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  • Electric bikes are some of the coolest tech that I've seen this year.

  • They're fast, they have a lot of range, and they keep on getting better and better.

  • You might remember from the previous video where I reviewed the Rad Power Bikes and how

  • awesome those were out in the snow.

  • These bikes are quite a bit less expensive and can still do the same stuff.

  • Ancheer sent me both of these bikes to review on my channel.

  • So I'm going to unbox them, take them out for a spin, see how they work, and give you

  • my opinion.

  • Let's get started.

  • [Intro]

  • In the last couple years, electric vehicles like electric skateboards, electric bikes,

  • electric cars, have all been becoming more and more prevalent in the news and online.

  • They are getting easier and easier to buy all the time.

  • And that's because the technology is constantly improving.

  • What you buy this year will be completely different than what you can buy next year

  • because it's improving so fast.

  • Now I haven't taken these bikes apart yet, but I imagine that these are powered by the

  • same circular lithium ion batteries that we see inside Tesla cars, the Anker Power House

  • that I took apart last week, and the previous Rad Power Bike.

  • Remember, I'll link all of this stuff down in the video description so you can check

  • it out and see the specs and things.

  • But it's really exciting to see how things are progressing over time.

  • And just because things are getting so good so rapidly, it doesn't mean you have to hold

  • off and wait to buy one.

  • Yeah, technology is always improving but there's no need to hold off when things are as good

  • as they are right now.

  • [Zack #1] You about done yet?

  • [Zack #2] Yeah, I mean, I think I got it.

  • [Beeping sounds.]

  • The horn sounds like some kind of SOS signal, but other than that it works pretty well.

  • So this bike right here is called the Rad Power Bike, and this is what I've reviewed

  • before last year.

  • We took it out in the snow.

  • It's got these huge thick tires.

  • This is the bike that was just barely sent to me from the Ancheer company.

  • It's also got some pretty thick tiresnot quite as big as the RadRover, but still pretty

  • massive.

  • Personally I think the Ancheer Bike does look a little cooler.

  • It's got the red accents all over the metal frame and here along the seat as well.

  • It's a good looking bike.

  • I'll talk about this one here in a second.

  • It's quite a different looking beast, but we'll get to that after we're done riding

  • the big boys.

  • Another benefit of this Ancheer Bike is that it does have a fender on the back that keeps

  • the mud and snow from flipping up on your backpack if you're going to school or going

  • to work or something like that.

  • This bike does not have a fender on the back or the front.

  • This one does have a fender on the front, but I just didn't install it so we'll put

  • that on later.

  • The biggest difference between these two bikes...I mean they're both electric, they both have

  • motors on the back.

  • The biggest difference is price.

  • The one I got sent from Amazon is about $800, and the one over here, the Rad Power Bike,

  • that is about $1,500.

  • Now in order to test these we're going to do a couple different things, we're going

  • to ride them side by side to see what the acceleration is, and I've enlisted the help

  • of my brother, his name is Spencer, to help me out.

  • So in order to turn on the Rad Power Bike, there's a power button right here along the

  • side.

  • Just press that and that gets the power going up here to the consul.

  • This is also a secondary power button.

  • And so here we can see the miles per hour, how many total miles it has, the wattage,

  • the pedal assist mode, and how much battery it has left.

  • Now this bike is a little bit different.

  • This is the one I got from Amazon.

  • Right here there is a key that needs to be turned on.

  • So if you lose the key, they bike will not work.

  • That's a little bit annoying.

  • And then it has a handle that flips up, and this is how you charge it right here, it plugs

  • into the wall.

  • And then the whole battery pack can be removed so you can swap these out if you want.

  • The seat lifts up, battery pulls out, seat goes back in.

  • And then here, the heads up display is not quite as in depth as over on the Rad Power

  • Bike, but you just hold on the power button for 3 seconds and the whole thing turns on.

  • It still has the pedal assist mode, the low, medium, and high, and I'm guessing this is

  • the battery indicator.

  • We haven't burned this down enough.

  • This is my first time riding this bike.

  • Both of the bikes have the LEDs on the front so you can ride them at night.

  • This one has your standard 5 gears in the back.

  • And then this one also has the same gear the standard 5 gears, and the throttle location

  • is in the same spot.

  • It's right herekind of like a motorcycle.

  • You just grab that, pull it, and it starts accelerating the whole bike.

  • Alright, so I am currently not peddling my bike, everything is going off of the electricity.

  • Now the top speed of this thing is rated right around 16 miles per hour.

  • Now legally, electric bikes can't go faster than 20 miles per hour or that makes them

  • a street legal vehicle or something like that.

  • So I think the Rad Power Bike maxes out at 20.

