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removing it.
They're removing all the stores.
When I was there, they were like they were having some sort of a close out sale because they were they were getting shut down.
I don't know if that's since been amended or fixed, but sucks on When you when you moved in when he moved in, I was like, Okay, this kid's fucking pissing me off.
He's not picking up his shit.
He'd not Not doing his dishes, he eats.
My mom did all that for me, and I'm like, Okay, either could get pissed off and kick him out.
But then I realized I'm like, he doesn't even know he doesn't even know.
So I'm gonna work them.
I'm gonna try to treat him like my little brother and help him.
And he was willing to, like, kind of follow along.
And then he started slowly starting to eat.
Better start to eat spinach and his back problems started to go away.
And what kind of background?
I just my back would always heard.
Always inflamed always.
I don't know what it was.
I just walked in.
I remember getting it looked at my lower lower back.
It was it was It was nothing.
It was literally from eating shitty food.
Just all the inflammation from all the shitty food.
I was eaten, and I didn't know that at the time I remember my mom took me in there.
I got their backs.
But it hurts so bad.
I started eating more anti inflammatories, started making shakes with spinach and almond milk and blueberries and cheeses.
I started eating healthier and I'd slowly noticed, like, feel better started.
So I started getting Maurine the eating healthier.
I remember just recently, um, I get a vegan diet for six months and the people on Instagram hate me now that I don't You get that anymore.
You go off vegan diet, man.
That's like when you become a Muslim.
A pasta.
Seriously, I don't want death to you.
Yeah, I've been posting pictures.
I posted a picture of I got this, um, grass fed beef jerky for the whole food gesture.
Got pride 30 40 messages.
Why don't you dig anymore?
I don't just mean like people.
They were mad at me for not being a vegan diet anymore, but I I would say I ate that big night for six months.
But I did.
I incorporated eggs into it.
I just couldn't.
Wasn't eating enough, But I never I never felt bad.
I didn't feel worse.
I just didn't feel great.
Once I started eating good quality meat again, I felt my energy levels I'd wake up.
My energy levels were way higher.
I just felt more aggressive.
I felt more like manly.
So figures right now getting angry in the tender insides, right?
Oh, yeah.
Lost the Contender.
Siri's fight.
He weighed £138.
He was a vegan.
At that time.
I walked sick Lease Just like skinny.
There's more to that, too.
Then they just had a concussion.
A bad concussion.
Three weeks out from that fight against Alfred and licking tender Siri's.
I remember waking up in the middle night puke ing.
I couldn't train.
Um, remember, I even woke up with a little headache going into the fight, remember?
Was from, um yeah, I was from sparring, hit hard.
And I remembered my but I knew this is a huge opportunity.
Um, I like the match up.
I knew I had to go out there and perform, but yeah, I was.
I weighed in at 1 36 I walked into the cage at 1 38 like I was.
And you can even look.
Go back.
I looked.
Go back and look at that video.
I look just unhealthy, but and all were Yeah, I just I was so skinny.
I was like, £138 right there.
Yeah, but I still dropped his ass.
Two weeks later, we went toe Hang out there, Buddy Scott Holtman U F c for UFC, Fresno, and Dr Andy Galpin was with him for the week on a new sugar was with me.
He watched what the health, and that's what turned him vegan.
So I made sure to ask Dr Andy in front of Sugar said, How much would Shawn benefit from eating like elk or grass fed meat twice a week?
He's like, fucking hugely, hugely.
And then Sean right there made the decision.
I'm gonna start like this guy's telling if this if he this smart and he's telling me that some good quality meats gonna benefit me, I would be stupid to not take him up on that and do that.
So and I don't regret.
I feel so good eating meat again if you're way stronger.
It's hard when you see those documents, and also you get a lot of positive reinforcement from other vegans that are very happy that you're vegan.
Love that you joined the team and look, people want to be healthy.
And for the most part, eating vegetables is very healthy.
The problem is, there's a lot of nutrients that you're going to really have to search for if you're just eating plants and it's the protein is not as by available.
The amino acids or not is bio available.
It's very hard to get vitamin B without supplementation.
There's a lot of shit that you're just not going to get, and they like bang for your buck in terms with the amount of nutrients that you get in, like a small grass fed steak versus a big plate of broccoli.
It's just not the same, and they don't wanna admit it.
And a lot of these feelings, I think those what the health guys I had them on when they did cow spirit.
See, I think they mean well, but they are fucking true believers, and they dare not trying to put together a documentary that states all the facts objectively.
They're doing a vegan propaganda film and on it debunked a shitload of the things we had.
Actual nutritionists analyze what they were saying go over the studies, and they debunked a shitload of what they put in that film.
That film is propaganda film, and it gets a lot of people thinking that this is the way to go, is gonna reverse heart disease and help your body.
And but they get so many things wrong.
