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  • Right now, the 11th Annual Art Van Charity Challenge is underway.

  • 50 nonprofits are competing for $250,000.

  • Joining us this morning to talk more about the charity challenges.

  • Diane Charles, vice president, president of corporate communications.

  • How exciting is this?

  • The 11th annual.

  • Can you believe it?

  • Mr.

  • Van started this for the 50th anniversary some 10 years ago, and it's just grown every year.

  • And it's such a great opportunity for charities to raise awareness, raised new donors and then obviously win possibly $100,000 grant.

  • Yeah, break down the charity challenge a little bit for those who don't know well, So the way it works is that we have 50 charities vying for this $250,000 in grants.

  • The one that raises the most amount of money over a three week period will win $100,000 2nd place 50003rd 25,000 down to about $5000.

  • And then we have bonus challenges along the way to really incentivize these charities.

  • So the goal is to raise a $1,000,000.

  • Wow, And do we know who's in the lead yet?

  • We don't know this daily.

  • Yes, it's It's all live on our website at Art Van Charity Challenge dot com.

  • And there is the Boys and Girls Club of Northwest Indiana that's got about almost 200,000 rays.

  • Wow, amazing.

  • But we have 15 Metro Detroit charities, including know us the Noah Project, and we have New Day Foundation and Hope Network.

  • So there's a lot of opportunity for viewers to donate, and every $5 will go a long way.

  • Well, I was going to say that because you know, not to be biased, but I kind of want a Metro Detroit charity to win.

  • So how can viewers get involved?

  • So all they have to do is go to Art Van Charity challenge dot com.

  • They can look for the charity of their choice and then make a donation, and there's no limit to the donation.

  • Now, the video that we had just pulled up right before we started there was a familiar, beautiful face.

  • You want to tell us about who else is involved in this?

  • Sure.

  • So for the last several years, our spokesperson, Cindy Cross Crawford, has been our charity challenge Ambassador.

  • You know, she is beautiful on the outside, but she's more beautiful on the inside and she really believes in giving back.

  • And we are so fortunate to have her as our spokesperson.

  • And she she does videos and she visits with all the charity.

  • So it's awesome.

  • You know what?

  • Overall, let me just ask, Why would a company like Art Van that's so successful in their own way just be so involved in trying to help the community?

  • You know what it was?

  • One of the tenants that Mr Van started some 60 years ago is to always support the communities in which we serve.

  • And he just always felt like that.

  • And that tradition that legacy continues today.

  • You could say you could sleep well at night, then by a bed, bed frame from art Fan and then know that goes to Cherry.

  • All you guys are so involved in the community, you could definitely sleep well within our lab, said Raymond Bed, right.

  • We're gonna pose more information on our Web site at w x y z dot com.

Right now, the 11th Annual Art Van Charity Challenge is underway.


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アートバンチャリティーチャレンジ (Art Van Charity Challenge)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日