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- You're watching this video because
you wanna know what exactly is copywriting
and how do you get into it?
Just like you, at a time I had no idea what copywriting was.
I thought it has to do with intellectual property,
like patent and trademark and all these things.
I thought the word was copyright, R-I-G-H-T.
That means that you have the exclusive right
to distribute or sell someone's else's work.
It could be a book.
It could be music or an image, or things like that.
So in my early years I was struggling financially,
and just like most people, I had no idea
what I needed to do, and I try a lot of different things.
I tried to start this business and that business,
and none of them really worked.
And fortunately, after a few years of struggles,
I was able to find my first mentor, Alan,
and Alan was kind enough and was willing
to take me under his wings.
And I remember he said this to me.
He said, "Dan, I'm about to teach you a skill
"that will transform your financial life forever.
"It is a skill that very few people
"in the world understand and possess.
"It is a special skill that, once you master it,
"you will never have to worry about money again.
"You will have the power to generate income on-demand
"or to launch or start or grow
"any business that you desire," and I was so excited.
And I said, "Well, what is this skill?"
And he said, "It is the skill of copywriting."
I said, "What is copywriting.
"I don't understand."
He said, "Copywriting.
"It is the ability to use the written words
"to persuade someone to take an action."
Now, that could be to respond to a message that you wrote.
It could be to purchase your product.
It could be to click here or buy this
or take this sort of action.
And at first I didn't quite understand it, the power of it.
So when I was working for him, basically as an apprentice,
I remember that we would send out
these direct mail letters to offer products
and services and programs to people,
with the right list, and we would send it out.
And now these are people that we've never met
and we've never talked to, and we would send
them these letters in direct mail back in the days,
offering a product that would help them solve a problem.
And we would send out thousands
and thousands of these letters.
And then a percentage of them would send back the letter,
or sometimes with an order form.
They would call in the office or they would reply
and send us back a check or a money order.
I was stunned.
I was amazed.
These are the people that I would never talk to,
that we have never met them, and yet they're buying
something from us.
So from that point on I was hooked.
Right now I'm like this is so powerful.
So let me give you my definition,
fast-forward today, of copywriting.
Now, after all these years,
and I think I've refined the definition of copywriting,
which I'm gonna share that with you in just a second.
And I think once you hear it,
you'll be so excited and you'll love it.
It will make you tingle.
Here we go.
Copywriting is closing in print.
That's right.
Closing in print.
It is the ability to persuade, influence, and engage.
That's what copywriting is.
It's not about writing.
It is about closing.
'Cause if it is about writing,
that's definitely not something that I could do
'cause I flunked English when I was in high school.
So copywriting has a lot to do with closing
and selling and has very little to do with writing,
because if it has a lot to do with writing,
I would not have been able to do it
because I flunked English twice, twice,
when I was in high school.
So it's not about that.
And if it has a lot to do with writing,
or academic writing, then all the professors,
all the teachers, all the English teachers,
they would be successful copywriters.
That's not the key.
So when Alan shared this with me, I was blown away.
He asked me, "Dan, do you know
"that copywriters are among some
"of the highest paid people in the world,
"and yet most people don't even know
"this profession exists?"
And I said (grunts incredulously).
He said, "That's the problem.
"You don't even know.
"You don't get it."
He said, "Look around you, everywhere.
"Look around you."
And I was puzzled 'cause I was young and naive.
"Look everywhere."
He said, "Every single letter that you get in the mail,
"every TV that you watch, every single product
"you buy in your life right now,
"because a copywriter came up with the concept,
"came up with the brand, wrote the message,
"and that's what persuade you to buy everything around you.
"The movie that you watch, the script,
"the storytelling, the donation letter
"that's asking you to donate money,
"every single thing in your life, everywhere, it's copy.
"Do you see it?
"Copy is everywhere.
"It is a multi-trillion dollar industry,
"and yet no one knows that this profession exists.
"Everyone goes to school and they say
"they wanna be an accountant.
"'I want to be a lawyer.
"'I want to be a doctor.
"'I want to be an engineer.'
"No one knows that this profession exists.
"Do you understand?
"Do you understand, Dan, how powerful this is?"
And I was just stunned, blown away,
when he said that to me.
Lemme give you an example.
Let's say that there's a company.
They're selling a product online
and they have a landing page.
Now, in case you don't know what a landing page is,
it's a page that makes an offer to sell the products.
Let's say they're doing $100,000 a year in revenue
with that particular product on this page,
and let's say that page is converting at 1%,
meaning that, for every 100 visitors that goes to the page,
one person would buy.
So 1% conversion.
And let's say, as a copywriter,
you're able to look at the page
and you make some tweaks, you change the headline,
you change the offer, you change the guarantee,
maybe the call to action, you tweak the page a bit,
and now, instead of converting at 1%,
this page is converting now at 2%.
Now I want you to think about,
comment below, what has just happened?
What have you done as a copywriter?
Here's what you've done.
You've just double, you've just double the revenue
for this company, from $100,000 to $200,000,
without adding an extra dollar for marketing.
Are they spending more money?
Do they need more people seeing the page?
Are you adding more things to the product,
that it costs more, features?
All you have done is changing a few words
or how the offer or the message is being communicated
to the marketplace.
Do you see the power of this?
That is the power of copywriting.
The next question you might have is,
"Well, Dan, this is amazing.
"How do I become a copywriter?"
You see, maybe you wanna become a copywriter
because you know that how much income
you could generate as a copywriter if you're good,
that you have the ability to work from home
or work from anywhere that you want,
that you could work when you want,
with whom you want, from anywhere that you want.
Maybe you know because, as a copywriter,
it doesn't require you to have a degree,
nor to have a lot of capital to start off with.
You don't need that at all.
Now, with copywriting, it's something
that you need to have someone who knows
what they're doing to transfer that skill to you.
It is very, very difficult to just watch a video
and say, "Oh, I'm gonna learn copywriting."
I always describe copywriting as a little bit
like martial art.
You could watch video, you can have an idea,
or maybe you watch on YouTube a video and say,
"Hey, this is how you do some of the moves,"
but how do you actually learn martial art?
You gotta go to a school.
You gotta go to a dojo.
You gotta have a shifu, an instructor, a sensei,
to show you the techniques,
and then you will practice the techniques
and your shifu will give you feedback
and help you correct the form,
and eventually you'll be able
to perform the same move the same way.
That's how it works in martial art.
I believe learning copywriting,
becoming a copywriter, is very much the same way.
If becoming a copywriter is something
that you are considering, I could shave
you at least five to 10 years of learning curve.
Click on the link below or in the description
and get access to my on-demand training.
There's no cost to you.
Consider this is an introduction
to what exactly is copywriting
and what copywriters actually do,
and eventually how do you become one yourself
if you decide this is the path for you?
So go ahead and click on the link right now.