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- Hey guys, this is Austin and today on
Broke vs. Pro, well, guess what.
Mr. Pro over here is about to be
just a little bit more broke because, this time,
there's no more cheating involved because
you have the same budget. - Cheating?
Dude, you literally bought a PC.
(evil laughter)
- [Austin] It's very simple.
Who can build the best gaming system
for two hundred dollars or less?
I don't care if you get a PC.
I don't care if you get a GameBoy Advance.
It doesn't matter. But, what matters
is who can do the best job with an actual limited budget.
- [Ken] Do I get to use your leftover money?
- No! What? No.
In fact, you get bonus points if you spend
less than the two hundred dollars.
AKA, I'm gonna try to do that.
- [Austin] What are you doing?
- [Ken] I'm just appreciating the exclusive
automotive partner of the Austin Evans
YouTube channel.
- [Austin] Toyota is not sponsoring this video.
You're not getting extra budget. Stop!
Just, just chill. Okay?
- Okay. Well, I don't know why I decided to drive then.
(Austin laughing) - Where are we going?
You're going first.
- My plan is very simple.
I am going to try to build the cheapest
computer I can find that can still play some games.
Something like a Core 2 Duo or potentially like
a first generation Core or second generation Core.
But something that is pretty easy to work on,
something that I can still get parts for, but also
that will hopefully be very cheap.
Two hundred dollars is not a lot of money.
- [Ken] I'm gonna hit up my first spot. I just--
- What?
- [Ken] I thought of something.
- Well, I thought I was gonna go get my stuff first.
Are you doing a PC as well?
- [Ken] Um, not necessarily.
- (Austin laughing) Are you getting lunch right now?
- [Ken] There's an ulterior motive.
- [Austin] Do you know they don't sell
Cool Ranch Doritos Tacos any more, right?
- Really?
- [Austin] Yeah.
- Hey, can I get whatever the box is
for the Xbox One contest?
- Yeah, yeah. Let me do that.
Yeah, unsweet tea.
- (Austin laughing) The (bleep) are you doing?
You're trying to win an Xbox right now
with your two boxes.
- There's a winner every ten minutes for an Xbox One.
(boxes crinkling) (Austin laughing)
I actually don't know how to even enter.
- [Austin] Is there like a code in there or something?
- Oh, maybe it's on the receipt.
Or was it supposed to be a special box?
And then they just didn't give me the special box.
Hold on, I'm gonna be right back.
- [Austin] Are you actually go back
through the drive-through? Are you gonna go inside?
- I'm gonna go inside and get the code.
- [Austin] Well?
- Limited edition boxes are sold out.
- [Austin] So you just paid for your meal
and you don't have an Xbox One X to win?
What a great plan.
- We'll just cut it in editing.
- [Austin] We'll just cut it in editing.
- [Ken] So my idea wasn't exactly going to plan,
but Austin's, his was working out.
- [Austin] We just got the hook up.
So not only did they hook us up with
pretty much everything we need,
but they pretty much gave it to us for free.
Dude, no.
That's cheating. The whole point is
I'm making fun of you for cheating.
I can't get stuff for free.
No, no, no.
I have to pay for everything.
It's not-
For the purposes of this competition,
we're going to assume the value of all these components.
Which, based on a quick eBay search,
is somewhere in the neighborhood of $140.
For a Core 2 Quad system, the 560 TI,
that's also including the SSD
that we've got back at the office,
and a couple of other things.
So, $140 I've got myself
what I think is a pretty cool system.
So, what exactly is your plan right now?
- I need to go to more Taco Bells.
- [Austin] Are you serious?
That's really your plan is to go to more Taco Bells.
- Look, have you ever played the lottery before?
- [Austin] Why don't you just get a normal Xbox.
Use the money that you can spend
to not cheat the rules.
Isn't that a novel concept?
- Can I revoke the budget that I spent on the lunch?
- [Austin] Yes, you can get your $12 back.
That's an acceptable compromise.
- Okay. I will do this legit.
- (Austin with dramatic music) What?
That's unbelievable. I am so proud of you.
Good job, Ken.
So I have a lot of work to do.
Now, I have not tested any of this hardware.