Meat does not cause diabetes like this is nonsense like that when they do these studies with people, especially like studies that they do on people that show that people that eat me more than five times a week have a higher incidence of heart disease.
All these different things.
They don't measure what else they eat.
These people that are eating meat all the time, or eating fries and shakes and soda.
And you're not analyzing someone who eats sauteed spinach and olive oil and a piece of grass fed beef for bison or elk or something that no, you're getting some assholes, even Jack in the box like Yeah, that stuff's terrible.
For its fucking sugar and refined carbohydrates and nonsense and trans fats.
It's just terrible for you if there's, there's no studies that show that eating clean like people have eaten for thousands of years.
I mean literally.
If meat caused cancer, 97% of the planet would have cancer, that's that's the numbers that eat meat on a regular basis.
It's like 95 plus percent rock.
And then those people like that are vegans.
They're like, almost try a vegan diet and they're eating all these veggies, getting these nutrients that they didn't get before.
They're like, I feel fucking kid off that bullshit diet.
You stop eating Jack the Star Jack in the box in the middle of night.
Sometimes I do go to us for comfort.
Don't it's not.
It's just fast food shaped food, processed food, you know, that's what the problem is.
There's like people you're saying like Rama and I like Rahman every now and then.
Fuck it tastes good, but it's not good for you.
I couldn't eat.
I just like knowing what?
That what?
That what it does your by knowing you are what you e It's how I can't.
I can't cheat.
I can't do it.
If I know that's not gonna benefit my body, I can't eat it.
It's are what you eat, like 100%.
And it's so simple.
You know, it's such a sum, but such a simple phrase.
But literally your body is made out of what you eat.
That mouth pleasure.
I know you're high damn an ice cream sundae with hot fudge.
But there's so there's all these healthy you can.
You can replace all of that with healthy stuff.
Yeah, I haven't had Nick Ito ice cream, but I've heard good things.
Some people said that there are some stevia sweetened or zyla tall, sweet and Kato ice cream doesn't fuck with your body.
That new halo top man has that coconut sweetened coconut milk and Stevie, it's pretty tasty.
Yeah, well, there's there's stuff that you can eat that is good.
And of course, fruit.
You know, eating healthy fruit mean Look, man, a nice, delicious ripe peach is about It's fucking good as any bullshit Fucking fake dessert.
You're gonna get anywhere.
Just we don't appreciate it because we think of it as being like a healthy choice.
So it doesn't.
You don't get that.
I'm being a naughty boy.
Reward that you get from, you know, having a banana split or something.
It's just not worth it.
Functioned like to sleep up?
Yep, It fucks your blood sugar, and that's I think it's crazy that most people don't know, like, God, I just eaten and I'm tired and I just get started again.
They just don't know about those blood sugar.
Fucking yeah, the insulin spikes And I had a regular coke the other day like, uh, Danica several weeks ago for the first time in years.
How come?
Ah, well, just whatever it was there said, I haven't had a Coke and forever let me have a Coke.
And it was just like it was like drinking syrup like this.
Sugary, It was, like, felt thick when it was when I was chucking it down like a stomach.
No, no, but I did feel like shit after I was down.
Like, Whoa, I feel terrible.
But how many people drink those fucking things every day?
1st 40 to 34 ounces of pop, It's hard.
It's hard because it's ho, you're surrounded with two, like, Fuck, dude, if you're strong with everyone like, Oh, come on, pussy, Just have a good time.
Enjoy your life.
You're like pocket, right?
And then you're like exactly that zone.
Like who gets such a common thing?
You are who you surround yourself with.
People don't I don't know.
It's like I'm so lucky that when I was surrounded myself with Tim like he introduced me to eating healthy.
I remember when I was 19 I moved to the lab every day.
We have pro practice.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, every day I was going to the coffee shop and reading mind Jim.
Books meant not like all these mental books, and we're doing it the other way of reading, constantly improving each other, wanting to get better, wanted to help each other improve.
And that's it was so important for me to You are who you surround yourself with, and I see people not surrounded with themselves with the the best people they could be around to trap.
Yeah, it's a terrible trap, and sometimes those people that are not the best people are really fun to be around the problem.
I have distractions like keeping you back from wanting to be the very like.
I want to be the best bantamweight in the world.
Like what's keeping you people back from wanting to be the best of them and distractions people who are fun to be around alcohol.
You know, even women like certain foods like distractions of what's keeping you back from one to be the best, you know.
So just our brains are crazy.
Brains are nuts.
I mean, just Well, you gotta think about just what you do for a living.
I mean, just that alone's crazy, right?
The desire to be a professional fighter desire toe fucking kick people in the head and choke him and have them try to do it to you.
And this is what excites you and that this is what's driving you to go to the gym to improve constantly at.
I mean, that alone is crazy, you know, And then these other people that are living their lives and drinking too much and smoking too much and eating shitty foods.
And you know, they that's their path, you know, they're there, but they're path is not compatible with your path.
That's the big key.