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  • He understands the significance of this meeting.

  • He'll hear you out.





  • - King Orm. - King Nereus.

  • You picked a meeting place too close to the surface for my liking.

  • You don't recognize the Council of the Kings?

  • In Atlan's time, when the Seven Kingdoms were one,

  • our ancestors gathered here.

  • Atlantis sat here at the head of the table.

  • Xebel, as always, by his side.

  • Brine. Fishermen.

  • The Deserters and the Trench had not yet fallen.

  • The Lost Nation had not yet vanished.

  • Together, they were the greatest empire the world had ever seen.

  • But now, I sit on Atlan's throne,

  • shackled by archaic laws and politics.

  • While the threat above us grows undeniably--

  • Violence has always plagued the surface.

  • They will destroy themselves.

  • Not before destroying us first.

  • We have been hiding long enough.

  • The time has come for Atlantis to rise again.

  • VULKO: We honor you, King Nereus,

  • by inviting Xebel to be the first kingdom

  • to join King Orm's alliance.

  • As if you had a choice, Vulko.

  • By law, you need four of the Seven Kingdoms

  • to ascend and attack.

  • The Lost Nation and the Deserters have long perished.

  • The Trench are nothing but animals.

  • The Brine will never join you, and the Fishermen are cowards.

  • Without me and my army to convince them, your plans are stillborn.

  • But I know what you really want.

  • Once you've obtained the pledge of the four kingdoms,

  • you will be ordained

  • Ocean Master.

  • That is merely a title.

  • I'm no fool, King Orm.

  • As Ocean Master, you'll be commander

  • of the greatest military might on this planet.

  • I am the natural choice to lead it.

  • Are you?

  • What about the rumors that there's another?

  • An Atlantean, living among the surface.

  • One of royal blood.

  • You may sit on the throne of Atlantis, but your claim to it is weak.

  • How can you possibly hope to unite the empire?

  • My mother's bastard has never even been to Atlantis.

  • His loyalty is to the surface.




  • Surface-dwellers! To arms!

  • (GROANS)



  • Your king is injured!



  • (GRUNTS)


  • I'm not trying to start a war.

  • The war has already begun.

  • Then it's time we send them a message they'll hear.

  • TOM: I'm good. ARTHUR: Stop.



ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

潜水艦がアトランティスを襲う|アクアマン [4k, IMAX] (Submarine attacks Atlantis | Aquaman [4k, IMAX])

  • 3 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日