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- I retired at the age of 27, why do I still work?
(upbeat music)
It is the same reason why Elon Musk, why Jack Ma,
why Warren Buffet, why Bill Gates,
why all of them still work.
You look at the Forbes 500, the 500 richest people
on the plant, guess what?
They all still work, most of them still work, why?
They don't need the money, right?
This is a poor person's question, I'll tell you why.
Because you don't know what retirement is like.
When I retired age of 27, I was bored out of my mind.
See, most people who have the employee mentality
because they fucking hate what they do, they don't like
what they do, so they have this fantasy,
they want to get to the point where I don't have
to work anymore, I don't need to go to work, right.
They'll be sitting on a beach being a beach bum
or something all day and think, that's, yep,
that's my ultimate dream because that's how they've been
fantasizing this whole thing.
When the wealthiest people on the planet, they have retired,
they have retired, not from something, not doing nothing,
but they have retired to their businesses.
What they are passionate about, what they love to do.
They wake up every morning, there is a purpose,
there's a sense of purpose, there is something
that they look forward to, versus most people,
there's nothing they look forward to,
they don't like what they do, they're not good
at what they do, right.
When you have actually experienced it,
you probably have not experienced it,
but if you have experienced it, then you know
that retirement is not what it's all cracked up to be.
It's boring and if you look at a lot of studies,
a lot of people who retired at age 65 when they got nothing
to do, guess what, they are bored and shortly
after that they die because there's no purpose.
As a human being, we need to grow.
I'm working from a different place.
I'm working because I like what I do.
I'm working because I want to impact a billion people
around the world to help them become a better version
of themself, that's why I work, that's what drives me.
What drives me is no longer just, oh I want to get a car,
I want to get this, I want to travel a little bit more,
I want to take that one week vacation, I wanted that house.
Those things don't interest me anymore.
You are driven by a different purpose, by a different reason
and I do believe motive does better.
Intent does matter.
It makes a huge difference why you do what you do,
so that's why I still work, but what you're really saying
is this, that's not the question.
The question is just not, oh if you retired at the age
of 27 why do you still work?
That's not the question.
What you're saying is, oh if you're so successful,
why do you still make content?
Why do you take your time to do this?
What you're saying is that maybe there's a hidden agenda
that you're looking for ways to discredit my message
and what I'm sharing with you.
That's the truth.
What you're saying is I don't believe that you are doing
this out of goodness and the truth is I don't really care
if you believe it or not 'cause I'm not doing it for you.
I'm doing it for all the students, all the fans out there
who doesn't have this limiting belief
or this like bullshit filter.
If you want to watch my video, then watch my video.
If you don't want to watch my video,
go watch something else.
Watch someone doing a prank video, go watch someone doing
something stupid, go watch something else.
You don't have to watch Dan Lok's video.
There's so many other choices, why?
Right, why?
You watching my video, I promise you, is not going
to change my life.
It's not gonna affect my life,
it's not gonna make my life better.
My life is already fabulous as it is,
but maybe, maybe there's something that I said,
there's something that I shared, maybe an idea,
maybe a lesson, maybe a story, something that just hits you
and you say, I never thought it that way,
I never viewed things like that, or an aha moment.
Sometimes one video, one quote,
one story could change your life.
That's why I do it, and that's why I keep doing it,
and that's why I work harder than ever
and I'm more successful than ever financially,
but I work harder than ever because the reason,
what drives me has changed significantly.
If you want to know my entire journey, how I retire young,
not sitting on a beach doing nothing, but what I did,
what are some of the things I did to get to where I am,
download my book, F.U. Money.
You can get it from Amazon, you can also click a link here,
I'm gonna give it to you for free, doesn't cost anything.
I'm also gonna give you the audio version.
Read the book and you'll see, and you're gonna see,
get a full picture of how I'm able to retire at a young age
and also how I view life, how I view business,
and how I view wealth, and more importantly,
how I view money.