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  • I sources have told India today that the Yes bank crisis will be sorted out in a matter of a few days.

  • R b I will swiftly to put in place a revival scheme for yes back.

  • This is the communication that we received from the result back off India the R B I insane that they will ensure that this price is that sorted out in a matter of days on.

  • They're saying that they're already working on a mechanism to ensure that revival skeevy is put in place for years bank so that customers do not suffer in any way.

  • The r B I only had in fact very clearly said that customers need no volume, that they will ensure that they interests are protected.

  • In line with that RVs sources have told us that they're confident off resolving the crisis in the yes bank.

  • In a matter of a few days, they are saying that they will very soon put a revival scheme in place to ensure yes, bank is pulled out of this crisis and the customers do not suffer.

  • Now.

  • This assurance from the r.

  • B I has comma after Yes Bank was put under moratorium and limited withdrawals to ₹50,000.

  • The sudden announcement triggered a lot of panic as depositors rushed to withdraw money from the embattled bank in Mumbai.

  • Police were deployed at summit teams to control overcrowding on the law and order situation.

  • Similar scenes were witnessed in Ahmedabad and in calm port yesterday.

  • In a late evening statement, R B I imposed restrictions on the Capitol starved Yes Bank are really says the financial position of Yes Bank has undergone a steady decline due to its inability to raise capital to address potential loan losses on resultant downgrades.

  • The S Bank crisis comes six months after the PNC Bank was also part not the moratorium.

  • The result.

  • Bank has assured the depositors of the bank that day interests were before he protected understated that there's absolutely no need to panic.

  • Happy Raj.

  • If Kobe is joining us, live on this broadcast to dodge.

  • If before we really go into the details, Pretty's off this crisis off Yes, bank.

  • There are a lot of questions that are emerging from customers who we've spoken to on the ground, and some of those customers are worried not just about the capital of a drone limit, but also about other issues.

  • They're saying what has happened?

  • If I've already deposited a check, what happens to that check?

  • Then what about existing loans?

  • What about the M is for these loans is very clarity from the r B I.

  • What is the usual standard operating procedure in these cases, wth e R B instruction is very clear that the maximum that they will be able to deposit in the time petered off fist march to 3rd April is repeats 50,000 from their account.

  • So if the check if the Czechs have also been deposited and have been given they will be they will not be ableto, you know, take out money more than ₹50,000.

  • The checks are for up to ₹50,000.

  • Hi everyone Pretty child Riya, hope you like this video for latest news and analysis like unsubscribed to the India Today YouTube channel.

  • And don't forget to press the bell icon to stay updated.

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B1 中級

RBIはYes銀行を制御し、数日でYes銀行の危機をソートする上でRBIは希望に満ちている (RBI Takes Control Over Yes Bank, RBI Hopeful On Sorting Yes Bank Crisis In Few Days)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日