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  • In the US, summer is sun, sand, and blockbuster movies.

  • And this summer, we're going to use those movies to learn English and study how to sound American.

  • Every video this summer is going to be a study English with movies video.

  • Well pull scenes from the summer's hottest movies as well as favorite movies from years past.

  • It's amazing what we can discover by studying even a small bit of English dialogue.

  • Well study how to understand movies, what makes Americans sound American, and of course,

  • any interesting vocabulary, phrasal verbs, or idioms that come up in the scenes we study.

  • I call this kind of exercise a Ben Franklin exercise. First, we'll watch the scene.

  • Then, we'll do an in-depth analysis of what we hear together. This is going to be so much fun.

  • Be sure to tell your friends and spread the word that all summer long, every Tuesday,

  • we're studying English with movies here at Rachel's English. If you're new to my channel,

  • click subscribe and don't forget the notification button.

  • Let's get started. First, the scene.

  • As my mother always said, what kind of brand new fool are you?

  • Look at them over there.

  • Take a good look at the officer you hit. Look at him. He's over there having a grand old time.

  • Chatting up with his pals.

  • Enjoying a nice cup of coffee.

  • And where are you?

  • In here, with me, who did nothing.

  • Now, the analysis.

  • As my mother always said,

  • as my mother always said,

  • as my mother always said.

  • Sort of a long thought group. What are our most stressed words here?

  • As my mother always said,

  • as my mother always said,

  • as my mother always said.

  • As my mother always said. Moth- and 'said' a little bit longer. Some of that up-down shape.

  • As my mother always said,

  • as my mother always said,

  • as my mother always said, what kind of brand new fool are you?

  • What kind of bran-- brand new fool. Lots of stress on 'brand'.

  • Brand new fool are you.

  • So we have quite a few words in this long thought group that are a little bit longer and

  • have that up-down shape of stress. I think brand is the most stressed word there.

  • Now, it's interesting because even though it's the most stressed word, there is a reduction happening.

  • Listen to these two words together. Brand and new.

  • Brand new fool.

  • Brand new fool.

  • Brand new fool.

  • You might be noticing there is no D sound. This word ends in the N sound, begins in the N sound,

  • the two words linked together: brand new. And these two words go together somewhat frequently.

  • We use the phrase 'brand new' and we never say that D.

  • I got a brand new computer yesterday. We're going to get you a brand new pair of shoes.

  • Brand new. Brand new. The vowel in the word 'brand' is the AA as in bat vowel, and when it's followed by N,

  • brand, there is an UH sound as the back of the tongue relaxes before the front of the tongue lifts.

  • So try to imitate that. Bra- Bra- brand new, brand new, brand new.

  • Brand new fool.

  • Brand new fool.

  • Brand new fool.

  • Let's look at other things that are happening in this phrase, reductions, for example.

  • What kind of brand new fool are you?

  • What kind of brand new fool are you?

  • What kind of brand new fool are you?

  • 'Kind of' is pronounced: kinda, kinda, kinda. So it's really common to take the word 'of'

  • and make that just the schwa sound, but it's a little bit less common to drop the D. Kind of, kind of, kind of.

  • It's a little bit more common to hear a D there. Kind of, kind of, ddddd.

  • But he drops it, and that does happen sometimes. Kinda, kinda. Rachel do you feel okay? Mmm I feel kind of sick.

  • Kind of, kind of, kind of, kind of.

  • What kind of--

  • what kind of--

  • What kind of brand new fool are you?

  • We have one other reduction. It's the word 'are'. How do you hear that pronounced?

  • What kind of brand new fool are you?

  • What kind of brand new fool are you?

  • What kind of brand new fool are you?

  • Fool are you-- fool are you-- so it's a little bit hard for me to decide do I think it's just a schwa?

  • Or do I think I hear schwa R? Rrrr-- fool are, fool are, fool are, or fool uh, fool uh, fool uh, fool uh.

  • It's said so quickly, it's hard to tell. I usually tell my students to make this a quick R sound.

  • Fool are you, fool are. But it's said so, so quickly you could probably get by with just making that the schwa

  • as long as it is said very, very quickly, and links the two words together. Fool are you.

  • Fool are you?

  • Fool are you?

  • Fool are you?

  • Whoa! Different day, different outfit, important announcement.

  • Did you know that with this video, I made a free audio lesson that you can download?

  • In fact, I'm doing this for each one of the youtube videos I'm making this summer.

  • All 11 of the Learn English with Movies videos!

  • So follow this link or find the link in the video description to get your free downloadable audio lesson.

  • It's where you're going to train all of the things that you've learned about pronunciation in this video.

  • Back to the lesson.

  • Fool are you?

  • Fool are you?

  • Fool are you?

