open, like all of them.

  • And you sent me something trying to your box.

  • And I don't open in this video.

  • Just know that I have opened it.

  • I have seen it, but there was a lot of stuff.

  • I'm not focused and my focus on me.

  • But the focus on me, my first package, I it was already open because I said I would open a lot of things.

  • Was him Caroline?

  • Caroline?

  • Caroline Rodriguez.

  • Um, she's up candy and good.

  • Already obviously.

  • Nn nn E O s.

  • I didn't open the U S yet.

  • It's blue.

  • Larry, I need that.

  • My lips are across the luscious human in my life right now.

  • Come on, focus.

  • Look, Evangeline.

  • Oh, you sexy music.

  • I also have gone cushions.

  • She thinks my breast.

  • Thanks.

  • My next package comes from Angie Santana.

  • She set me up.

  • Let me just tell you guys like I cannot express to you how soft this thing is like it is going right on my bed.

  • I'll be sleeping on this every night.

  • It's lit.

  • Alan.

  • Hurry to your She also sent me so easily.

  • What are these?

  • This is probably door.

  • It was a mirror.

  • Worse.

  • Oh, my God.

  • My lips are so crossed.

  • You and then I got this.

  • It's a magnet.

  • Can see that you focus it.

  • That's cool.

  • And she also sent down food and no, no, you said so tired.

  • Oh, my God.

  • Well, that was fun as a rock.

  • It's a good though.

  • She's any water to Let's read.

  • Her letter was injured.

  • One of your big belly.

  • I love you too, Angie.

  • Thank you for the beautiful game.

  • I'm from Puerto Rico, and I'm sending you this.

  • See?

  • You know you have a fan over here.

  • The doors that's your full towns and inspired me to make videos just like you do.

  • I want you some gifts.

  • So you don't remember me actually being paid dedicated to you?

  • You are following.

  • You have families, sweetness.

  • I mean the world.

  • If you follow me on my personal account, which I Wells.

  • I'm gonna put this over here so I can follow you when I don't get it.

  • Huh?

  • I don't think you, Angie for begin.

  • Really nice of you.

  • Next.

  • This is from E Towe.

  • I did?

  • I don't know.

  • I was there any Enbrel e to?

  • I took her letter, actually got stuck, but excludes you.

  • Follow me on Twitter.

  • And she's really coarse text.

  • Mary.

  • No, he said these things called melty kiss.

  • They looked like this water focus or anything here melty kiss.

  • And I'm not sure they are.

  • We're about to find out you're a little packages like that.

  • That's different.

  • They are melting green tea.

  • Chocolate there.

  • What?

  • I want to open.

  • Oh, I'm not smart.

  • Chopsticks.

  • So which I don't know how to use chopsticks, but I'm gonna learn.

  • So that was all from E Tau.

  • Thank you so much for your little gifts.

  • Thrilling night.

  • Thank you.

  • The next one comes from, um may I feel like I'm butchering everyone's name there solely from Japan because a lot of my twitter following comes from Japan.

  • So we'll look at her a letter.

  • It's Oregon.

  • We're gonna bury.

  • They folded it special.

  • I consider that work on crazy.

  • How nice the handwriting is.

  • I am confused.

  • The longer I'm Japanese high school student.

  • You're 18.

  • You're gonna writing English.

  • I'm sorry.

  • It's okay.

  • I understand you're doing great.

  • I want to write a letter to have a friend who lives in Washington.

  • You see, she loves you.

  • She introduced me to Warren.

  • Why have your instagram?

  • I was surprised because you're very beautiful.

  • I admire you.

  • Think you are You interested in Japanese things?

  • Yes.

  • If you want anything, please tell me.

  • I will send you later.

  • What?

  • Would you do me a favor?

  • I'd like you, son.

  • Signed photo.

  • I should send a signed photo.

  • I will.

  • I've been rooting for you from Japan.

  • I want to go to Japan.

  • That would be so much fun.

  • But she sent me candy.

  • A little bag.

  • This is makeup.

  • Tokyo Disneyland.

  • That's sick.

  • And this song?

  • Well, post it notes with sushi on chocolate.

  • So thank you.

  • It's so my next box comes from the Mari Rodriguez and she sent me.

  • Writer Hey, I've gotten letters from her before.

  • Laura, it's me again.

  • I'm so happy you enjoyed the stickers.

  • I hope you like.

  • This is Well, I also saw a baby damn e g g which I will put that over there in the emu.

  • So a lot about something, This thing, me and Joey.

  • And it's Q and it says one love.

  • Our love is a journey starting at forever and ending at never trill girl dies.

  • Cute, very kind gesture.

  • Thank you.

  • Tomorrow you are sweet, sweet girl Next package.

  • There's one more.

  • There's one more thing it is Mom lay in by lying.

  • I don't know how to serenade.

  • You sent me a phone case, which I'm a put on her word.

  • Wait, Just gonna fit my phone.

  • I'm scared.

  • Oh, doesn't fit.

  • Okay, well, I'll give it to my mom because my mother has an iPhone five, but it's a very, very pretty phone case.

  • I I also got a package from Chloe.

  • I've talked to Chloe before, so I don't I mean, I have it, like, in my room, so I don't, like, pick out everything she said to show you, but just know Chloe sent me back in your shirt like this, and I'm gonna be wearing that this summer.

  • because this shirt is like, really nice.

  • To be honest, I also got a lot of Christmas cards because I filmed us around Christmas.

  • It was like Christmas P o box opening video.

  • So cute little critters parts.

  • But the people, though, um, the people at the post office opened my Christmas cards like Why?

  • Why must you open my Christmas cards?

  • Nobody's Interpol butting in there.

  • No one's giving money.

  • It's just a nice gesture.

  • Just a nice card to say thank you.

  • And I support you, not money.

  • Post office people.

  • Here's a package I never opened.

  • Oh, yes, I did.

  • She wrote this That's really cool hanging out of my wallet.

  • She playing out a drawing of me.

  • He have a little but thank you a bracelet of Rainbow Loom bracelet, which I get a lot of these I haven't like, all stacked up, and I wear them sometimes, Samuel Herrmann said.

  • Candies and a hair tie and more bracelets.

  • Just a bunch of tough time stuff.

  • And I think she sent me a ring also with an L on it, cause I opened this before and I know what she's not me.

  • It doesn't say who came, Robert, but thank you.

  • Whoever sent all the cool stuff from Thank you.

  • I like E.

  • Okay, so I don't want the city to be too long.

  • I've already been filling for 20 minutes.

  • Really?

  • I am so truly grateful that I have such amazing supporters who send me awesome stuff like this and take time out of their day to writing letters and all that stuff.

  • So if you send me something Thank you.

  • Have you haven't Thank you for support me watching my videos and any blood, So I'm gonna go hang up this stuff and I'll see you guys.

  • My video piece can't stop it.



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A2 初級

私書箱オープン #1|ローレン・グレイ (PO BOX OPENING #1 | Loren Gray)

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日