Supposedly, it's working.
Oh wait. I didn't realize I got another case
with the giant hole in it.
I gotta stop doing this.
The first thing is though is that--
Ugh. I am just going to strip all of this out.
I don't need any of this. Thankfully.
Woo, okay. Let's stand that up.
- [Ken] I am actually allergic to dust,
so I'm gonna stand back here. - Oh, excellent.
- [Ken] Maybe you should just clean it.
- Nope. I'm okay.
All right. Here goes nothing.
There we go.
Hopefully the stock cooler will at least keep it running
long enough to beat your stupid Xbox.
(metallic ting)
- [Ken] Oh. - There we go.
I got it. It's good.
- [Ken] That also didn't sound good.
- No. That's actually a good sound. I'm okay with that.
- [Ken] That's like popping your bone back into place
when it disconnects. - No. I'm fine.
Now we've got a couple of options for DDR2.
Now this is very much untested,
so if this thing actually boots first try
I will be shocked.
So this is a grand total of
this'll be 4GB of DDR2 which I think should be okay.
So this is not-- Ah, damn.
Is this the wrong IO shield?
This is the wrong IO shield.
It doesn't line up.
Okay. You know what? IO shields are overrated.
IO shields are for punks. (Ken laughing)
I have some new components for my build.
I have a brand new 650 watt power supply.
Probably overkill, but I'll take what I can get.
I also have a 240GB SSD which,
thanks to the wonders of modern technology,
cost like 25 bucks.
- [Ken] All right. That looks--
- Hey look. Test boot. I'll clean it up later.
- [Ken] That is--
Oh, you have to jump it too.
- I didn't install anything last night.
- [Ken] All right. Well, it turned on.
- I have post. - [Ken] See if a CPU.
- Is my GPU spinning? It is!
- [Ken] Well there you go.
- Wait a minute. Is this actually gonna work?
- [Ken] Oh here we go. Ooh.
- [Austin] Did it? Are you serious?
- [Ken] Yeah, it booted. - [Austin] That fast?
What? Wait. Wait. Wait.
Is this a bit of victory perhaps?
Maybe not victory, but look at that.
It actually mildly works.
So what exactly do you have to show for yourself?
You have a SAD Xbox I see.
- [Ken] I do have a SAD Xbox.
This is the only one that I could find for 150 bucks.
This was refurbished or used - [Austin] Okay.
or some degree of not new.
- [Austin] Okay.
- But I guess,
because of all the Black Friday sales,
this thing came down in price a little bit.
Granted, I think you can get one of these for 150 right now.
- [Austin] So you can actually buy this new
for $150 during Black Friday.
- Exactly, but it is what it is.
- [Austin] So is this your entire broke setup
is just buying an Xbox? Like that's it? Like you just--
- [Ken] Pretty simple yeah.
- [Austin] Wait. Are you using Game Pass Ultimate?
- I am using Game Pass Ultimate.
(Austin groans)
- [Austin] Well it's fine.
I have a trick up my sleeve as well.
I mean, no, nothing cheating of course.
Just purely by the book. - Well, I mean if we're
both gonna cheat now. (Austin laughing)
- I actually have a trick up my sleeve too
which will involve me
stepping out for a bit.
- [Austin] You have to leave? Why do you have to leave?
- Just stay there.
- [Austin] What are you doing?
- It's okay. No. We're fine.
- [Austin] What are you doing back there?
- We're fine. We're fine. We're fine.
- [Austin] Nothing to see here. We're okay.
(dramatic sting)
- [Austin] What's that? Huh? - It's working.
- [Austin] What are you doing with a laptop? Huh?
- It's okay. Is that cheating?
- [Austin] Little cheating.
- Look. My Xbox just runs Windows now.
- [Austin] Are you just streaming from a laptop?
Is that you master plan right now?
- [Ken] Look at all of these games I can play.
- [Austin] Broke vs. Broke is like we're trying
to test the budget.
We're trying to show how we can
flex on everyone with our tiny budgets.
It doesn't work when you're streaming from like
a super expensive gaming laptop.
- [Ken] Okay. Well, fine.
I won't do that then.
- [Austin] Well, what are you going to do?
