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Welcome to another episode of my vlog before the next fight, before defending my championship title at UFC 217.
I’ve just finished training, its Wednesday again and it just so happened that I had another amazing sparring session yesterday
After the training I said to Mike, I’m ready, that’s it –
that means I’m really ready, and got this inner feeling that I’ve done everything I can for this fight.
Obviously there’s still two and a half weeks left, but we still have the final two sparring sessions.
Now we’re relaxing, regenerating, I have broken up sessions, I feel really good.
Today it turned out that right after training Kamil is working with me at the gym, we usually do it in the evening.
He does a kind of general check-up after the first training
and then he comes over to my place and there we do some work for an hour, sometimes two.
Then Kamil tucks me in to sleep -
first there’s a bath with Epsom salts and, of course dinner, and then I go to bed.
I’ve finished training and today we’re trying to work on my body right away,
but generally I feel very good, don’t have any contusions and hopefully that’s how it will stay until the end,
but I’m ready and I’m really happy about it.
I know UFC in Poland is in a few days, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed for all the Poles.
I know that Cowboy is going to give a great main event fight
and I think it’s the fight everyone’s been waiting for.
So then, let me do some work now, and after that I have a plan
to give you a tour of the American Top Team club, show you how it all works.
Because I’ve really spent the first days and weeks
of my life in Florida after moving to American Top Team right here in the dorms
the rooms that are here in the club, but more about that later.
It’s good to see you all again!
-He always yells at me that I’m on the telephone.
What can I do?
Marked – with almond milk.
-(Someone once nicely put it, that it’s a kind of dementia of the 21st century, those phones).
Listen to him – say that again.
-Dementia of the 21st century.
A man without a phone, how does he live?
-Can you lay down on your back?
-It’s not my fault.
He spilled it and now he’s laughing.
I always have to spill something.
-I don’t see a mop here, you know?!
It’s Kamil – admit, you’re guilty.
What do we do now Mr. Physician? Doctor.
Yeah, that doesn’t work on me.
Tell them the one about Grzesiu, the Head of the Rehabilitation Center
There’s Grzesiu, who’s the head, there’s Kamilek, there’s Mateusz, Natalia, and at the reception now we have Karolina.
I’ve seen Karolina twice, all of them are amazing.
By the way, Grzesiu’s family, (that’s something we can talk about)
– Grzesiu comes from a family of doctors and he happened to feel a calling for Physical therapy
and that’s something amazing.
Because he’s not a doctor, but is more involved in his work than a physical therapist.
And what’s funny, people often come to him and say:
Doctor, I’m sorry Doctor, it hurts right here.
Mr. Physician. So yeah.
Then, Mr. Physician – what are we doing today?
Today we’re loosening your neck.
We’re going to work on the neck because you were talking about headaches that you’ve had today.
But that can be because of the weather.
And like I said, it’s fall, it’s rainy in Florida, even if there’s weather for wearing shorts.
But it’s because of weather, right? Or is it?
Can I have a neck cramp and that’s why I get headaches?
-It could be, I never definitively know what the cause may be.
But you’re the Magician here. You’re the one they call the angel, so listen.
So here’s what’s up, listen:
Poles learn physical therapy from Americans – am I right?
And I bring in a specialist from Poland to the States and everyone’s amazed.
So what’s the deal here?!
Tell our viewers what we’ve been doing in the last few days,
what we’ve been working on most.
I can tell them everything?
Say everything! Reveal the secrets.
Ok. Really it’s well enough now that Asia doesn’t have any contusions, so ...
Because not everyone knows, we’ve kept it a secret,
that there was a light contusion at that Camp.
Yeah, we’ve had to do some work with the back.
And what’s funniest, is that 4 days before Kamil arrived
that was a month before the fight with Jessica.
4 days before you flew in, that was Thursday, right? No.
You flew in on Sunday.
So really 3 days before your flight, my back got so cramped in the back.
Listen, I couldn’t stand up from bed, but of course to my doctor I said:
I’m going – I was laying on the couch, because we have an office where she often has competitors or patients I’m going
– but I was laying on the couch and I tell her through the tears:
I’m going to my training
And she’s there looking at my like this little worm that’s trying to crawl to the exit
it was such pain that there was not even a way I could lie down.
But listen, the silver lining was that 3 days later Kamil arrived and it was possible to undo all that.
During the fight I couldn’t feel it and that was a plus.
And that camp really is great.
Apart from one day where you felt that back slightly, but in reality that kind of work accident, that’s nothing.
Anyway, fortunately this wasn’t a serious problem, but it was holding you back in training, so that wasn’t great.
And what would you recommend to martial arts competitors,
you know, as relaxation, or when working with a physical therapist?
Deep tissue massage...
It’s really varied with those things, it depends on the fighter,
what problem they have and so on.
In reality it all comes down to individual predispositions.
Often what works is what,
you tell me that will help you.
Sometimes it’s not just doing what science sais
because the science is one thing ‘and you have to always consider it’.
No matter what works, just that it works.
Coffee works.
But today you’ve spilled mine.
So, you know, every body works differently,
which is why it happens that you react great to manual work
to muscle-fascia therapy and deep massage, so it’s good that we’re working like that.
In this case such manual therapy is ok.
You react well to heat and cold and to contrast in regeneration.
But there are fighters who won’t like that.
Because there are those who like heat and those that like cold.
-Look at that lizard over there!!
I was kidding.
-He always falls for it.
It just stretches. Old age hurts.
I’m now two and a half weeks away from the fight and Kamil always says “reach for something”.
And I always say that I’m reaching for donuts, wings, pizza and I imagine that I’m going to grab it.
Look at this:
A Polish Gala apple, Closter-Gloster –
I know apples
I used to run a grocery store after all.
He’s laughing.
But it was always fun.
Friends would come over for coffee
for food, because I’m like my mom.
We always greet everyone nicely,
always talk with everyone and it’s always positive.
We talk about everything
and here the guys also have food from Perfecting Athleaths,
so they want to be fit, but they like to snack:
They eat toast. Did you know?
And now we’re talking about how they made salad yesterday.