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Hi, everybody.
My name is Richard McMunn from the Interview Training Company: PassMyInterview.com.
And in this short but comprehensive video tutorial, I’m going to teach you how to
answer the interview question, “Why should we hire you?”
Not only that, I'm going to give you the TOP RATED ANSWER.
So make sure you take notes and watch it from beginning to end.
It's only going to take about two or three minutes, but I promise you, I'm going to give
you the BEST ANSWER to this common interview question: Why should we hire you?
Now, how do you answer the question?
Now, before I give you the answer, my advice is to structure your response to this interview
question by including the following things in your answer.
Tell them three positive things about you to start off - with three positive things.
Then you tell them you have read the job description.
That's very important.
Most people don't read the job advert or the job description, but tell them you have read
the job description and you have the necessary skills and attributes to carry out the role
to a very high standard.
Then you tell them a specific commitment to what you will do if they hire you.
And I'll tell you what that commitment is in a second!
And then, tell them the one thing you do at work that makes a difference.
So, these five specific things there.
So let's take a look at my suggested answer to the interview question.
Why should we hire you?
Here we go.
“I am a hardworking, self-motivated and highly enthusiastic employee who only wants
to work for a company who has ambitious plans for the future.
Now, having read the job description, I feel strongly I have the necessary skills, the
qualities and the attributes to carry out the role to a very high standard.
Now, these include an ability to deliver excellent customer service, working hard under pressure
and also working as part of a team to achieve your goals and your objectives.
If I am successful, not only do I believe you'll be impressed with my strong work ethics
and values, but I can assure you I will work hard to learn the role very quickly, so I
can start making a positive contribution to your team.”
What an answer that is!
That's brilliant!
Positive, packed out with powerful keywords and phrases, and it follows that process that
I showed you previously, with those five things all in there.
So, if you want to pause the video and write all that down, you can do.
But please, please do, after you've written this down, please watch this video here on
It's my TOP SEVEN ANSWERS to common interview questions.
Loads of great answers to the top interview questions.
There's a link that’s appeared right there on the top right hand corner.
If you click that, it will take you to that video, so you can watch that as well and you
can learn how to really smash your interview and pass it!
Hope you enjoyed that tutorial.
I love teaching you how to pass your interviews.
Please do SUBSCRIBE and I very much appreciate it, and give the video a LIKE, thank you very
You got any questions?
Stick them in the comments section below and I'll be more than happy to answer them for
Hope you have a brilliant day and work hard to pass your interview.
Thank you.