- I can play Gears.
Well, while we wait for my game to load.
What do you have?
- [Austin] So this is running full Windows 10.
It actually still runs everything fine.
So my drivers are a little bit old,
so I think the last time in the NVIDIA sent out
a driver for the 560Ti was like early 2018.
But still, it fully supported Windows 10, 64-bit,
up to date everything.
And I am going to play some Rocket League
on my super cool cheep-o
El cheep-o system.
Cheep, cheep, cheep, cheep.
Broke system.
(Clears throat) I have to be on brand.
My broke system. High quality across the board, 1080p--
- [Ken] Well then again, Rocket League isn't like
incredibly hard to run either. To be fair.
- Yeah. No but this is an old system, right?
Like the newest component in here is probably our GPU.
Ah, that's not the right button at all.
- [Ken] That actually doesn't look that bad.
- [Austin] No, it's not bad at all actually.
Uh, 70-80fps. Look, come on,
for well less than $200, this is not bad.
Look at that! Huh?
I didn't make that, but it's fine 'cause
it's running on my PC.
What? What is that?
Is that 200fps in Modern Warfare?
Are you serious right now?
I mean, are we inside? Yes.
Is this just the beginning of the game? Yes.
Look how smooth that is.
That's pretty good. Come on. Give that a try.
Look. That's great, right?
- [Ken] Not really.
- [Austin] What could you possibly complain about?
That's amazing - Okay. It's fine. It's fine.
- [Austin] Dude, this thing costs next to nothing.
This is the definition of a broke system.
I get that you're trying to like say
'Oh, you can buy an Xbox. Blah, blah, blah'
but this, if you are a broke gamer,
find some old components: Core 2 Quad, 560Ti.
I mean, these cost next to nothing.
I mean, this case, and some of the other components
I could have used like the Core 2 Duo,
they were throwing out. Like this was going to the recycler.
Dude, like reduce, reuse, recycle.
- [Ken] Gears of War.
This is very clearly a demanding game.
- [Austin] Do we have to play from the beginning? Really?
- [Ken] I haven't played this before.
- [Austin] Great. Well, I mean,
it does look great in the dark.
I can see like five pixels. - [Ken] Look up at Dave. Okay.
Hi Dave. There we go.
Look, graphics. Graphics. - [Austin] Whoa. Okay.
That's actually pretty good. - [Ken] Yeah.
- [Austin] So is your actual legitimate advice,
if you're a broke gamer, is to ignore building a PC
and to just buy an Xbox or PS4 and call it a day.
- Look, so this was $150, granted
it didn't come with the controller,
but with the controller,
I think you can get one for probably around $20
used online as well.
I mean, look. Look at all-- (gunshot)
- Your computer is stepping over my lines.
- [Austin] Sorry, are you hearing--
Oh, I'm sorry. Is the fact that I'm running
Red Dead Redemption 2 on my system distracting you.
Yeah. Yes, that is, in fact, Red Dead 2.
- So, before I was rudely interrupted,
I was talking about how many (Austin laughing)
games there were on Game Pass. - [Austin] Yes. Yes.
- Look at this. Look at all these games I can play.
Look, Rocket League. This is free! Free on Game Pass.
- [Austin] It's not free is you pay for the service, Ken.
- Yeah, but like--
Okay, so why don't you show me your game over there?
- [Austin] Well you turned off my monitor.
Hang on. Let me just.
- [Ken] What was that? I'm just going to go over here
and set up Stadia.
- [Austin] This is native I don't know
what you're talking about.
- [Ken] Look at that! Oh, look at that!
Oh man.
- [Austin] Fine. You got me.
- [Ken] And how much did Red Dead cost? 60 dollars?
- [Austin] What? You know what.
Stadia is a perfect example
of a good use for my system, right?
because I can play a lot of games natively
and, for some newer titles that don't work,
I can stream them via Stadia.
The moral of the story is...
Let us know in the comments who won.
If you're a broke gamer, should you buy a stupid Xbox
or should you build a PC and be cool?
- I think you should just get a job
and have money to pay for things.
- [Austin] I don't really have anything to add.
That's pretty rude.
- It's reasonable.