  • So aside from our stressed words, we have a lot of unstressed words and syllables that are flatter in pitch,

  • go a little bit more quickly. For example, the beginning two words: as my.

  • As my, as my, as my, as my, as my mother, as my a mother, as my mother always said.

  • As my mother always said--

  • As my mother always said--

  • As my mother always said--

  • Always said. Something interesting happening here. The word 'always' ends in a Z sound,

  • that's considered a weak consonant sound, it's voiced. It links right into the S which is a stronger sound.

  • I think you can think of it as just dropping the Z sound altogether. Always said.

  • And just make an S sound linking them together. Always said, always said, always said, always said.

  • Always said,

  • always said, what kind of brand new fool are you?

  • What kind of-- what kind of-- Stop T at the end of 'what', that's because the next word begins with a constant,

  • very common to do that after, sorry, before a consonant. What kind, what kind.

  • What kind of

  • What kind of brand new fool are you?

  • So in this long thought group, all the words glide together smoothly with no brakes.

  • The intonation slides up or slides down. This is our unit, this is a single thought group.

  • As my mother always said, what kind of brand new fool are you?

  • As my mother always said, what kind of brand new fool are you?

  • As my mother always said, what kind of brand new fool are you?

  • Look at them over there.

  • What are our stressed words in this shorter thought group?

  • Look at them over there.

  • Look at them over there.

  • Look at them over there.

  • Look at them over there. Oh, there, and look, all a little bit longer. At them, lower in pitch, flatter, unstressed.

  • Look at them over there.

  • Look at them over there.

  • Look at them over there.

  • The word 'at' is pronounced: it, it. Very quick, schwa, stop T. At, at, at them, at them, at them.

  • That's because the next word is a consonant. The next word begins with a consonant, the voiced TH sound.

  • At them, at them, at them. Now, you could definitely hear this pronounced: at 'em, at 'em, at 'em,

  • with a flap T and the TH dropped.

  • Look at them over there.

  • Look at them over there.

  • Look at them over there.

  • Look at them over there. Look at them, at 'em, at 'em, at 'em.

  • But if you don't drop the TH, then you do make that a stop T. At them, at them, at them.

  • I think it might be a little bit more common to drop the TH, but either one sounds perfectly fine and natural

  • as long as these words are unstressed against the more stressed words, at and them,

  • not nearly as important as look, over, and there.

  • Look at them over there.

  • Look at them over there.

  • Look at them over there.

  • And again, everything links together really smoothly in this thought group.

  • The ending K releases right into the schwa. Look at, Look at, Look at, look at them over there.

  • Them over there-- no breaks between words, no skips in our pitch.

  • Look at them over there.

  • Look at them over there.

  • Look at them over there.

  • Take a good look at the officer you hit.

  • Okay, now what are our most stressed words here?

  • Take a good look at the officer you hit.

  • Take a good look at the officer you hit.

  • Take a good look at the officer you hit.

  • Take a good look at the officer you hit.

  • Four more stressed syllables and the other words are said quite quickly. Look at the word 'good'.

  • This is a content word, but it's not stressed. We don't always stress every single content word.

  • Take a good look at the officer you hit.

  • Take a good look at the officer you hit.

  • Take a good look at the officer you hit.

  • He's stressing look, a good look. If you take a good look at something, that means you really study it,

  • you really see it, you take time to look at it, and take it in. But 'good', a little unclear, it definitely

  • has an unstressed feeling compared to 'take' and 'look'. It has the same vowel, UH as in look,

  • this is the vowel that we have in 'push'. Sometimes, people see OO and they think OO: good look.

  • But it's: good look. Actually, just on the subway the other day, I heard someone say: looking, looking.

  • That's not right. It's: looking, uh, uh, looking. Take a good look.

  • Take a good look--

  • Take a good look--

  • Take a good look--

  • So in the word 'good', he says it so quickly, I think the G is a little unclear, I think the D is little unclear.

  • We have the schwa, so these two words said very quickly between our stressed words, take and look.

  • Now, we have two more unstressed words between the word 'look' and the stressed first syllable of 'officer'.

  • How are 'at the' pronounced?

  • Take a good look at the officer you hit.

  • Take a good look at the officer you hit.

  • Take a good look at the officer you hit.

  • So unclear. As I try to isolate that, and loop it, at the, at the, at the, at the, at the.

  • Definitely not 'at the '. Much less clear, much more simplified, much faster than that.

  • Again, I would write this as schwa, stop T, and then a very quick unvoiced TH, schwa, sorry, voiced TH.

  • Now, for the voiced TH here beginning an unstressed word, tongue tip doesn't have to come all the way

  • through the teeth. That would take way too long. We have to simplify that. The tongue presses behind

  • the teeth. It's not at the roof of the mouth, it's not pointed way down, it's touching the teeth but it doesn't come

  • all the way through. At the, at the, at the, at the, at the. 'At the' becomes: at the, at the, at the. Can you do that?

