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  • had it.

  • It's too much pressure.

  • America is Burger Nirvana.

  • But to truly appreciate what it has to offer, you gotta hit the road.

  • There's so many regional burgers after we've barely scratched the surface to get a glimpse of the past.

  • This place is the most historically significant hamburger restaurant in America and gain insight into the future.

  • I don't think any chef has ever gone up against a robot to me.

  • Oh, a burger.

  • Moment of truth.

  • Man versus machine.

  • Alvin Cailan for the Burger Show creator.

  • I'm on a mission to expand my burger horizons, and I'm calling on some friends, old and new.

  • Help me along the way.

  • We're gonna try and debunk a few burger mitts.

  • Don't salt your Patties before you grind it.

  • If you look at an onion, there's two different ways of cutting.

  • This'd is like a Jedi I Yoda moment.

  • Is she ready for this?

  • I'm tired.

  • I'm hungry.

  • I'm hung over this burger.

  • We sort of called the Lacy Edge burger.

  • Can we call it the laces?

  • Stacey?

  • Shut out, Stacy.

  • I don't think you can compare that regular cheeseburger.

  • You just can't.

  • That was insane with steamed cheeseburger or something else when you see this.

  • Cheers, man.

  • Not solid record.

  • Whoa!

  • That's way different.

  • The Burger Force is really with you.

  • Let's eat.

had it.


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バーガーショー シーズン3がやってきた予告編)|ザ・バーガー・ショー (The Burger Show Season 3 Is Here! (Trailer) | The Burger Show)

  • 4 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日