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- Hey guys, this is Austin!
And today it is time to upgrade Matt's 2010 Mac Pro?
- Yeah, 2010.
- Okay so, Matt has had an unfortunate incident recently
in that his dog broke his iMac screen.
So, to hook him up, we're gonna do a little bit
of a project and see what we can actually upgrade
with his original Mac Pro.
Also, if you guys don't know Matt, he's the one
who runs This Is and makes fun of me on Mystery Tech.
- It's true.
- This is not a stock 2010 Mac Pro, right?
It still works right now, but you wanna basically
see if you can get it a little bit less garbage?
- Yeah, like, I've done some modifications with it.
These are all USB two and there's no way
to really change that.
So then I needed USB three, so I got this card here,
which has worked really well for me
but it needed dedicated power.
It wouldn't run off the PC IE.
- Wait, so did you,
this came with an optical drive right?
- It has two optical bays.
The door doesn't like to close.
Turns out, there's nothing meant to be right here.
- So you've upgraded this several times
over the years that you've owned the Mac Pro.
- Yes.
- [Austin] So what are you doing with the Mac Pro
once we're done rebuilding it?
- So I do video editing.
- When was the last time you cleaned this?
There's literally like an inch of dust
on your graphics card.
- [Matt] Probably never.
- [Austin] Woo!
- [Matt] This was an off road, uh.
- Off road?
- Yeah, so when I--
- So actually, you travel with this?
- Yeah.
- So can you run me through the spec of this guy?
So this is 2010, is it a quad core?
- [Matt] It is a quad core,
I think 2.6 gigahertz Xeon.
- The first thing is,
we should upgrade the CPU.
If you're rocking the quad core,
this goes up to, what is it, like 10 cores, 12 cores?
- It can do 12 cores maximum.
- You've already got the hard drives.
I think maybe we just swap out this SSD
for something that's just a little bit more modern,
a little bit quicker.
So we've got a task here.
So I think the next step is I need to do some googling
and find some parts and let's see if we can
get this upgraded and back to 2019 specs.
So it has been about, what, two weeks now?
- Two weeks.
- And we have everything we need
for the ultimate Mac Pro.
- Matt Pro.
- The Matt Pro, apologies.
So, the way that the Mac Pro works,
is that while you can guy the CPUs,
you can also buy the entire tray,
which essentially is the motherboard.
- We could have gone to a six core
with a little bit better clock speed,
but the real upgrade is going to the dual socket.
- Yes, so essentially what we have here
are a pair of six core processors.
Now it might not sound super impressive,
thank you very much,
in this sort of modern era where we have,
you know, what, 32 cores in Threadripper,
but 12 cores was a lot of power,
especially for 2010.
One of the interesting things about this
is that the entire upgrade
was actually not that expensive.
So we were able to get the tray,
which of course, is the motherboard,
as well as the two CPUs for a little bit over $500.
Now this is like a what?
Like a $6500 config when it first came out?
- Yeah, and that's not including
the memory we got with it.
- Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.
So we also had to get, we got 64 gigs as you can see
by my giant pile of dents here.
I mean I guess you do have the limitation
that single thread is probably not gonna be
super impressive, but what we're using it for
is primarily like editing.
- I do play the occasional game on it.
- [Austin] Well you'll definitely be able to game.
- Oh yeah, I love my Civilization.
- Boom, so with that,
we have upgraded from a quad core to a 12 core.
And this entire setup with the new tray,
the dual CPUs, the 64 gigs of RAM,
still cost us only about $700,
which obviously is a fair bit,
but considering that if you would have bought this
in 2010, it would have been at least 10 times that.
Really not a bad upgrade.
- So we went with a RX 580 AMD card.
This is pretty much the maximum
that the system can handle.
- This is the original connector.
It's a pair of six pins.
- [Matt] Correct.
- [Austin] And you've adapted the six to an eight, which.
- [Matt] Already is bad.
- Alright, let's pull the 760 out.
So this is actually built in support for a longer CPU.
- Mm hmm, yes. - Oh, interesting.
Actually, have we even measured
to see if the Strix card will fit?
- On paper.
I mean, it, I eyeballed it. - It'll be fine.
- [Matt] It looked like it'll be.
- It'll be fine.
Oh we didn't clean this out.
Why is there already a 14 terabyte hard drive in here?
- I got excited.
- Well okay then, so apparently,
Matt's stealing company property
and installing a 14 terabyte hard drive
in his Mac Pro.
