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hi my name's paul wilson and the creator of sewing machine golf and the director
of the paul wilson golf school at bears best las vegas
in this tip he initially had a hit
perfect golf bunker shot
in a matter of seconds
that's right i do think that perfect bunker shots in a matter of seconds
that now i know you may have a lot of trouble getting out of the sand but i'm
telling you beginning this fall of the few simple instructions
you really will imperfect bondra shots in a matter of seconds
okay so in my first and showed you how to
have the golf clubs into open position
we're opening the face to about two o'clock and that's so that the golf club
skims the top layer of the sand instead of if faces in a square position
it would be gin to be good
okay so we've got the clothing
too hard position
when we do that we need to came our body
to the left to compensate for the fact that the ball will go to the bright if
the faces in an open position
for a break and offer
what do we do when we first come in the same well the first thing we want to do
we want to
ally in our body
to the left
as we get that alignment we're going to be ghar feed in
uh... a couple of inches into the sense we're trying to find the base
to the senate
the if you stand on the very top surface this is very unstable
so you could potentially uh... slip or or wiggle around a little bit too much
but we want to be down so that were finding the base
were also digging down because when we dig down a couple of inches we are
actually lower then the ball now this is very very important
we need to hit
bits and and on the ball
soak in the past i'm sure you've heard of hitting a few inches behind the ball
okay and never want you to think like that if you think like that you can get
a worst bumper player in the world so we're never going to be thinking of
hitting about three inches behind the ball this is going to occur
because we are lower than the ball when we get the shot because we got our
imagine if you are on grass and he dug your feet in the couple inches lower
than the ball if he did he would hit the ground behind the ball
every single time
okay so you don't even have to think about hitting behind the ball
this will happen
because you dug your feet down okay so that's very very important if you have
to remember that don't be looking at a spot
three inches behind the ball and trying to hit that spot
okay so that's the first step soap week feed our feet and
align to the left of the target
as we go to set up to the shot i'll just show you the line to the left there's
our ball position is going to be a little forward of center
okay relative to the line left of the target
so we've got our ball in the proper position we don't wanna play too far
back as free and hit the ball first
too far forward bergen take too much that so
just a little forward of center is going to be fine
okay now
from here
we need to do two things when we hit the sponsorship
so i've seen in zillion people hit
bunker shots before
out of all those people they find it very difficult to get out well after
a bunch of people
what i've come to the conclusion
matter what i found was
a lot of people do not hinge the golf club properly
do other either locked here or they take this big long slang
because they feel that they didn't have to have get some power to get this ball
at at the same
well we need a little bit of power but we don't need to be really hitting that
fixable we need to do in our
back swing is we need to be hinging the golf club
so as i go back
i'm going to be thinking
of the budget and of the golf club
when i take the golf club back
i'm going to golf bunker shot
think about pointing the bug at the same
i don't want to be right at the same i want you to be
almost at the top of your sign
but if you think about pointing the bout of the sample it will probably go up a
little bit higher
which is the position
that i'd like the club tibia
soap from right here
if i go into my backside
i don't want to do this big long
sunday night
try to hit real hard and that's just not going to work ok so from right here
i'm going to feel like i'm pointing the part of the club
at the same
so that means that to me feels like it's at the same and i know it's a little
higher than that
so that's our first part to her are slang
we're gonna hinge the golf club
okay once the club is hinged
weirdest then going to take our body and we're going to turn it
to the left to hit the actual shocked
i want you to turn the body
uh... product parallel-line left
of the target so we wanted on this
lot parallel-line to this line right here
so good way to do that just make a mark
off of your total right here davis this forward tell just make a marker
and when you finish europe
uh... belt buckle is going to be pinpointing if that mark
okay so
we're not hitting behind the ball
that will occur
what we're thinking of here's
in the backslide we're thinking about
so we can strip club
now to hit the shot we're not thinking hit
we're thinking
take the belt buckle
and we're gonna turn it left of the shock
okay curtain that left through the shop
that so if we do that this is what's gonna happen from right here
we hinge
and then we turn
all will come out everytime
if we do that so let me show you guess
so right here
take the golf club into the back are so i have dug my feet and online to the
the faces open
a hinge
and then i turn
okay in that process what's gonna happen is
high end up getting off of this back foot
and yes i'd know there's people out there that teach to keep your feet
okay guarantee that this will work million times better
if you just hinge and turn okay
he really does work
that'll stop you from being back on this backflip
when you get the ball i'm sure you've had this shot before when you go like
and you're kidding way back here behind the ball
he leaves the ball in the bunker
so we're gonna get rid of that shot by getting off of this side
fight kerning
through the shot
so we're gonna he genera back stroker in in the back side
we're going to turn
on the way through
and turn
okay if you've noticed my follow through their i went through
i didn't go all the way around
and pretty close case i'm really
getting right through it
so hinge
and if you do that
you're gonna be a lick it
perfect bunker shots
in a matter of seconds
victory ask your questions about how to hit a golf bunker shot
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