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  • 10 basic things that you should know first.

  • As we keep saying, clean your hands regularly with an alcohol based hand rub or wash them with soap and water.

  • Touching your face after touching contaminated surfaces or sick people is one off the ways the virus can be transmitted.

  • By cleaning your hands, you can reduce your risk.

  • Second, clean surfaces regularly with disinfectant.

  • For example, kitchen, bench and work desks should educate yourself about Cove it.

  • 19.

  • Make sure your information comes from reliable sources.

  • Your local or national public ALS agency, the W H.

  • A website or your local hills professional.

  • Everyone should know the symptoms.

  • For most people, it starts with a fever and the dry cough, not a runny nose Most people will have mild is is and get better without needing any special care.

  • Four.

  • Avoiding traveling if you have a fever or cough, and if you become Sikh while on flight, inform the crew immediately.

  • Why don't you get home?

  • Make contact with the health professional and tell them about where you have been.

  • Fifth, if you cough or sneeze, do it in your sleeve or use a T shoot.

  • Dispose off the tissue immediately into a closed rubbish bin and then clean your hands.

  • Six.

  • If you're over 60 years old or if you have underlying condition like cardiovascular diseases, respiratory condition or dab, it is you have a higher risk of developing savior.

  • This is You may wish to take extra precaution.

  • Tow.

  • Avoid crowded areas or places where you might interact with people who are sick.

  • Seven for everyone.

  • If you feel unwell, stay at home and call your doctor for locals professional or local health professional.

  • He or she will ask some questions about your symptoms, where you have been and who you have had Contact with.

  • This will help to make sure you get the right advice, are directed to the right health facility and will prevent you from infecting others.

  • A.

  • If you to seek a stay at home and eat and sleep separately from your family, use different utensils and cutlery to it.

  • Nine.

  • If you develop shortness of breath, call your doctor and seek care immediately and 10.

  • It's normal and understandable to feel changes, especially if you live in a country or community that has been affected.

  • Find out what you can do in your community discuss how to stay safe with your workplace school or place off worship together.

  • We're powerful.

  • Containment starts with you.

  • Our greatest enemy right now is not the virus itself.

  • It's fear, rumors and the stigma.

10 basic things that you should know first.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級 新型コロナウイルス 新型肺炎 COVID-19

WHO:新型コロナウイルス(COVID-19)のために知っておきたい10のこと|ABCニュース (WHO: 10 things to know for novel coronavirus (COVID-19) | ABC News)

  • 1 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日