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  • I-I'm sure this is a bad time.

  • Uh, no. A great time, in fact.

  • I'm having a red-letter day.

  • There'll be cake any minute.

  • I would like to explain how this happened.

  • It was never meant to be published.

  • I only pitched them a few ideas.

  • From "Hospital Hell"? That, I never even said.

  • And I would never say that.

  • Anything that I actually wrote

  • wasn't even directed at this hospital.

  • Then have them change it. Have them take it down.

  • I tried. They won't.

  • I can write a retraction, an explanation.

  • [ Scoffs ] A retraction won't help, Grey.

  • Nobody reads the retractions.

  • Bailey, you know me.

  • You know I love this place. I grew up here.

  • Any good I've ever done, any awards I've ever received

  • have been from things I learned here,

  • in this program, from you and Richard Webber.

  • [ Sighs ] I --

  • I'm sorry if -- if any of this has hurt you.

  • I really am truly sorry.

  • I know what you learned, Grey.

  • I spent years of my life teaching it to you.

  • Remember, I stayed late almost every night

  • explaining procedures and technique

  • when I could have been home with my family, right?

  • I made you study. I made you practice.

  • I was your friend, your mentor,

  • and every time you needed me, I was there.

  • So you can sit there and apologize to me

  • and say all the -- the moving words,

  • but the damage has been done.

  • Bailey, I --

  • You can close the door on your way out.

  • [ Door closes ] [ Exhales sharply ]

I-I'm sure this is a bad time.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

メレディスはベイリーに謝罪する - グレイズ・アナトミー (Meredith Apologizes to Bailey - Grey's Anatomy)

  • 7 1
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日