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- Drive is the mode where you're in charge
of your thoughts.
Whenever you start feeling in your life like,
oh my gosh, is this all there is, huge red flag number one.
How scared are you?
- Less.
- She'll be speaking at the next conference, you watch.
- Hello, Believe Nation.
I'm Evan Carmichael, my one word is Believe.
And I believe that entrepreneurs are going to solve
all of the world's major problems
So to help you on your journey today,
we're going to learn from TV host, author and speaker
Mel Robbins and my take on her Top 10 Rules of Success,
Volume 2.
Rule number one is my personal favorite.
I'd love to know which one you guys like the best.
And as always, as you're listening,
if something really resonates with you,
there's a message that really holds true to you,
please leave it down in the Comments below
and put it in quotes so that other people can be inspired
and when you write it down, it's much more likely to stick
with yourself as well.
- Drive, that's this puppy right here.
This is what you want, this is your prefrontal cortex.
Drive is the mode where you're in charge of your thoughts.
It's where you are fully awake, you are present
and you are driving your thoughts and actions.
When you're doing that, your prefrontal cortex
is active.
The prefrontal cortex is the part of the brain that you need
in order to learn new behavior,
in order to do something difficult,
in order to do something uncertain,
in order to do strategic thinking.
I'm going to give you an example.
So I'm a rightie.
If I were to try to write with my left hand,
and like you,
Lewis is going to torture me-- - Sure.
and tie my hand behind my back and make me like do this,
I could do it.
It would look like I was writing with my foot.
And if Lewis came up to me and said,
hey Mel, you want some BulletProof Coffee?
I'd be like, Lewis I'm trying to concentrate.
I can't do this.
My prefrontal cortex would be el fuego
because it is firing on all cylinders
to communicate to my hand, new behavior.
So, the thing that's cool about that
is that you can use a simple trick.
The moment you feel yourself hesitate,
the moment you've got one of those moments
where you know that you need to,
this is that moment that Lewis talks to you about
where you got to step outside of your comfort zone
and you got to lean into your passion.
And you've got to really take some risks.
And you got to feel the fear and you got to do it anyway.
That's the moment where you just woke up.
Now you got a decision to make.
Are you going to drift back into the habits
or are you going to awaken your prefrontal cortex
and drive forward and focus
and do something new?
I want you to start seeing something bigger.
I know you're all successful.
I'm talking about something really big for your life.
And in order to do that, you have to answer this question,
what do you really want?
Now I'm not talking about something small.
I'm not talking about a little haiku.
I'm not talking about renovating your kitchen.
I'm not talking about signing on 10 new customers
this month.
I'm talking about what you really want.
You know three years ago, I was a lawyer
and a business coach working with private clients
and big corporations all over the country.
And I came to a seminar, just like this one.
A big leadership seminar and I went there with my husband,
we're both business owners.
I went because I wanted to be more successful.
I went because I wanted to make even more money
than I already did.
I was sitting exactly where you are, in fact,
I was sitting about, I don't know, 15 rows back
right where that woman with her hand on, her hand, yet you.
Yeah, she's like, hi!
I was sitting and I was taking notes
and I'm like, okay I'm sure to make more money.
And then all of a sudden, she walked on the stage.
That is Martha Beck.
She writes a column for Oprah Winfrey.
She travels around the country speaking.
She's a best-selling author.
And when she walked on-stage, I literally stopped listening.
Please keep listening to me, right now.
(audience laughs)
And it hit me.
I said, I want to be doing that.
I'm ready for a bigger state, like that's it.
And what's so interesting
about when you answer that question
is that you don't answer it up here, you answer it here.
That's how you see something bigger for yourself.
You guy are really cute because everybody's like,
I don't see it.
I don't see anything for myself right now.
Now I'm just confused, I thought I knew what I wanted.
And you know, now Mel, I'm not really sure.
Right now, the economy is so bad.
I mean, it's so bad that even if you're successful.
I know sometimes I feel embarrassed talking about my success
around some of my friends because I know
that they're really struggling.
I get calls everyday into the radio show.
People saying, oh I've got this great idea
but I just don't know if it's the right time.
You know what I say to them?
I say, yeah you know, you're right.
The recession, it's huge.
You should wait.
Those dreams yeah, put 'em on hold.
That's right.
You should stay in that job you can't stand
just a little bit longer.
You got college bills to pay.
I mean, what you're doing it's fine.
You're busy, right?
