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  • This is the Rachel’s English 30-Day Challenge!

  • Learn 30 phrasal verbs in 30 days!

  • Jumpstart your vocabulary in 2017.

  • Today is Day 19 and we're studying phrasal verbs with "walk".

  • Don’t walk off until youve learned this phrasal verb.

  • Walk off means to leave abruptly maybe because youre upset.

  • The actor got mad and walked off the set.

  • Or, if youre arguing with a friend and she turns to leave you might say,

  • please don’t just walk off, let’s figure this out.

  • Walk off withmeans to steal.

  • Someone walked off with the earrings.

  • There’s also a phrase to walk something off.

  • This is when you walk to change your feeling about something.

  • If someone’s really angry, you might say,

  • Why don’t you walk it off, and then well talk about it.”

  • The idea is that it will calm you down.

  • As a kid, I remember my Dad saying this to me in sports a lot.

  • If something happened like I got hit with a ball,

  • or something that hurt, but not very badly,

  • my Dad would say, “That’s okay, walk it off, walk it off.”

  • Walk away means to leave a situation.

  • For example, it’s hard to walk away from an abusive relationship.

  • Or, you can’t just walk away from your problems.

  • You can also use walk out this way.

  • When you walk out, you leave something.

  • The students walked out at noon to show opposition to the war.

  • That means they all just got up and left.

  • We also use this with marriages or relationships:

  • when two people are living together and someone ends the relationship and moves out unexpectedly.

  • He walked out on her last year.

  • He walked out on his responsibilities

  • To walk in on something means to interrupt

  • I walked in on an intense conversation.

  • It also means to find someone doing something they didn’t want you to see.

  • If you don’t lock the bathroom door, someone might walk in on you.

  • Or, she walked in on her parents having sex.

  • Walk into can be used a couple of different ways.

  • It can be used when you find yourself in an expected situation.

  • I walked right into his trap.

  • Or, I walked right into that joke, meaning, I didn’t know it was a joke until the very end.

  • It can also mean to get something easily.

  • She just walked into a job at the law firm.

  • To walk over someone doesn’t mean you are literally stepping on someone.

  • It means you take advantage of that person, you don’t treat him or her with respect.

  • We use it withall”.

  • You can’t just let your boss walk all over you.

  • If you walk through something, you practice it or think through the steps.

  • If youre rehearsing a play for example, you might say, let’s walk through that scene one more time.

  • Or, if you thinking about a complicated situation,

  • you might say, let’s walk through the possibilities one more time.

  • Walk up means, literally, to go up stairs,

  • but it also means to approach.

  • She walked up to the manager and asked for a job.

  • Walk.

  • Some people find the pronunciation of this word difficult.

  • So, let’s simplify it.

  • First, the L is silent. Pretend it’s not there.

  • So we have just have three sounds.

  • W, then the AW as in LAW vowel, wa-.

  • Lips are in a tight circle for the W, then relax out.

  • Wa-, wa.

  • The tongue lifts a little bit in the back, a- wa-

  • I don’t actually have a very distinct AW vowel,

  • I pronounce it a bit more like the AH as in FATHER vowel -AH where the lips are more relaxed, wa-, walking walk.

  • If you pronounce it with more of an AW vowel, wa-- walking.

  • aw- aw- aw- your lips will stay a little bit more rounded.

  • At the end, a K sound.

  • Back of the tongue lifts and touches the soft palate, then releases. Kk--

  • Walk.

  • To catch all of the videos in this 30-day challenge, be sure to sign up for my mailing list.

  • It’s absolutely FREE.

  • And definitely subscribe to my YouTube channel and LIKE Rachel's English on Facebook.

  • Click the links in the description.

  • This 30-day challenge is leading up to a phrasal verbs course

  • that will be available on my online school on February 1.

  • Rachel’s English Academy is a collection of online courses

  • focusing on English conversation, pronunciation, and listening comprehension.

  • You will understand Americans better and speak better English with these courses.

  • Visit to sign up and get started today.

This is the Rachel’s English 30-Day Challenge!


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級


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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日