  • Look at the officer--

  • Look at the officer--

  • Look at the officer you hit.

  • Officer you hit-- So 'ffi-cer you' three unstressed syllables here. Fficer you-- fficer you-- fficer you--

  • Flatter in pitch before our stressed word 'hit'. And he does do a light release of a true T. Hit, hit.

  • Now, because it's the end of a thought group, it would be pretty common to make that a stop T, hit,

  • but he does release it lightly, it sounds fine.

  • Officer you hit--

  • officer you hit--

  • officer you hit--

  • Look at him.

  • Okay, three-word thought group what's the most stressed word here?

  • Look at him.

  • Look at him.

  • Look at him.

  • Definitely 'look'. Look at him. And the other two words sort of just fall down in pitch, part of the same curve.

  • Look at him.

  • Look at him.

  • Look at him.

  • Look at him. Look at him. Now, he doesn't reduce the vowel in 'at', in 'at', he keeps that AH vowel.

  • But he does drop the H, that's common. And he connects the two with a stop T which sounds just like

  • a little flap of the tongue, a little D between vowels, at him, at him, at him, at him, at him.

  • Really smoothly connected. Look at him. Look at him.

  • Look at him.

  • Look at him.

  • Look at him.

  • He's over there having a grand old time chatting up with his pals.

  • Now, we have a really long thought group. Half of it is on this slide, half of it is on the other slide,

  • what are the stressed words in this fragment of that thought group?

  • He's over there having a grand old time.

  • He's over there having a grand old time.

  • He's over there having a grand old time.

  • He's over there having a grand old time.

  • So 'he's' has some stress, and then 'grand old time' has some stress, the most stress on 'grand'.

  • Now earlier, we had the phrase 'brand new' and we talked about how we dropped that D.

  • Brand is very similar to grand, how is this D pronounced?

  • He's over there having a grand old time.

  • He's over there having a grand old time.

  • He's over there having a grand old time.

  • Grand old, granddd, grand old. I do hear the D there. It's because the next word begins with a vowel,

  • or in this case, diphthong, the OH sound. If the next word began with a consonant, I think

  • there's a really good chance he would have dropped that D. But he does make a D sound.

  • Grand old, grand old time.

  • Grand old time. Grand old time.

  • He's over there having a grand old time.

  • Over there having a-- over there having a-- These four words here, a little bit less clear, a little bit lower in pitch,

  • flatter in pitch, less pitch variation.

  • He's over there having a--

  • He's over there having a--

  • He's over there having a--

  • Having a-- He switches the NG sound and makes just an N sound. Havin' a, havin' a, havin' a, havin' a.

  • That does happen quite often in really familiar ING words. What does it mean to have a grand old time?

  • It just means to have fun. He's very relaxed. He's chatting with his friends.

  • He doesn't have any cares or worries.

  • He's over there having a grand old time.

  • He's over there having a grand old time.

  • He's over there having a grand old time chatting up with his pals.

  • What are our most stressed words in this part of the thought group?

  • Chatting up with his pals.

  • Chatting up with his pals.

  • Chatting up with his pals.

  • Chatting up with his pals. I think 'up' has the most stress, it's the highest pitch to me.

  • Chatting up with his pals.

  • Chatting up with his pals.

  • Chatting up with his pals.

  • Chatting up with his pals.

  • 'With' and 'his' flatter in pitch, much more simplified, less clear, and did you notice that we had a flap T here?

  • Chatting, chatting. Because that T sound comes between two vowels. Chatting up.

  • Chatting, Chatting, chatting up with his pals.

  • With his pals, with his pals, with his pals, with his pals. 'With' and 'his' pretty unclear. Is the H dropped in 'his'?

  • Chatting up with his pals.

  • Chatting up with his pals.

  • Chatting up with his pals.

  • H is definitely dropped. With his pals. With his pals. TH here pretty unclear.

  • With his, with his, with his, with his. I rarely would say this but I think you could get away with a really light D,

  • it almost sounds to me like he's saying: what is, what is, what is, what is. But if that D is all heavy, or all clear,

  • it won't sound right. It has to be unclear, said quickly, simplified.

  • With his pals.

  • With his pals.

  • With his pals.

  • Enjoying a nice cup of coffee.

  • Ok, now listen to the next thought group and you tell me what's stressed there.

  • Enjoying a nice cup of coffee.

  • Enjoying a nice cup of coffee.

  • Enjoying a nice cup of coffee.

  • I hear enjoy, enjoying a nice, a nice cup of coffee.

  • Joy, nice, coff-- So 'cup', it is a content word, it's a noun, but not all content words are always stressed.

  • And I don't really hear that as stressed compared to the other stressed words in that sentence.

  • Enjoying a nice cup of coffee.

