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  • Hello people welcome back. I’m Niharika and in today’s lesson, we are gonna look

  • at phrases to talk about Skilled and Talented people. Well, it’s just so amazing to come

  • across so many talented people these days. Everyone is good at something. So how do you

  • appreciate? How do you talk about this natural superior ability? Well, that’s what we are

  • gonna learn in today’s lesson. Now in English we have phrases that would help you to talk

  • about people’s special abilities or aptitude. So let’s get started. The very first one

  • is to be good at something. Now every one of us are definitely good at something or

  • the other, so when you have to talk about it, youre gonna say, she’s good at swimming

  • or she’s good at dancing. My mom is good at cooking. So when you know that someone

  • is really good in doing something, they posses that skill, then you can use that expression

  • to be good at something, like she’s good at dancing, she’s good at singing, she’s

  • good at cooking and so on. So it’s a very common expression

  • to talk about or to appreciate someone’s skill. Now let’s get to the second expression

  • that we have here, which is he is a born dancer. Now when do you use this? When someone is

  • exceptionally great at doing something. You know there are certain people, who are absolutely

  • fantastic in something. For example, my cousin, he is such a great dancer. It just comes naturally

  • to him. The moment he hits the dance floor. Oh my god, it is so amazing to see his dance

  • moves. So it just comes naturally to him. A talent or a skill that just comes naturally.

  • It means that person is exceptionally good. It means that person is talented. So when

  • you gotta appreciate that, well the perfect English phrase that you can use is he is a

  • born dancer or he is a bon singer. Like maybe a friend of yours is just amazing at singing.

  • So youre gonna say, he or she is a born singer. So it just comes naturally and he

  • or she is exceptionally good at doing that, now another one, head and shoulders above.

  • When do you use this expression? This expression is just perfect, when you gotta compare someone.

  • You know when someone is really superior then the others or actually stands out in crowd.

  • For example, maybe your boss comes up to you and says, Hey i want you to take care of this

  • meeting, i want you to lead this meeting for me, because you are head and shoulders above,

  • the rest in the team. This expression is used for you, because here, your boss thinks that

  • yes you are talented, you are skilled at leading a meeting. So he is picking you to lead this

  • meeting for him rather than selecting another team member. So it means that you should be

  • happy about this and it means that you are superior then the others, because your boss

  • is not directly gonna come and say, Hey you are talented, you are skilled then the others.

  • So I’m choosing you. That’s not the right way to say it. So a perfect expression to

  • go in such a situation is that you are head and shoulders above the rest of your team

  • members. So when youre comparing or you feel that someone is really superior or stands

  • out in the crowd then use this expression. Another one that i have for you is to be one

  • of a kind, so to be one of a kind it means, to be unique, to stand out. You know there

  • are certain people in life that you come across and you feel that this person is absolutely

  • extraordinary. He or she is very unique. So youre not gonna directly come in or go

  • and say to that person and say, hey you are unique. A better expression to do so is, you

  • are one of a kind or maybe when you are just talking about such a person. Then you can

  • say, Oh well the president of our company is one of a kind. It means that he is exceptionally

  • good at what he’s doing and he is being appreciated by the others, because of his

  • unique qualities. So use this expression for a person, for whom you think he or she is

  • absolutely extraordinary. Let’s have a look at another expression here, which is to do

  • something in ones sleep. Now some people who are very talented or skilled at doing something.

  • They really don’t have to put in any efforts to do that, you know they don’t have to

  • put in any efforts or they don’t need this conscious thought of doing something, like

  • for example, a musician, if a musician is really great at playing music. It means that

  • he is talented and he can play music in his sleep as well. So which actually means that

  • this talent just comes naturally to him, he doesn’t have to put in efforts or a conscious

  • thought to do so. So this expression can be used for someone for whom the talent just

  • comes naturally. Another one to have a magic touch. Now the people, who have this magic

  • touch, it means that there are people who can deal with any difficult situation in a

  • very nice manner. So the people who deal with situations successfully, they have this magic

  • touch. For example, i was trying my hands at cooking and i totally messed it up, so

  • my mom comes in and she’s like Niharika, you just need to relax, I’ll take care of

  • this, because we were expecting guests and there were so many people coming in and i

  • was like all set to cook, but then i messed it up. So my mom came in, she just had this

  • magic touch of hers and she really cooked well and the guests were very happy. So she

  • dealt with the situation in a very successful manner. So she does have this magic touch.

  • So the people, who can deal with any difficult situations in a very successful manner. It

  • means that they have a magic touch. So use this expression, if you come across any such

  • people. The next one, to have an eye for. Now when we use this expression, we use it

  • for the people, who really have this special ability to find or to see something very nice.

  • My friend, her wardrobe is so amazing, she wears these amazing clothes and she has just

  • like perfect shoes. So i would say, she has an eye for amazing dresses or amazing clothes.

  • So it means she has this ability to find good things. Like my boss, he always hires, such

  • talented people, so he definitely has an eye for good talented or good skilled people for

  • his work. So use this expression, when you come across people, who really have a good

  • eye for good things. And then the last expression that i have for you to talk about skills and

  • talent is to have a hidden talent. Now this can be used for someone, whom you think had

  • no talent, but surprised you with something. So maybe my computer was not working and i

  • was having a difficult time dealing with this computer, so my friend comes in and fixed

  • it for me like in minutes. So i was like really surprised. I never expected him to do so.

  • So for me he has this hidden talent of fixing computers. So i said, Wow! John well you really

  • have a hidden talent, because he surprised me. So hidden talent is a person with or who

  • surprises you with his or her talents. So these are eight expressions that would help

  • you to talk about these skilled and talented people. Go ahead and use them, because they

  • are several people, who are so talented and I’ll be back with a new lesson soon. Till

  • then you take care.

Hello people welcome back. I’m Niharika and in today’s lesson, we are gonna look


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A2 初級

流暢に話すための英語レッスン - スキルと才能を語る|会話のためのフレーズを学ぶ (English Lesson to speak fluently - Talking about Skills & Talent | Learn Phrases for Conversation)

  • 4 2
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日