  • So technically it's probably going to win this race, but there's only one way to find

  • out.

  • Alright Spence, are you ready?

  • [Spencer] Let's do it.

  • [Zack] Okay, so what's going to happen right now is we're both going to take off, you know

  • we have our little throttles right here.

  • The bikes are both powered on and ready to go, and we're going to take it and go along

  • this path and wind around and end up at that bridge over there.

  • [Spencer] Alright, don't cut into my lane!

  • [Zack] Okay!

  • Okay, one, two, three!

  • I'm maxed out.

  • Oh man!

  • [Zack] Alright so were you on the throttle the whole time or did you let off around the

  • corners?

  • [Spencer] I let off on the corners.

  • [Zack] Okay, I did the same thing, but you definitely pulled away much quicker than I

  • did.

  • Your acceleration was a lot more.

  • Alright so this time around we're going to do a straight away shot, see what the top

  • speed is and see what the acceleration is like without a turn.

  • And it looks pretty sweet.

  • This strait away shot right here with the mountains in the background.

  • And I think we have the drone positioned somewhere up there.

  • You ready?

  • [Spencer] Let's do it!

  • [Zack] Three, two, one, go!

  • Oh man!

  • Top speed, no pedaling.

  • Spencer kills me off the road!

  • Whoa!

  • So even his top speed is a little bit faster than mine.

  • I'm coming!

  • [Zack] Alright Spencer, so the top speed of your bike was faster than mine and it also

  • accelerated quicker.

  • So it is worth double the price?

  • [Spencer] I think this bike would be a good starter bike.

  • Maybe not as good of a commuter bike as the Rad Bike.

  • [Zack] So after looking into it a little bit more, the motor on the Rad Power Bike, the

  • one that my brother was riding, that one is a 750 watt motor.

  • And watt just means how much power it has.

  • The motor on the Ancheer Bike that I was riding is a 300 watt motor.

  • The motor on the Ancheer Bike, even though it's half the price, it's also half the power.

  • The physical features of the bike are the same, but when it comes to that motor size,

  • it just doesn't have the oomph and consistency that the larger motor does.

  • So yes, at this stage of the electric vehicle game, you're kind of getting what you pay

  • for, and at this moment, paying double gets you twice the size of motor.

  • So that's just something to consider when buying an electric bike.

  • Alright, so if you remember from the first part of this video, they actually sent me

  • two bikes and this one is quite a bit different than the first one, not just because of how

  • it looks, but how it behaves.

  • This whole bike can unfold in half.

  • And then the whole thing can just lock into place like that so it won't fold in half while

  • you're riding it.

  • So the biggest difference between this bike and the other bike is obviously that it folds

  • in half, as well as the smaller tire size.

  • And the battery location is actually right here on the front inside of this little pouch,

  • instead of under the back side of the bike like it was before.

  • But it still has a top speed of 16 miles per hour, and it's a lot lighter and more portable.

  • And when I say light, I would say it's probably about 30 pounds give or take...35 pounds.

  • The battery and motor still weigh quite a bit.

  • So right here there is a major shock in the back, so if I press down on the back seat

  • there's a major absorption going on there.

  • And this one also has shocks on the front tire, which is quite a bit different than

  • the mountain bike which had no shocks on the front tire, it just had the huge fat tires.

  • So even though this bike is a little bit smaller as far as like the tires and stuff go, the

  • motor is smaller as well.

  • The total price of this bike is $750, and the motor is a 250 watt, verses the 300 watt

  • that we tried before, and the 750 watt from the Rad Power Bike.

  • It's cheaper, lighter, but also slightly less powerful.

  • I'll have all the pricing and stuff linked down in the video description.

  • And the most important thing is when you're buying these bikes, make sure you read the

  • reviews about I've tested these initially, and I've given my opinion on them,

  • but your best bet is going to be reading the reviews from other customers who have tested

  • the bikes before.

  • You can usually trust what the reviews say.

  • Either way, I really like where this electronic technology is headed.

  • In the future I think everything is going to be electric, bikes, cars....every mode

  • of transportation is going to be electric.

  • So I'm going to pack this thing back up.

  • I'll flip this up, unlatch it here, and the whole thing can fold in half.

  • Anyway, if you have any questions about any of these bikes or any electric vehicles that

  • you want me to test in the future - Tesla is on the schedule - let me know down in the

  • comments.

  • Give a thumbs up if you liked this video.

  • And thanks a ton for watching, I'll see you around.

Electric bikes are some of the coolest tech that I've seen this year.


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A2 初級

この電動バイクは半分に折りたためる?新しいオフロードバイクをテストしています。 (This Electric Bike FOLDS in HALF?! Testing a new off road beast.)

  • 3 1
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日