  • Enjoying a nice cup of coffee.

  • Enjoying a nice cup of coffee.

  • The word 'a' reduced to the schwa. Enjoying a, enjoying a. Links together the words 'enjoy' and the word 'nice'.

  • Enjoying a nice, enjoying a nice, and then 'cup of' both flat, low in pitch, less clear: cup of, cup of, cup of, cup of.

  • The word 'of' is reduced, it's just the schwa. So we have, I would probably right 'cup' with a schwa too,

  • because it's said so quickly. Cup of, cup of, cup of, cup of. Do that with me: cup of, cup of, cup of, cup of coffee, cup of coffee.

  • Cup of coffee. Do you hear the rhythmic contrast there? We have 'cup of', very fast, da-da, and then coffee.

  • Da-da, da-da. A longer syllable on 'co--'. Cup of coffee. Da-da da-da.

  • Enjoying a nice cup of coffee.

  • Enjoying a nice cup of coffee.

  • Enjoying a nice cup of coffee.

  • And where are you?

  • Ok, now this is interesting, we have a little four-word thought group. Where are.

  • How are those two words pronounced?

  • And where are you?

  • And where are you?

  • And where are you?

  • And where are you? So the word 'where', W consonant sound, EH as in bed, schwa R. Where.

  • Now, the word 'are' is reduced. It's just schwa R. Schwa R, I say, is one sound, it's urrr. It's not ar, ar, ar.

  • We don't really hear the schwa, it gets absorbed by the R. So here we have one sound, well, and then that

  • word ends in schwa R but this word is schwa R. So these two words kind of blend together. If you would say to me:

  • Rachel, I don't hear the word 'are', I would totally understand why you didn't hear the word 'are'.

  • I do, I hear it, super subtly, but I can understand if you wouldn't hear it at all because it's unstressed

  • and it's basically, they're just the same sound that we just heard, I hear a super slight reiteration of it

  • where I'm exaggerating there, where rrr, it's not quite that clear, but I hear a hint of that.

  • That's how I definitely hear the word 'are'. But if you don't hear the word 'are', I totally get it, I totally understand.

  • When you're working with the audio that goes with this video, why don't you think of it

  • as being completely dropped? See if that helps you simplify and smoothly link the sounds together.

  • And where you? There I said it without thinking of the word 'are', it still sounds right.

  • And where are you?

  • And where are you?

  • And where are you?

  • How's the wordandpronounced?

  • And where are you?

  • And where are you?

  • And where are you?

  • Super quick: and, and, and, and, and. I think I would write that with AA as in bat vowel, not reduced

  • from the vowel, but the D is definitely dropped. And, and, and. And where are you? And where are you?

  • And where are you?

  • And where are you?

  • And where are you?

  • In here, with me, who did nothing.

  • Okay, now he puts these little breaks in and that breaks it up into different thought groups.

  • So we have three thought groups. What is the stress of each of these little thought groups?

  • In here, with me, who did nothing.

  • In here, with me, who did nothing.

  • In here, with me, who did nothing.

  • In here, first syllable stress, in here, and the voice falls down a pitch, with me, same with the next one, in here,

  • with me, uhhh, uhhh. Pitch is the same, rhythm is the same, words or different, sounds are different.

  • See if you can do that, thinking of that same pitch, and rhythm. Uhhh, uhhhh.

  • In here, with me--

  • In here, with me--

  • In here, with me, who did nothing.

  • And what about the final little fragment there? What's the stress of that?

  • Who did nothing.

  • Who did nothing.

  • Who did nothing.

  • Who did nothing. Who did-- voices going up towards 'nothing'. The peak of pitch on 'nothing'. Who did nothing.

  • But I love how we can see this in these two little thought groups here. In here, and with me,

  • how the feeling is exactly the same.

  • Uhhh, uhhh. Same notes of the voice, same music of the voice, but different words.

  • In here, with me, who did nothing.

  • In here, with me, who did nothing.

  • In here, with me, who did nothing.

  • Let's listen to his monologue one more time.

  • As my mother always said, what kind of brand new fool are you?

  • Look at them over there.

  • Take a good look at the officer you hit.

  • Look at him.

  • He's over there having a grand old time chatting up with his pals.

  • Enjoying a nice cup of coffee.

  • And where are you?

  • In here, with me, who did nothing.

  • We're going to be doing a lot more of this kind of analysis together.

  • What movie scenes would you like to see analyzed like this? Let me know in the comments!

  • And if you want to see all my Ben Franklin videos, click here.

  • You'll also find the link in the video description.

  • That's it and thanks so much for using Rachel's English.

In the US, summer is sun, sand, and blockbuster movies.


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A2 初級

映画で英語を学ぶ-グリーンブック (Learn English with Movies – Green Book)

  • 41 2
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日