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  • Hey GuysExciting video here.

  • Were going to go over my top 5 tips for the R sound,

  • and youll get to see me working with real students as I help them live to get the sound.

  • Today, I’m going to go over the tips I use when I’m working with students.

  • As youre actually practicing and getting the R, this is what youll want to watch.

  • These tips will help you finally get this really tough sound.

  • Won’t that be fabulous to have a perfect sounding American R?

  • You may have already seen my video on the R, how to, a great video with illustrations and up-close,

  • slow motion views of the mouth.

  • I’ll link to that at the end of this video if you want to see it again.

  • Watching and mastering all 5 of these tips will make your American R sound amazing.

  • Tips 4 and 5 are critical so make sure to watch all the way through.

  • Here we go!

  • Tip number one: It’s important to know that there are two different ways that native speakers make the R.

  • So, you may have heard or seen information that was conflicting and been confused.

  • No needthey both work to get the right sound.

  • Here they are.

  • I find my students get a better, more accurate R sound when they use this position:

  • middle part of the tongue lifted, tip pulled back slightly.

  • So even though there are two different ways a native speaker might get this sound,

  • I suggest as a non-native speaker that you use this position.

  • Youll have a more precise sound.

  • Tip number two: notice that position.

  • The one I want you to use.

  • The tongue tip is pulled back a bit, it’s not touching the front teeth.

  • However, some of my students pull the tongue tip way too far back.

  • That makes it sound like this, rrrr.

  • It sounds like the R is trapped in my mouth.

  • Rrr, we want this sound.

  • Like the R is shooting out of the mouth, not being held back.

  • If the tongue is pulled too far back, the sound gets stuck in the mouth.

  • Rrr--

  • A good way to work with this is to purposefully pull your tongue really far back.

  • Rrr, pull it as far back as you can.

  • Rrr-- Then pull it forward.

  • Touch the back of your teeth, and then pull it back just a bit, rrrr.

  • Rrr, rr.

  • Just a tiny bit.

  • Sometimes doing it wrong, pulling the tongue tip too far back, can help you find what’s right.

  • If the tongue tip is pulled too far back, it brings extra tension here, rrrr, at the base of the tongue.

  • We don’t want that. Tip more forward, base of tongue relaxed, sound flowing forward.

  • Rrrr--

  • Watch me working with a student on this sound.

  • Here, we were working on words with the UR vowel, like inBurmaandinternal’.

  • Urrr, urrr-- We talk about forward flow.

  • When we were talking about the UR vowel just then I was talking about really releasing the throat here

  • and relaxing the base of the tongue.

  • But I also sense that

  • it could be that when you're trying to make the R, the tip of your tongue is pulling too far back

  • and that also makes the sound feel trapped.

  • So, you know, it's hard to explain. Does the tongue pull back, yes. Is there such thing as too much, yes.

  • So it's a delicate balance between having it too far forward, and having it too far back.

  • This is where our tongue, like, meets our, is attached basically.

  • So, if you think of, I'm gonna say lowering a little bit, lowering and relaxing your neck, uh, uh.

  • Think of there being a little bit of weight there

  • and that might help open it up and relax it, and let the sound come out, ur.

  • Ur.

  • That sounded really nice, ur.

  • Ur.

  • Good, and the second time wasn't quite as good.

  • Your lips didn't come into quite as much of the correct position, but that was better.

  • That's the feeling that we always need is the forward flow. We're never stopping things.

  • Notice there I mentioned lip position.

  • I said the lips didn’t come into quite as much of the correct position. The correct position is a little bit flared.

  • Already so much good stuff and there are 3 more tips coming right up.

  • Tip #3 is: create a little bit of space between your lip and your gum.

  • Rrrr-- Right here.

  • Rr-- rr-- Watch me explain this to a student.

  • Were.

  • >> Right. >> Am I doing it right?

  • Yeah. It's just creating a little extra space between your gum up here and the back side of the lip.

