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  • We started that after many of our employees embrace the thought that we

  • should give back to the community and we have a comfort with ideas NetApp's you

  • back there flex your back this that we do back many things but we thought about

  • it we said why don't we give them the opportunity back whatever they want

  • given the time off and then they can join up either individuals groups or

  • families whatever next to volunteer time off came from so the way the concept

  • works they don't think it approval anything that they want to go support

  • from a charitable endeavor we get one week off paid vacation to go do it we've

  • seen teams do Habitat for Humanity we've seen teams go down to Haiti after the

  • earthquakes we've seen kids built orphanages in Mexico and Haiti the end

  • of the day the proudest thing I've seen out of NetApp are the people who come

  • back and they are so thrilled if they were able to take their passion and give

  • back to the community and add back I think it's been a fantastic thing for

  • the company

  • as we got bigger we started realizing we are having an impact on our neighbors we

  • are having an impact on the world and and if we broadened our definition of

  • who should judge us to include the world and it's not that our job is to fix

  • everything in the world that's clearly not the case but something that I just

  • love I love that NetApp is in a position to help our employees pursue their

  • passions to helping the world

  • it feels so good to be able to be with colleagues partners and give back

  • together I don't know of a stronger better way to form a team to create

  • those balls than this feeling of doing the right thing all together so I would

  • encourage everyone in the field organization but frankly everyone in the

  • company to go ahead and give back for themselves and for our community

We started that after many of our employees embrace the thought that we


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A2 初級

トム、デイブ、アンリ、サービスの遺産について (Tom, Dave and Henri on a Legacy of Service)

  • 1 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日