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  • Hey Ambitious Professionals! It's Linda Raynier of guiding you

  • to a career and life you'll truly enjoy. In today's video I am going to walk you

  • through my five top tips on how to socialize your way confidently casually

  • yet professionally through any networking event so that you can make

  • new acquaintances and friends and be able to improve your communication

  • skills

  • Ready to get the job you want? Top Notch Interview is coming soon! For more info

  • and free training head to JOINTNI.COM

  • As a career strategist I've had the honour of being able to help numerous

  • professionals land their dream job offers and so if this is something that

  • you're interested in working with me one on one I can give you details about that

  • at the end of this video many times when we go to networking events we can feel

  • very awkward we feel kind of nervous and that all makes us not want to really

  • talk to anybody and I know firsthand because I'm this way I actually don't

  • really enjoy going to networking events because I feel as though we have to

  • force conversations with each other just so that we feel accepted but at the same

  • time I've learned to master some techniques along the way and I know that

  • you don't have to feel awkward when going to networking events so here are

  • my five top tips on how to communicate at networking events tip number one

  • remember the point of a networking event is to meet others not to get a job most

  • networking events simply offer opportunities for people to connect it's

  • not a job fair now if it is a job fair that you're going to then that's a

  • completely different story but that's not what I'm talking about today I have

  • seen so many instances where I would be at a networking event and you see that

  • one or two people in the room who treat the networking event as if it's a job

  • fair and you could tell they're running around the entire room going after each

  • person handing out their resume handing out their business card not even

  • remembering people's names not even getting to know who they really are

  • they're just out for themselves and no one likes that person no one wants to

  • connect with that person and no one's going to refer that person to any job

  • tip number two go with the intention to make one new friend just one if you find

  • more than one great here's a different way to see it instead of going to a

  • networking event to look for contacts you should actually go to a networking

  • event with the intention to make one new friend the reason for this is if you're

  • going to a networking event with the mindset of finding new contacts

  • all of a sudden that feels very cold and intimidating but if you tell yourself

  • that you're just going to make a friend and try to meet someone who you think

  • you're gonna be able to connect with that all of a sudden changes the whole

  • dynamic changes the energy for how you carry yourself and it increases your

  • chances of actually eventually making that contact so if you're going to a

  • huge networking event why would you only look for one friend well the truth is

  • unlike in elementary school when we were kids you're not going to be able to go

  • to this huge party and be able to make 10 friends all within an hour as adults

  • that just doesn't happen anymore so it's better to spend your time looking around

  • the room and get to know just a small handful of people and decide who you

  • want to get closer in connection with in terms of having deeper discussions with

  • them throughout the evening and exchanging contact information with them

  • as well so the weight of you networking events is to see them as opportunities

  • to make a new friend yes I said a friend not hundreds or tens or dozens of

  • friends just a new friend which leads me to my next point tip number three be

  • curious if after this initial conversation you find that the both of

  • you do have a genuine curiosity for one another

  • you both are on the same wavelength and you feel that this person could be that

  • potential friend that you're going to connect with then it's good throughout

  • the evening you don't have to stick by them the whole evening but it's good

  • that if you go decide to talk to other people you both end up talking to other

  • people that once in a while you find that person and you just check in to see

  • how they're enjoying it so what this does is it establishes the new bond that

  • you've just built with them through multiple interactions and again that's

  • going to increase your chances of having them as a real contact after the event

  • is over and who knows that could lead to a job offer one day tip number four hang

  • out with them if the vibe seems good but move on if not as much as you may like

  • it when other people ask about you and you talk about yourself you have to

  • remember that other people like being asked about them too so when first

  • starting a conversation with an individual at a networking event

  • be curious about them ask them how do you like the event so far ask them what

  • they do ask them where they're from you know start it with just a few ice

  • breaking types of questions get to know them and within those first 10 to 15

  • seconds you'll probably get a good vibe as to whether you want to keep talking

  • that person the rest of the evening or whether it's useful useful for you to

  • maybe find someone else who you may have a better connection with now being

  • curious does not mean interrogation don't just stand there and ask them

  • questions and not really listen to what they're saying you want to connect you

  • want to understand what they're saying hear what they're saying and have

  • relevant stories to share with them and finally tip number five make sure to say

  • goodbye to that person if you're leaving first and connect online don't forget to

  • say goodbye and add them to LinkedIn if you decide to leave the evening first

  • taking the time to go up to them saying goodbye to them shows that you genuinely

  • value who they are value them as a human being and again this increases the level

  • of interaction between you two the level of familiarity between you two and

  • increases your chances of seeing that person later on in the future so there

  • you have it those are my five tips on how to make a new friend at a networking

  • event now if you're someone who is currently well into your job search

  • you've been looking for a while you haven't had much success and you realize

  • that you need one-on-one professional help then feel free to reach out to me

  • head on over to my website read

  • through the page fill in the application form and if it seems as though we are a

  • potential match then one of my team members will be reaching out to you

  • directly if you like this video then please give it a thumbs up subscribe

  • share it with your friends thank you so much for watching and I will see you in

  • the next video

  • Ready to get the job you want? Top Notch Interview is coming soon. For more info and

  • free training head to JOINTNI.COM

Hey Ambitious Professionals! It's Linda Raynier of guiding you


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

ネットワークの作り方(ネットワーキングイベントのナビゲート (How to Network (Navigating a Networking Event))

  • 2 1
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日