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  • from the virus.

  • Concerns growing Tonight, the World Health Organization has raised its threat assessment to its highest level as health officials here prepare for the worst of it.

  • Hello, everybody.

  • I'm Denise Cote and Ivy Carter.

  • 1/3 Marylander is now being tested for the virus, but there's still no confirmed cases here.

  • Despite that the virus is spreading and fast around the globe.

  • There are more than 83,000 cases of Corona virus confirmed in more than 50 different countries.

  • Most of those cases are in and around China, where the outbreak started.

  • Double Jay Z's line.

  • Paul guesser with what state health officials are doing just in case a patient gets the virus here.

  • Well, Vic right now testing in the U.

  • S.

  • Has done down in Atlanta.

  • But soon Maryland health officials say they're ready to go here for Corona virus testing.

  • Once the CDC gives him the resource is in the green light.

  • While Maryland is not had any confirmed Corona virus cases, state health officials say three more people have met the protocol for testing.

  • Our state is taking every precaution when it comes to the Corona virus because our highest priority is keeping our residents safe.

  • The governor Thursday said the state is ready to take on the threat.

  • Hogan says he'll submit a $10 million supplemental to prepare.

  • We are just using as a precaution because we believe that we're going to need additional money, too, potentially pay for some of the things that we're talking about.

  • The state Health Department is working with the CDC and local hospitals, has surveillance and clinical guidance protocols in place.

  • Hogan said businesses should have work from home plans, ready local schools and day cares should be prepared with contingency plans for potential long term closures.

  • W.

  • J Z has heard from several local school districts about their preparedness, including Anne Arundel County schools.

  • A spokesperson there says they have plans for students to learn in virtual classrooms using their online accounts.

  • Should that be necessary, the Port of Baltimore tells W.

  • J Z.

  • Ours will be cut starting Monday at the city's Seagirt Marine terminal due to a reduction in the global supply chain.

  • Hours at the other five terminals will remain the same.

  • Health officials stress this is the time to remind people of safe habits.

  • Wash your hands frequently, cover your coughs.

  • If you are sick, please don't come to work.

  • Do not send your Children to school.

  • Now the health department says influenza is still widespread and active, unlike Corona virus.

  • Right now, there is obviously a flu vaccine, and it's not too late in the season to get one.

  • For now.

  • Reporting live in East Baltimore.

  • Paul guests for W J Z I Thank you, Paul.

  • Fears about the Corona virus have rocked financial markets around the world and triggered more sharp declines on Wall Street.

  • It has been the worst week on Wall Street in more than a decade.

  • Meantime, House lawmakers on Capitol Hill were briefed by federal health officials behind closed doors this afternoon about the Trump administration's response to the Corona virus.

  • Democrats want to know more about a whistle blower complaint alleging government workers responding to American evacuees from China lacked training and protective gear.

from the virus.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級 新型コロナウイルス 新型肺炎 COVID-19

メリーランド州では、3人がウイルス検査を受けているため、コロナウイルスの拡散の可能性に備えています。 (Maryland Prepares For Possible Coronavirus Spread As Three People Are Being Tested For Virus)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日