- So when we started this project,
it was running Sierra.
And so we wanted to go to Mojave
because we needed that for the graphics card support.
But it wouldn't let us upgrade it
until we upgraded the firmware of the motherboard.
But there's a fun little problem with that,
is the only way to update the firmware
is if you have the original EFI graphics card.
So we found a guy in town
who had one and let us borrow his
just to update the firmware.
You're covered in dust right now.
- I know!
Why didn't you clean your dirty computer?
- I thought that's what you were doing.
- No, I'm upgrading it with like 12 cores and stuff!
I'm not cleaning.
Do I look like a cleaning service?
- [Matt] Full service, man.
- What, that's (mumbling).
So with that, we have our 12 core CPU,
16 gigs of RAM, and our RX 580.
Next, let's upgrade your SSD.
So with that, we've got a one terabyte SSD.
I think it's time to see if this thing actually works.
Matt, would you like to do the honors?
- Yeah!
Oh, it'd help to take off my Powered By EVGA.
- Nah, it's fine, it's fine,
it's powered by EVA.
- See a little RGB going here?
- Yeah.
- [Matt] Hey, it works!
- [Austin] There you go!
So we go up to about this mac.
We see, there you go.
Two three gigahertz six core intel Xeons.
Hey, 64 gigs, okay cool.
So all of our eight gig dems are showing up.
So for reference, we're going from a quad core Xeon
all the way up to a pair of six core CPUs
and we're going from eight gigs to 64 gigs of RAM.
Now Geekbench I think should show
a fairly substantial difference,
especially in the multicore.
2734, 20,000 on the multicore!
So single core obviously is not that impressive.
I mean, it's essentially a 10 year old processor.
But 20,000 on the multicore for a 2010 system.
That's ridiculous.
- So for reference, before the upgrade,
the single core was 2175
and the multicore was 7600.
- Wow, that is a huge difference.
Next up, we have Cinebench.
Now not only will this test the CPU,
but I'm also curious to see how much higher
the GPU score is.
So, especially when you consider
that this started out with a 5770.
I mean, a 580's going to be,
five, six times faster, eight times the memory.
I mean, it's a massive, massive difference.
So we're going from 43 to 59.
That's not that good.
Oh dude, look at that!
I never get tired of seeing like a million thread
spin up for Cinebench.
So you know what's crazy with this?
It's not actually that expensive
when you consider it, right?
So what do you think it would have cost
to first of all buy your original Mac Pro chassis
and just do the tray upgrade with the memory and stuff?
- I mean, I've see the original chassis
go anywhere from 250 to about 450.
The six core CPUs you can get for like 180,
which is bananas how cheap that is.
And then the 580s I've seen for 175 brand new.
- So, realistically, all of the upgrades
we've done to this system are about $1,000.
Maybe a little bit more considering that we have the one,
well okay, the 14 terabyte drive is like $500.
- That's overkill.
- We're gonna ignore that part of it.
To really put this to the test,
we have our resident editing man, Jimmy Champagne.
- That's me!
I'm here.
- So we are editing off of an external SSD.
So we're using this little Samsung T5
which is plugged into Matt's USPC card.
- [Jimmy] So that's pretty standard.
- Yeah, which is what we edit all of our videos on.
But it seems to be fine.
- So now we're gonna try and sync the footage,
see how quick that goes.
That went as quick as it does on the iMac Pro.
We'll do better quality.
- This is unrendered 4k pro res right now.
Oh, we're getting your texts.
Uh oh, this is bad.
- Is this a woman?
- Oo, Matt got quiet fast.
- [Jimmy] Background render is a little slower
than the iMac Pro.
- Wait, so basically, you have a 10 core iMac.
- Yeah.
- Which is obviously faster.
But when you compare this to something like a MacBook
or an iMac, this is still more powerful.
- I'd say it's noticeably faster than the MacBook,
but noticeable slower than the iMac Pro.
So it's falling somewhere between.
- Which is pretty impressive for a nine year old
desktop which we just Frankensteined together
with like less than $1,000 worth of products.
So that my friends is building the ultimate Matt Pro.
For something that's this old,
the amount of power we were able to get,
especially considering the price
is super, super impressive.
So if you'll excuse me,
I'm going to buy a lot more of these and have some fun.
That actually sounded really ominous,
like as if I'm gonna build some super computer
out of Mac Pros.
I'm actually not gonna buy any more of these.
- [Matt] Aw.