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  • politics Now the race for the White House just two days until the next votes, this time in South Carolina.

  • Front runner Bernie Sanders, hoping to keep his momentum.

  • But Joe Biden looking for his first big win on the heels of napping, a crucial endorsement from one of the state's leading figures, Congressman Jim Clyburn.

  • Mary Bruce is live in Charleston with the state of the race this morning.

  • Mary.

  • Good morning.

  • Good morning, Tom.

  • Well, this is a make or break moment for Joe Biden, but this morning he is confident that he is the one to beat here on Saturday.

  • The big question then is, will it make a difference?

  • Will it be enough to propel him to other big wins?

  • Or is it simply too late to derail Bernie Sanders?

  • This'll morning in South Carolina With less than 48 hours to go, Joe Biden is promising a comeback as he fends off front runner Bernie Sanders.

  • I promise you this.

  • If you send me out of South Carolina with a victory, there will be no stopping.

  • Biden is counting on support from African American voters to deliver his first win, the former vice president getting a boost from South Carolina's most powerful Democrat, Congressman Jim Cry Bird.

  • I know Joe, we know Joe, but most importantly, knows us.

  • The big question.

  • Will it be enough to stall?

  • Sanders is mo mentum, He says Biden doesn't have what it takes to go the distance.

  • Joe is a friend of mine in a decent guy.

  • But that is not the voting record or the history that is gonna excite people.

  • Bring them into the political process and be trouble.

  • Now this morning, the candidates are already looking beyond South Carolina to those delegate rich states that are up for grabs on Super Tuesday, many of them launching new multi $1,000,000 national advise and already moving on to campaign more aggressively in those states.

  • Tom, it is crunch time in this race.

  • All right, Mary, thank you.

  • As you just mentioned the South Carolina primary right after that, come Super Tuesday, 16 contests, essentially a national primary.

  • George will be anchoring our special coverage with our political team, starting at 8 p.m. Eastern.

  • Hi, everyone.

  • George Stephanopoulos here.

  • Thanks for checking out the ABC News YouTube channel.

  • If you'd like to get more video show highlights and watch live event coverage.

  • Click on the right over here to subscribe to our channel.

  • And don't forget to download the ABC News after breaking news alerts.

  • Thanks for watching.

politics Now the race for the White House just two days until the next votes, this time in South Carolina.


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民主党の候補者はサウスカロライナ州のために戦う l ABCニュース (Democratic candidates fight for South Carolina l ABC News)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日