That guy you're dating, he's good enough for you
but for the people in this room, baloney.
You know, that's right.
You know exactly what you want.
And the only thing that you need to do is to admit it.
Now this may sound weird because I know most of you
came in here because you're like,
I know what I want, I'm here with success
to try to figure it out.
I'm talking about something bigger.
Much bigger.
I'll admit to you what it is that I'm up to.
And the truth is, it's embarrassing
because when you lock onto something way bigger
than where you're at, it is downright embarrassing
to tell people
because you're not there yet.
But I mean, at this rate,
I've already admitted to you that I stalked Martha Beck
and that I brought a haiku to the best Lit agent
in the country so I got nothing to lose at this point.
So this is what I want.
(audience laughs)
Well not him, I'm married.
I want what he's got.
I want 600 radio stations.
I want two million listeners.
And I could certainly deal with the $400 million salary.
In fact, if I got it, I'd renovate everybody's kitchen.
(audience laughs)
And you know, the thing is though what's so interesting
about this is that I didn't pick him.
I mean, I'm not looking to become a cigar-smoking,
Conservative political guy that like stirs the pot
and makes everybody all mad.
I'm the liberal lifestyle gal
that's trying to help people out.
But what I want to do is I want to use radio
to entertain people and help them achieve their dreams.
And when I really think about it,
he's the one that's in the front.
I want to not only reach what's he doing, I want to surpass him.
I mean, do you think I like it
when my friends come over to my office in Boston
at my house and they're like, what is that guy doing
on your board?
(audience laughs)
No, it's embarrassing.
When you admit the big thing that you're up to,
it's embarrassing.
I have 40 stations, he's got 600.
There's a big gap so admitting where you want to get to
is embarrassing
but you got to do it.
- Mel Robbins, your radio show, Make It Happen,
helps people go for success.
You actually say there are three red flags
we should look for that will actually tell us
it's time to change.
- Big ones.
Whenever you start feeling in your life like,
oh my gosh, is this all there is?
Huge red flag number one.
Number two, when you spend your energy being jealous
or having the grass is greener over there,
another big wake-up call for you
that you're ready for a change.
And then the other final red flag is
if you're spending your life waiting to be happy.
I'll be happy when,
I'll be happy when I get married.
I'll be happy when I change my job.
I'll be happy when I want your business.
It's time to change now 'cause that moment's not coming
unless you make it come.
- But how do I know that I'm maybe not just living in
a fantasy land, that I'm never going to,
no matter where I am, the grass is always greener concept
that oh we say, this could be better
and then I might be making change for change sake
but it might not be really what I need.
- Baloney, if you're still saying that to yourself
over and over and over again
and you're complaining, what you're really good at
is ignoring your gut.
So it's time to start tuning into your gut
and making some changes.
- Okay so people see these signs,
why don't they make changes then?
I mean what you just described is very depressing.
- I can tell you why, I can tell you why.
The reason why they don't make changes
is because what happens is, you say,
okay I want to do X and then immediately what you see next
are all the obstacles.
And so you're actually smart, you're not necessarily afraid.
You're smart because you think, how the hell am I going to go
from being a lawyer to a carpenter
when I have a mortgage to pay.
I've got tuition bills to go.
My wife is going to kill me if I make this kind of change.
So you get stuck because you see obstacles
and then you never do anything.
- Those are very real obstacles.
- Of course they are. - Okay so--
how do I kind of get past those obstacles?
Very easy, let's say I recognize the warning signals.
Okay, time for change.
Danger, Will Robinson.
This is not the right path but it does seem Herculean
the hurdles I have to go over.
- Don't quit your job, that's number one.
Second thing is, I think most change in life
is not about putting on a big cape and jumping off a cliff,
or out of an airplane.
It's more like leaning into something.
So if you find yourself daydreaming about something
or wishing that you could change your life,
start investigating.
Start having conversations about it.
Start leaning into change.
If you took money off the table,
if you didn't give a (speech muted)
what anybody else thought,
what's the thing you would love to be doing
with your life, seriously?
Do you dream of being a professional photographer?
Do you want to open your own restaurant?
You always thought about traveling the world
and entertaining kids with your juggling skills.
I don't know, it's your life.
You get to choose what you want to do.
Be honest with yourself.
What is it that you would want to do with your life
if you didn't have to pay the bills doing it.
Another thing you can ask yourself,
who do you find yourself sort of envious of?
