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Hi, I'm Grace Vendrell, and this is everything I do in a day on tour.
What time I wake up depends on on touring in summer or not, because if I'm trying in somewhere, I'll like sleeping whatever, like usually 11 or something.
But if I'm doing school, that kind of sucks.
And my mom went to school.
If I have school, I wake up at, like nine or 10.
The first thing I do is like, I guess the stretch, maybe, but not like a yogurt stretch more just like, you know, I mean, after a stretch, I usually like half nap for, like, another 10 minutes like it's not sleeping, but it's not not sleeping.
Then I'll just like walk.
Whoever the bathroom is, wherever I am in the world, like a hotel or my house or a bus and probably Gopi probably fresh tea.
I'm usually really thirsty when I wake up, so probably get a drink of water.
Yeah, I wake up with Bedhead a loss since I usually go to sleep with my hair wet, but I don't mind.
I think some bed head can be cute.
Sometimes I actually try to like, do that like I'll braid my hair and stuff.
Well, it's what?
But like if you're talking about like, not waves like the weird thing, like where your hair was on the pillow where no one goes up.
I usually just, like, take a bunch of water and, like, put it on my head or, like wear a hat for the rest of the day or put it up or the options are really endless.
I don't know why people complain about bad when I wake up.
I don't reach their life because they usually don't sleep with my phone.
If I was waiting for something when I went to sleep, I might check it like right after I get out of the bathroom.
While I'm like going downstairs like total my dogs or something.
My one dog comes with me I've had for two years now and use my child.
If you have me, you have Frankie.
The APS I usually check are my email.
Pinterest Snapchat.
What's up?
I love Fincher's.
I can plan out my entire life like it doesn't matter what's going on.
Like once they start getting really into it like your feet will just start getting more and more perfect for you.
It's like magic right now.
I'm working on my future house.
Um, press style performances, music videos.
I sometimes eat breakfast most of time.
I don't I don't know.
Usually they have catering on tours.
So, like, I just kind of grabbed whatever they have.
Bread, bread, of course.
If there's Brad, I'm gonna eat the bread, you know, in classic bread with a little butter.
Ooh, yeah.
I usually like to do school terms.
I was just on tour with Florence in the machine now string school.
Um, my favorite subjects is probably English English Homework is so easy.
I knocked that out so fast.
Math homework is more of a struggle.
It usually takes up the whole three hours.
Lunch is actually my favorite meals of the day.
So I look forward to lunch a lot on tour lunches killer because it's not just chips, you know, I can beautiful catering.
I like all different foods for lunch.
It depends on my mood, but I think they'll always Winner is pasta.
My favorite food is pasta and love pasta.
I could actually have pasta for breakfast, lunch and dinner easily and dessert and possibly a desert.
I'm sure that it can.
Normally, I'm not fully done with school, so it takes a really long time cause I'm like trying to Salt Lake for going back.
Sometimes I can do my schoolwork and which is nice, but I'd rather just get much, Usually have a lot of free time after lunch.
Getting ready involves lots of music, a lot of Rex Orange County, um, a lot of random songs that I couldn't tell you who thereby.
I like to like, keep it high because I cry a lot under stress.
Happy light, chill.
You know, whatever e.
I always doing.
Hair and makeup on tour, right?
I usually put a lot more like foundation on in case I'm like getting red or like sweaty, never glossy lips.
Who that's a bad idea.
Don't do that.
If I actually just did my hair makeup, we would probably take like 25 minutes.
But it takes like 45 minutes.
I take a lot of Yeah, Frankie's always around when I'm getting ready when I'm performing when I'm eating school.
Sound checks are usually around six ish sound checks.
They're kind of our rehearsals.
It's my tour.
I can subject for a song as I want, but usually on the openers that we only have like 15 minutes.
So we try to just do the most important songs.
My favorite songs to sing are definitely probably escaped my mind and you're so beautiful.
I like that they're more high energy than my other songs.
Sound checking.
We definitely look for, like, the levels in our ears to make sure like I can hear myself are in a band and all that boring stuff.
Sometimes it's rushed, but we're already pretty sure when it comes to that kind of.
Now it's like 7 45 Hey, Grace, we have your ears for you.
Okay, Cool.
Put in my ears.
All right, then, like 7 50 Walking out.
7 55 Stand huddle.
Get on stage 8 45 tonight Get offstage.
9 38 Pizza.
Go back to the bus and from there I do basically nothing.
I like running.
Get my normal clothes on.
Take a fine because I'm usually really excited to eat after a show.
So I like China know already is fastballs always have dinner.
After the show always.
Pizza's always for dinner.
If we get pizza, I can.
They can range from one hour to, like, three hours.
Like picking on this pizza after that.
I just kind of don't look at the time into whatever until I fall asleep.
I usually am on my phone the most at night.
Usually Just comfy clothes, lots of water.
No, there was such a lie.
Grace, stop.
I do have, like, a lot of, like Sona.
Like Jews, TV.
I like SpongeBob sometimes, but I have to be in the right mood for SpongeBob.
I like new girl.
Um I really love Broad City.
That show is so good.
I love re watching movies like I go to sleep at, like, 12 but I just lay in bed for lying and go my own itself.
The buses leave at night, so we wake up at whatever.
What is that?
What is the word for like out Mom?
What is that called when we go to those things?
Like with the big parking lot.
Like what is that, like a concert space?
An amphitheater.
Sometimes you wake up, like at the amphitheater, so it's like a big parking lot.
So I wake up on the bus at the new place and it all starts over.
Thank you.