  • You're just... It's not that it's not touching.

  • It's still touching, but it's just, you're pulling it away a little bit. It's like a tiny bird beak.

  • Err, were.

  • Okay, I think you should probably think about doing with the bottom lip too. So here as well.

  • You're just creating a little bit more space. So you're taking this part of your lip, and this part of your lip,

  • and you're just like pushing it out a little bit.

  • Err.

  • >> Err. >> Yeah that was good. That was good.

  • >> Err, err, err. >> That was good.

  • And that's sounding really clear.

  • The first ones were a little bit, like, stuck back, but by bringing that part of your lips just a little bit out,

  • it's bringing the sound forward and it's sounding a lot more open and free and a lot more accurate.

  • One thing to be careful about with the flare is the corners of the lips. They should be relaxed.

  • Rrr. Rrr.

  • They come forward just a bit.

  • Rrr, rr.

  • This is what you want for the R vowel.

  • What? The R vowel?

  • Yes, R can be a consonant or a vowelwell get to that in a second.

  • First I want to add, for a beginning R, the lips do round more, they come into a tighter circle:

  • Right, Rachel, Wrong. Rrrrrr-- wrong.

  • A beginning R more rounded than a lip flare.

  • Right.

  • This brings us to Tip #4: R can be a consonant or a vowel.

  • This is surprising to a lot of people, but when you see this vowel sound, this symbol,

  • it’s the R vowel, and there’s no change in sound between it and the R consonant.

  • So this vowel symbol is always followed by the R consonant symbol,

  • and they are not two different sounds.

  • Do not try to make some sort of vowel and then an R.

  • This is a common mistake.

  • This combination of symbols making one sound, urr--, is in a lot of common words like word,

  • first, hurt, world, girl, birthday, bird, and so on.

  • Word, ww, rrr, dd.

  • Three sounds, not four, because the R vowel and consonant are the same.

  • Ww, rr, dd.

  • Tip #5: the ending ER sound.

  • Just like with the R vowel-consonant combination in tip 4, two sounds here combine,

  • they become just one sound.

  • That is, the schwa and the R.

  • The schwa sounds like this: uh, and the R sounds like this: RR.

  • So, together, you would think they would be uh, rr, uh, rr, uhrr, uhrr. But theyre not.

  • R takes over the schwa and erases it. We call that a syllabic consonant.

  • So it’s just RR. Rrrr--

  • This ending is very common, let’s look at some words: teacher: teach-rr. Just an R sound at the end.

  • Teacher. Brother. Broth-er.

  • Whisper, whisp-rr. Faster, fast-rr. Faster.

  • Schwa-R endings are always unstressed syllables, so theyre said quickly and simply.

  • This means your lips might not round or flare at all.

  • Brother, er, er, er. Brother.

  • In these quick syllables, you can see a more relaxed lip position.

  • Here, I'm comparing it with the beginning R in the word 'right'.

  • Now, you saw me there working with two students and you might wonder, how can I work with Rachel?

  • I need help too!

  • I teach a live class every month for the students in my Academy.

  • I work with three to five students each time on a wide range of topics,

  • and of course, even if youre not chosen to work live with me,

  • you can come to the online class and ask questions that I can answer.

  • Visit to learn more about signing up for the Academy.

  • And now, if want to see the video How to Make the R sound, with up close, slow motion shots of the mouth,

  • click here or in the description below.

  • I’ll also add the link to How to make the UR vowel in the video description.

  • OK, that wraps up my Top 5 tips for the R Sound!

  • Please let me know in the comments which of the 5 tips was the most important for you

  • and how youll be using that tip to improve the way you sound.

  • If you hear a difference in the way youre sounding, please leave me a comment and describe it for me.

  • That helps me as I teach students going forward!

  • I hope this helps you!

  • Now work on that R, practice that R!

  • That’s it, and thanks so much for using Rachel’s English.

Hey GuysExciting video here.


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A2 初級


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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日