You know like you look at their life and you just think,
gosh, how awesome that they get to do that.
Well, once you have that answer for yourself,
you've gotten really honest.
You pushed the bull (speech muted) aside
and you really asked it for yourself
and answered the question honestly,
all you got to do is explore it, that's it.
Just find one thing that you can do
to enrich and expand your knowledge about it.
Find one course online, Google the topic.
Stalk people that are pursuing this line of work.
That's how you start to do it.
One step at a time.
So start with answering the question,
what do you really want, with a massive dose of honesty.
Google the topic and find one thing that you can do,
just one.
Push yourself and start to explore.
If you were to wake up and do that every single day,
spend 10 minutes a day, you would be startled,
astonished by what your life looks like in a matter
of a year or two.
What is the biggest obstacle that we face?
Tiago, it's simple.
It's self-doubt.
It's not fear, it's not lack of money.
It's not lack of supporters.
It's the fact that deep down inside,
you will doubt yourself at critical moments.
And here's the problem with self-doubt.
Self-doubt doesn't have to stop you.
The problem with self-doubt is that the second that you
feel a little doubtful, the second that you start
to question yourself, you physically hesitate.
That hesitation has become a habit that stops you
because the moment you hesitate, it wakes up your brain.
Your brain starts thinking and then you hold yourself back.
You guys know I talk about the 5-Second Rule incessantly.
It's the title of the new book that I'm writing
that's coming out in 2017.
The 5-Second Rule is a tool that battles self-doubt
because in those moments, those tiny micro-moments,
when you're faced with, should I do this or should I not?
Should I speak in a meeting?
Should I hold back my ideas?
Should I have this tough conversation?
Or should I wait 'til later?
The second you doubt the option of moving forward,
you hesitate.
Then you think, then you hold back.
That's how it happens every single time.
That's how you sabotage your success.
That's how you rob yourself of joy.
That habit of hesitating,
the moment that you feel doubt
is killing your dreams.
The single biggest obstacle in life, Tiago
is the doubt that you feel.
And the single biggest mistake that you're making
is that you hesitate when you feel it.
If you start to use the 5-Second Rule in those moments
to just physically move forward within five seconds,
feeling that doubt, you'll win.
I need a volunteer.
Come on up.
(audience applauds)
Hi, how scared are you right now?
- About a 12 or 15 or a 30.
- On a scale of 10?
- Yeah. - Yes.
Good you're perfect.
So I have an envelope.
You can either open this up and read what it says
but you have to do it.
- Oh no.
- How afraid are you for her?
or you can give it to somebody else.
Now what are you managing right now?
- My heart rate is just like out there.
- What do you want to do?
- Life's about change so I'll open it.
- Okay.
(audience cheers and applauds)
- So I'm up on stage with Mel.
- Give her a standing ovation, she deserves it.
(audience cheers)
So again, same rules.
Open it up, read it to the audience
and then do what it says.
How scared are you?
- I'm a little nervous 'cause I'm not sure
what you're going to want me to do.
I'm shy.
- Really?
That's baloney.
- Tell everyone in the audience the most embarrassing thing
that's ever happened to you.
- All right, you're ready for another one?
- Sure.
- How scared are you?
- Less.
- She'll be speaking at the next conference, you watch.
- Yes I will!
(audience cheers and whistles)
- Congrats, LifeVantage is paying for your registration
and three-night hotel stay at the Elite Academy at Orlando!
You're kidding!
- I'm not kidding!
- Oh my word!
(audience cheers)
It's overwhelming joy.
Just a peace, I think, that can come with really choosing
to change.
(audience applauds)
- Thank you guys so much for watching.
I really hope you enjoyed this video.
If there's someone you like me to profile
in the next Top 10, check out the link in the description
and go and cast your vote.
I'd also love to know what was your favorite message
from this video.
What did you learn from this video
that you're going to immediately apply somehow
in your life or in your business?
Please leave it down in the Comments below.
I'm really curious to find out.
I also want to give a quick shout-out to Jelena Ostrovska,
thank you so much for picking up a copy of my book,
Your One Word and doing that awesome review and interview
on your YouTube channel Talking About It.
I really appreciate the support and I'm so glad
that you enjoyed the book.
- Evan Carmichael, also the author of the book Your One Word
that has been published just a couple of months ago.
- So thank you guys again for watching.
I believe in you.
I hope you continue to believe in yourself
and whatever your one word is.
Much love, I'll see you soon.