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  • - [Austin] Ken, can you tell me how this feels?

  • - [Ken] It feels very good!

  • - I feel like we need to get one of these for the office!

  • Like it's legitimately really cool.

  • Hey guys, this is Austin.

  • This is a Toyota Highlander and recently,

  • I got the opportunity to see something I've always wanted

  • to check out, how a car is actually built.

  • So our friends at Toyota sponsored our trip

  • out to their TMMI plant in Indiana

  • to see exactly how it all comes together.

  • One of my favorite parts is the exoskeleton.

  • So as you can see, not only is it incredibly stylish,

  • but the cool part about is it gives you a lot of extra lift.

  • So say if you're working on like wiring harnesses

  • or painting, you kind of have your arms lifted

  • above your head for a significant chunk of the day,

  • it actually gives you a lot of lift.

  • In fact, I've got about six pounds of lift right now,

  • which doesn't sound like a lot,

  • but it's actually a fair bit, and especially

  • with Ken with the 10 pound, you can imagine

  • if you were kind of like working with say (hissing)

  • That actually makes a real difference.

  • Like even just a few extra pounds,

  • like especially if you're doing this all day long,

  • your arms are gonna get really tired.

  • So even if this just helps like 20, 30%

  • with like a little bit less fatigue

  • at the end of the day, it's totally worth it.

  • Touring through the plant, it's hard not

  • to be struck by just how big everything is.

  • Between the massive robots, the automated little carts

  • that are moving parts around to just the sheer size

  • of the factory, it's kind of overwhelming.

  • We started our tour by entering the paint shop.

  • Now this place is really hardcore.

  • Even just a little bit of dirt

  • or dust could totally ruin a car.

  • So I donned my super stylish suit,

  • walked through the decontamination room,

  • and got to enter what actually a lot

  • of people don't even get to see.

  • Now even though it's just called the paint shop,

  • there's a lot more than that going on.

  • So one of my favorite parts is right here.

  • So you'll see that there a series

  • of four robots applying sealant

  • to the underside of these vehicles.

  • Now that's super cool

  • 'cause obviously robots are incredibly precise.

  • You can see they literally I mean spend what?

  • Probably less than a minute per vehicle applying all

  • of the sealant.

  • However if you go one station down,

  • you'll see that people are a huge part of this process.

  • So not only are they spot checking everything

  • to make sure it looks fine, but they're also brushing it

  • to make sure it's an even coat,

  • there's nothing that's missed.

  • I think it's a really cool example

  • of just how much the sort of blend of people

  • and technology really does make all of this possible.

  • For certain tasks, robots absolutely make sense.

  • But a lot of other tasks, the people are going

  • to do a much better job, of course be much more thorough

  • about like you know thinking about things

  • versus going like (imitates robot buzzing).

  • (imitating robot buzzing)

  • That's pretty much what robots do.

  • The scale of the operation really makes sense

  • when you consider that this is a factory

  • which is constantly churning out vehicles.

  • Everything they can do they have done

  • to optimize efficiency.

  • So whether that means the cars are flying overhead,

  • they're being welded on one side

  • and glued and bonded and painted.

  • I mean there's just stuff going on all the time.

  • But it makes sense because in a matter

  • of just a few hours, you have a bunch

  • of raw materials come in one side of the factory

  • and a fully completed vehicle come out the other side.

  • And this happens nonstop!

  • I mean it's ridiculously cool to watch!

  • (bright, upbeat music)

  • So every vehicle goes through an inspection

  • to make sure of course things like the lights work

  • and the horn and all that kind of stuff.

  • But then they also go through a water chamber

  • to make sure that there are no leaks.

  • They go on the dyno to make sure the powertrain

  • and everything is working correctly.

  • But then a few vehicles go into further review,

  • AKA the fun stuff!

  • So the first thing we saw was a massive room

  • which can simulate basically hurricane-level experiences.

  • So it can absolutely pour water on a vehicle

  • and this is to make sure that not only it continues

  • to work, but things like the windows

  • and the seals are all working correctly.

  • And they don't pull every vehicle through here,

  • but they do grab a handful of vehicles every day

  • to make sure that nothing is sort

  • of underperforming as they expect.

  • The same thing goes for the track.

  • So they have a series of different road surfaces

  • that are rough that are trying to test

  • for not only any suspension issues,

  • but if there's any like weird squeaks

  • or rattles or anything going on.

  • And then last but not least, not only do they take it

  • over a giant hill to make sure that everything is working,

  • but they give it a full-speed pass

  • on their private road, which I may

  • or may not have got to ride along with.

  • (whooshing)

  • The entire experience wrapped up

  • with a sneak peek at the 2020 Highlander,

  • which should be going on sale roughly

  • about the time that you're watching this video.

  • Now the interesting part of this is

  • that not only were these some of the very first vehicles

  • that come off the assembly line,

  • but you have to consider that when there's a new vehicle,

  • the entire plant has to kind of start from scratch.

  • Sure obviously some things can be reused,

  • but generally speaking, you've got a new exterior.

  • You've got a new interior.

  • You've got tons and tons and tons of new parts.

  • And not only do they have to work

  • on the development of these and kind of

  • to design them to work in the vehicle,

  • but also the factory has to figure out

  • how are we going to put them together?

  • In what order should we do this?

  • They have to work out all of the kinks.

  • And they still have to continue making the old one

  • at the same time!

  • It is an incredible logistical challenge,

  • but it's something that I was super excited to check out.

  • That is just a little look at what goes

  • into building a vehicle.

  • I want to give a huge shout out

  • to Toyota for giving us the amazing factory tour.

  • And the next time you see a Highlander

  • or well pretty much any Toyota on the road,

  • think for just a second about how much work goes

  • into these vehicles.

  • It really is incredible.

  • Next time I know I'm gonna, I'm gonna appreciate it.

  • I'm gonna be like, "Oh look, that was a lot of work!"

  • Cars just don't grow on trees, you know?

  • They're built in factories by lots

  • and lots and lots and lots of people!

  • (bright, upbeat music)

- [Austin] Ken, can you tell me how this feels?


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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日