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  • There are 50 laws that are against Men

  • such as 498 (Dowry) , 304B (Dowry Death),

  • Domestic Violence, Sexual Abuse, Sexual Harassment, Rape

  • Men are being supressed these days

  • and all the new laws are pro women

  • and men do not get any help from law

  • I wanted to take care of my child, his education & future

  • I haven't even seen him in the last 3 months

  • My In-laws have done something very disgusting

  • they have got my Son's hair cut and turban removed

  • which is not allowed in our religion

  • and they have also got him transferred to another school

  • without informing me and my family

  • they have even incited hate against me

  • I don't even know if he'll talk to me

  • My wife used to fight and argue with me everyday

  • but I had no choice, as I was very attached to my son even then

  • In May 2013, my wife left the house with my child

  • when we went to her materal house in Jabalpur, to bring her back

  • there were around 8-10 people in the house

  • they talked to us first but started assaulting us later

  • They physically assaulted me and my father

  • and they even launched a false complaint

  • saying that we had hit my wife

  • Since, they were politically connected

  • they got us arrested the same day

  • my father was jailed for 2 days and I for 23 days

  • They even threatened me that if I try to meet my child

  • without giving them, the money demanded

  • they will charge me with POCSO (Child Rights Law)

  • They have taken my child away from me

  • and I haven't been able to see my child

  • in the last 2 years

  • Among the false cases, Rape cases top the list

  • 72% of the Rape cases are false

  • Women in living relationships are misusing

  • rape laws more than others

  • There are many crimes committed by women

  • such as murdering her own husband,

  • leaving or even killing her own children

  • a few days back, a woman killed her parents to elope with lover

  • Court trials are depending on perception and not facts

  • and when facts are brought out

  • everyone start hiding their faces

  • We all believe that only a Woman can get raped

  • which is a misconception

  • We visualise Rape as something that

  • actor Prem Chopra does with the lead actress

  • by forcing himself on her

  • All over the world, Rape is defined as forced sex

  • and it has nothing to do with the gender

  • But, Rape has been made a Women's issue

  • According to a 2007 report of

  • Women and Child Development Ministry (India)

  • 53% of Rape victims are boys

  • But our rape laws are completely designed for Women

  • and once a boy reaches the age of 18

  • the law courts stop believing that a boy can be raped

  • Men get Raped too

  • A 19 year old college going boy was gang raped by

  • by 3 women with an age range of 38 to 44 years

  • he was raped for 6-7 hours

  • he was stripped naked, assaulted and whipped

  • he could not even sit properly for the next 3 days

  • he was thinking of committing suicide

  • but he called a child psychologist in Pune

  • that call was diverted to me & I had to convince

  • the child psychologist to make him to talk to me

  • as I was worried, he might commit suicide

  • and this boy was the son of a former

  • member of parliament

  • he faced all this despite being a politician's son

  • In the auto driver sexual assault case

  • these Women would call the drivers to their house to give water

  • and would try to sexually assault them

  • The fact was hidden till this case came to the fore

  • This auto driver when confronted with these Women

  • reacted by running and jumping from the floor

  • that fractured his legs

  • When the police raided this apartment, they found

  • licenses of other auto drivers

  • The police could not register any case under the

  • Indian Penal Code

  • It was registered as physical assault and not sexual

  • As the courts and people of India cannot believe

  • that Men can be Raped (by Women)

  • Any Man working in an office,

  • whether he is a colleague, director or labour leader

  • can face false sexual assault allegations

  • leading to his immediate suspension

  • And the organisation's internal committee

  • is also completely biased in favour of women

  • the internal committee is like a Kangaroo court

  • According to the criminal justice system

  • 'a person is innocent until proven guilty'

  • They are declaring someone a criminal

  • on basis of a verbal statement

  • but after years when he is proven innocent

  • and he is not even compensated for the damages

  • despite of the fact that criminal charges

  • take away the chances of employment

  • The law is weak as it does not consider the evidence

  • according to the law, a Woman can never lie

  • So, on a verbal statement, the FIR gets registered

  • and the man will be declared a criminal

  • and then the court will decide,

  • and when we consider the court record

  • 75% of the rape cases are false as per the courts

  • But, even after the acquittal of the man

  • the Woman is not prosecuted under the law for

  • misguiding the courts and misusing the law

  • This is the reason, why the Indian Law has become

  • Legal Terrorism

  • In the educational institutes, men are being

  • charged with sexual assault allegations and thrown out

  • Doesn't a Man have a life?

  • A man is being treated like a slave

  • A Man works hard all day and

  • the demands of the family never end

  • How can I give them more than I earn?

  • My question is to the Chief Minister and Prime Minister of India

  • that why don't men have any law to protect them?

  • Why do only Women have a law in this country?

  • its high time, that both the genders get equality

  • and there should be same laws for the genders

  • The frequency and numbers of false cases these days

  • even against the Celebrities, Politicians, Judges and Lawyers

  • I wish that all of them get caught in false accusations

  • so that they are forced to change the laws

  • How long will they care about Women vote bank?

  • You people have touched my heart by raising this issue

  • May God bless you

  • May Allah bless you

  • You have raised a very genuine issue

There are 50 laws that are against Men


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B1 中級

男性は国際的な男性の日に値するか? (Do Men Deserve an International Men's Day?)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日