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Hello there, my name is Richard McMunn from the interview training company PassMyInterview.com,
and in this tutorial, I'm going to go through 7 Account Manager Interview Questions and
Top Scoring Answers. So, if you have an account manager interview coming up, my advice is
to watch this video from beginning to end and make sure you take notes, because it will
make a huge difference to your preparation. Now, before I get into those seven account
manager interview questions and answers. A very warm welcome to this training tutorial.
My name is Richard McMunn, that's me there in the center. I've been helping people for
about 20 years now to successfully pass their interviews. I do that by always giving you
top, fresh and genuine answers to your interview questions. Please do make sure you SUBSCRIBE
by clicking the button below the video and then you're not going to miss out on any of
the weekly training videos I am uploading. We have about 200,000 people as part of our
community now, and many of you are successfully passing your job interviews. I would also
very much appreciate it if you gave the video a LIKE. That always motivates me to create
more for you, if I know you are enjoying the content. Thank you very much. OK. Let us get
into those seven account manager interview questions and top scoring answers. The first
question is undoubtedly going to be, tell me about yourself. We want to make sure you
get off on the right footing and give them a positive answer to this first question.
Here we go. “I am a passionate people-person who gets immense job satisfaction from achieving
consistently high results within my role as an account manager. With me, you would be
getting someone who has plenty of experience of being a totally focused account manager,
and also someone who is willing to get stuck in and deal with the pressure of the role
positively. I always continually look for ways to improve and move a business forward
dynamically, and I will always provide outstanding care and attention to those customers and
clients I am responsible for.” That is a powerful answer to the first question: Tell
me about yourself. You can either take notes as I progress and write down these answers,
or if you want to stick around, I will tell you at some stage where you can download my
full set of Account Manager Interview Questions and Answers. Question number two, why do you
want to work for our company as the account manager? Here is my suggested answer. “I
have chosen your company for four very specific reasons. The main reason is you have a solid
reputation within the industry and I only want to work for the best organizations. The
second reason is, I am very driven professionally, and I feel your company, with its future plans
and ambitions, is somewhere my skills and experience can be put to good use. The third
reason, during my research, it became clear that people who either currently work here,
or who have worked here in the past, speak very highly of your company culture. Finally,
to be a good account manager, you have to believe in the products and the services your
employee promotes and sells. As you know, you have great products and services which
will allow me to really excel within my role as your account manager.” Another great,
positive answer! Let's move onto the next question. In your opinion, what are the most
important skills and qualities needed to be an effective account manager? Here is my suggested
answer. “I believe there nine vitally important skills and qualities needed to be successful
as an account manager. These include being a SOLID COMMUNICATOR who enjoys putting the
needs of your customers and clients first. Being a very STRONG ORGANIZER and someone
who has good ATTENTION TO DETAIL skills.
You need to be a CARING person who understands the issues and the problems customers and
clients face. You also have to be good at PROBLEM-SOLVING; be willing to carry out all
of your duties and responsibilities in a TIMELY MANNER, and also stick to your word – if
you say you are going to do something, you have to FOLLOW THROUGH. Finally, it’s important
that you TAKE OWNERSHIP of situations and also be prepared to HANDLE THE PRESSURE that
will inevitably come with the account manager role.” What I like about that answer, is
you are giving a set number of skills and qualities that you think are important. That
demonstrates to me that you really know a lot about the role of an account manager and
the skills and qualities needed. Next question of your account manager interview: Give me
a solid example of when you supported an important customer or client who was experiencing a
major problem? Now, this doesn't have to have been in a previous account manager role. It
could have been in a customer-facing role, for example. Let me give you an example of
a top-scoring answer to this interview question: In a previous customer-facing role, I received
a telephone call from an irate customer who had been waiting for a call back from a work
colleague regarding an issue they had been experiencing with one of our company products.
I saw it as my task to take ownership of the situation, with a view to resolving the issue
there and then, as opposed to simply passing a message on and hoping my work colleague
would eventually get in touch. I quickly reviewed the case notes whilst the customer waited
on the line. I then apologized unreservedly for the issue, as it was clear my colleague
had forgotten to call them back, which was unacceptable. Whilst the customer was still
on the phone, I spoke to our technical department who managed to prioritize the issue and resolve
it there and then whilst I was on the call. The end result was, by taking ownership of
the situation, I was able to solve the customers issue and reduce any further stress or upset
they were exposed to. Finally, I spoke to my work colleague in private to explain the
importance of following through with customer service promises, which he fully took onboard.”
