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  • -Now, Carrie, since your book

  • is all about getting healthy and fit,

  • I thought it'd be fun if we played a new fitness game.

  • It's time for "Tonight Show" Fittest of the Fit Challenge.

  • -♪ You wanna get fit, you wanna get fit

  • Fittest of the Fit

  • -All right. Our first challenge is called the hang ten.

  • We have to race along this course matching our hands

  • and feet exactly to the pictures on the floor.

  • The first one to finish wins the round.

  • Okay? Do you understand? -Yeah.

  • -All right. You -- Are you ready?

  • Have you ever done anything like this before in your lifetime?

  • -Never. -Yeah, me neither.

  • Maybe, like, "Dance Dance Revolution" meets Twister.

  • It's really fun. -Ooh, you're one up on me.

  • -All right, but I don't think I'm going to win.

  • But either way. Hey, confidence. Confidence is key.

  • All right. Here we go. All right. You ready?

  • Let's line up. [Blows] All right. On your -- Wait.

  • I just want to see what -- On your mark, get set, go!

  • -Aah!

  • ♪♪

  • -Oh, God!

  • Oh, God! This is so hard!

  • -Aah! -Oh, my God! You're killing me!

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

  • -[ Laughs ] -Oh, my God!

  • ♪♪

  • [ Bell dings ] -Whoo!

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

  • -[ Laughs ]

  • God. That was so embarrassing! Oh, my gosh.

  • -That was harder than you would think it would be.

  • -It really is tough, man. Can we see that again?

  • Why? In slow motion. Here we go.

  • -[ Laughs ]

  • ♪♪

  • -Oh, my gosh. It was that bad?

  • Oh, my gosh. What are you doing?

  • -It's beautiful.

  • -Now it is time -- I'm like -- Wow. Just clueless.

  • I'm like, "Hand, foot, what?"

  • Now it's time for our second challenge.

  • This is called the Bodzilla. -Yeah!

  • -And this time, we're going to be working together.

  • One of us will put on a blindfold and attempt to walk

  • through this tiny city without knocking over

  • or crushing any of the buildings...

  • while the other has to hold a plank

  • and guide them by shouting out where they should step.

  • Who's doing the, uh -- Who's doing the planking?

  • Since you won the last round...

  • -I -- That doesn't help, does it?

  • -No, it doesn't. Yeah.

  • It means you will be walking blindfolded through the city.

  • And I have to do a plank push-up?

  • -Just hold a plank. -Just walk really -- Just jump.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • Just take a real -- Just start running from there...

  • -You know, I'm 5'3", and I have super --

  • I don't -- I'm not tall. -You can do this.

  • -I don't know if I can -- -Oh, my gosh.

  • -Blindfolded. But sure. -Aw, bud, you can do this.

  • All right. You go over there. -Okay.

  • -And I'll go down here. And then -- Here we go.

  • It's all about -- -Okay.

  • [ Drum roll ]

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

  • -Ready? On your mark, get set.

  • All right. Left, left foot, left foot.

  • Go! Left foot. All right, right foot.

  • Straight up in the air. Right foot.

  • Straight up in the air. Straight up.

  • Yes, yes, yes, perfect! Wow!

  • Left foot. You're great. All right. Now right foot.

  • Big, big, big, big -- Yes.

  • No, no. Yes. No! Yes! Yes! Perfect!

  • All right. Left foot. Yes. That's -- Stop right there!

  • Just stop! Just chill out for two seconds.

  • All right. Left foot up in the air.

  • Now over, forward, forward. Oh, higher, higher, higher!

  • Forward. No, no, no! No! Yeah, stop, stop!

  • Now right foot. Real big -- Giant step!

  • Yes, and you're done!

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

  • -Whoo!

  • -That was teamwork, man. That was great.

  • Now, can we see that again in slow motion?

  • -Yes! -Yes!

  • ♪♪

  • Look at that! -Ooh!

  • -Come on. Bodzilla. That's what I'm talking about.

  • It's time for the final round. This is worth 10,000 points.

  • -Whoa! I know. They're worth points.

  • -Whoever takes this round wins. And this is a good one here.

  • This is called the Huff and Puff Face-Off.

  • -What do I win?

  • -We -- Uh -- Um -- -What's my motivation?

  • -Bragging rights. -Okay. That's enough.

  • -You have to crouch down into a bear crawl while trying

  • to blow these three ping-pong balls past the center line.

  • Whoever has the most balls in the other person's side

  • after 20 seconds wins the game.

  • Whew. I'm already out of breath.

  • I haven't even done anything, and I'm breathing heavy.

  • What did I do? Are you ready for this?

  • -Let's do it. -You go over there.

  • And, hey, good luck. Hey. -Good luck.

  • May the best -- May the best man win.

  • -Yeah, or woman. -Or woman.

  • -All right. Here we go. Drum roll, please.

  • [ Drum roll ]

  • On your mark, get set, go!

  • [ Both blowing ]

  • -[ Shouts indistinctly ]

  • ♪♪

  • [ Blowing continues ]

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

  • ♪♪

  • [ Bell dings ]

  • -Yeah!

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

  • -I win!

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

  • -Carrie Underwood, everybody!

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

-Now, Carrie, since your book


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キャリー・アンダーウッドとのフィッテスト・オブ・ザ・フィット・チャレンジ (Fittest of the Fit Challenge with Carrie Underwood)

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日