Now, what I want to quickly do is show you how I've structured the answer. I have started
off and I've told the interviewer the SITUATION I was in. I then went on to explain the TASK
that needed to be done. I then go into detail about the ACTION I took, and I finished off
with the RESULT. That process for answering behavioral type interview questions, is called
the STAR Technique Situation, Task Action and Result. It's perfect for responding to
any kind of account manager behavioral type interview question. What I also like about
that answer, is at the end, you are speaking to the person who made the mistake. You are
making them aware that they need to change their behavior to make sure that the customer
service is up to the required standard. Let's move on to the next account manager interview
question. This comes up common during account manager interviews. How do you manage stressful
work situations? As an account manager, as you and I know, you will be under stress at
times; under pressure. How do you deal with it? Here is my suggested answer. “First
and foremost, I think it’s important to state that I am someone who actually prefers
to work under pressure. I prefer the type of situations when you’re trying to complete
lots of different tasks, respond to numerous questions and queries and also have to solve
problems and issues for people in a timely and professional manner. In respect of how
I manage stress, the first thing I do is to make sure my workload is organized and prioritized.
I have clear timescales for completion of all tasks, and in what order they need completing
in. I also, whenever stressful situations come about, remain calm, have a clear and
concise plan of action and always remember to maintain professionalism and to use my
experience and expertise to work through all tasks as fast as possible, and to the highest
standards achievable.” That shows that you prefer to work under stressful situations
and you have a process for handling them, and most importantly, in the center there,
you are saying that your workload is organized and prioritized, which is very important for
managing and dealing with stress at work. Next question: What would you do within the
first 30 days of starting as our account manager? Again, this is a very common interview question
during account manager interviews. We want to have a plan in place already, before you
go to the interview, of what you will do in the first 30 days of starting. Here is a great
answer to this question. “If I am successful, I already have a 30-day plan in place of what
I want to achieve. Within the first few days, I will get a full brief from you, the senior
management team, on what it is you need me to focus on within the role. This will include
making sure the work I carry out is fully-aligned to your financial and commercial objectives.
Then, I will set to work getting to know the team, developing a thorough understanding
of your products and services and also setting targets for myself in regard to account manager
performance. I will then start to build positive relationships with both customers and clients,
and also other internal departments within the organization, as I see this as an important
part of me being able to complete by objectives as your account manager.” You can pause
the video if you want and take note of that answer because that's very strong, because
you have a plan in place. And also, what I like about that response in particular, is
you are saying this will include making sure the work I carry out is fully aligned to your
financial and commercial objectives. I can pretty much guarantee the other competitors
at the interview won't say anything like that at all! But that is a positive thing to say
in your answer to that interview question. Next interview question. How would you deal
with a challenging client or customer as the account manager? Here we go. “I would effectively
deal with them in exactly the same way I would do with all customers and clients – by being
totally professional, accommodating and literally bending over backwards when needed to resolve
any issues they had, and also making sure their specific needs were met. As an account
manager, it’s really important to build strong relationships with customers and clients,
and I would utilize effective communication and interpersonal skills to make sure I was
able to deliver on my promises, and also provide the best possible service achievable for them.
I believe that, if you take the time to listen, build strong, long-lasting relationships with
all clients and customers, and put in the extra effort to meet their needs when needed,
you will definitely reap the rewards in the long run.” Next question. Well, actually,
we’ve reached the end. Sorry! We managed to cover all seven of them. I was enjoying
that! If you would like to download my full set of Account Manager Interview Questions
and Answers, you can click the link at the top right hand corner of the video or go through
to my website PassMyInterview.com. As I say, you can either download those slides and all
of my answers to those account manager interview questions by clicking the link there in the
top right corner, or you can watch the video again and slowly take notes as you progress.
I hope enjoyed that? Please don't forget to SUBSCRIBE. Thank you very much. I do genuinely
appreciate your support on this channel, and I want as many of you to pass your interviews
as possible. Thank you for watching. Have a brilliant day and I wish you the best for
passing your account manager interview. Thank you very much.