字幕表 動画を再生する
- Hey guys, this is Austin and today we're back on Wish.
The last video was incredibly successful
so it's time to spend some of our fake money
on some fake products.
Maybe a little too mean, but I like it.
Oh, we should do the Blitz Buy thing again.
We get 20 products.
So today I have a budget of $400,
double what we had last time.
What can we get for 95 cents?
A universal card reader for 95 cents?
Nah man, nah.
Oh here we go, this is great.
A 100,000 milliamp power battery bank.
Is that too many zero's or is that actually
a 100,000 milliamp powers?
All right, sign me up.
Another one of these Game Boy things, this time for $3.90.
I mean the last one did die immediately.
Let's see what we can get for legitimately $3.90.
I'm curious.
Some Sennheiser IE 800 headphones,
retail $458 but the price on Wish is 39.
The IE 800's are actually pretty high-end.
Should we try these?
I mean 39 bucks, right?
- I am skeptical.
- All right, you know what, let's do it, 40 bucks.
$27 for a black wireless game controller.
A.K.A, it's an Xbox One controller
but without the Xbox logo.
I don't understand how they do this.
So if my size is black and white,
but then my color is also black and white.
So what if my size is black and my color is white?
- Well that's - Wait, wait, oh.
I don't, okay.
I'm gonna, okay.
$191 laptop.
- This actually looks okay.
All right, well we found it on Amazon.
How much is it on Amazon?
219, oh look at that.
Wish is legitimately cheaper, it's like $20 cheaper.
You know what?
Yeah, yeah let's do it.
Oh no, is that a (beep) plug?
Oh, it's a small sized plug, yep, okay.
All right, well we're just gonna not do that.
Oh fake Beats, hello fake Beats.
What, wait, $28 for refurbished Beats EP's.
That actually sounds like a good deal, right?
The Beats EP's on Apple's website are $130.
And on Amazon, they are $65.
But what do refurbished headphones look like?
I think we should try those.
- Yeah - If they come sweaty
I'm gonna be really mad.
Ooh, okay so we've got some cheap graphics cards
so $59 for a GTX 1060.
I mean that seems pretty good.
Do we want a 1060 three, five, or six gigabyte?
I'm assuming the three gigabyte is $60, yeah.
What about the five gigabyte?
I've never seen any five gigabyte GTX 1060.
I don't actually know if it's a good idea to buy
a graphics card on Wish.
But let's find out.
What is this, is this a fake NES Classic?
It is, it's the ISet 620 Games in one Retro NES
Gamepad, blah, blah, blah, whatever.
Is this worth 20 bucks though?
- So with that I think we have everything we need
for our Wish Mystery Tech Extravaganza.
Now if you excuse me, I'll be back in a month
when this stuff all actually shows up.
So a month later, it is finally time
to see what we've gotten from Wish Mystery Tech.
I'm wearing a Hawaiian shirt, that's weird,
but we're gonna continue anyway.
Ken, first item please.
You realize you're gonna just break it
before I even open it right?
Well that's a good start.
These look like actual NES controllers.
They even use, oh wow,
they even use the old school style connector.
All right, well that looks like an NES and
Oh look, it says Entertainment System.
So it is in fact an "ES".
That's not Wish Mystery Tech.
- Happy birthday?
(upbeat music plays)
- [Matt] Also, happy birthday.
- Happy birthday?
What is this?
- It's my birthday present?
- So I got, like, Mickey Mouse speakers?
- It's a Mickey Mouse TV, really?
This is what you give me for my birthday?
A Mickey Mouse TV, on the flip side,
pretty proud that I was able to guess that
these were Mickey Mouse ears.
How much did you waste on this Mickey Mouse TV?
- Why would you do that?
It doesn't even fit the Wish theme.
(cheers joyfully)
We in there, we in there.
Oh wow, the refresh rate.
Not great for modern cameras, I can assure you though,
it looks wonderful in person.
- Oh no, we've got a weird one.
- Is this the Ninja Star one? - It's the Ninja one, yes!
- [Ken] What, what?
Oh now you're gonna play it.
- [Austin] What is this?
- How do you get there, I gotta say this looks
so much better on the CRT.
The color is so terrific.
- [Ken] Aww there we go.
(Double Dragon theme music)
- Anyway let's play - He looks pretty good
- Two player.
- I think you're player one right now.
Ah, it's not working for me.
(Austin snickering)
Well, Double Dragon was fun.
All right, we have a long lasting high capacity
A long lasting, high-capacity (stammers)
A long lasting, high capacity power bank.
100,000 milliamp hours.
So for context, this is 120,000 milliamp hours.
Which makes me slightly suspicious that this is 100,000.
Battery bank is on, go pick up the right cable,
and aye, it charges!
Oh it even has a little screen that says
it's five volts, 2.1 amps out.
I mean, the quality might be slightly dubious
but it works!
Oh, the Game Boy, excellent.
So you guys will recall on Episode of Mystery Tech
a couple of months ago, we unboxed a Game Boy
which was of a dubious quality, shall we say.
Oh that, that looks like a $4 Game Boy.
Nuts Milk, all right,
I'm gonna play Nuts Milk.
Oh is this just like a weird Donkey Kong game?
Yeah this just literally looks
like a rescanned Donkey Kong.
Nuts Milk.
- [Nut Button] Nut.
Ooh I think I know what this is.
Yes, the HeroBook.
So this is that, what, $170 laptop we found?
Whoa wait a minute, wait, this isn't trash.
No, look at that!
That actually looks pretty cool.
Yo, I like this hardware immediately.
It's just kinda got this matte finish,
and they even have a little slot for adding
an M2 SATA drive.
Is this actually good?
Did we actually get a good cheap laptop off of Wish?
I don't believe that.
Now we are dealing with an Atom Processor here,
so don't expect a ton of performance
but, I mean it's running Windows, it's incredibly cheap
and, I mean, it's not like the worst build quality
I've ever seen.
Oh this is a great user experience.
All right, all right, all right,
I don't know if I would recommend this,
and I don't especially think I would recommend this
from Wish.
It's okay and the screen is pretty good
but I think you can spend about the same money
or just a little bit more and get something
which is a little bit less
shall we say, bad.
Okay, a pre-opened box, I like it.
Aye, our Beats!
Uhhhhh okay,
It passes the smell test.
Okay, I don't know what there is to say, I mean
they are good headphones, honestly.
I think a lot of the bad rap that specifically
a lot of the older Beats got, was the fact that
they were very overpriced for the kind of
their sound quality that you got.
However, these days Beats have actually gotten
a lot better and specifically with the Beats EP's,
even at retail these aren't totally terrible.
Now, yes, you're definitely taking a risk
because they're refurbished but at least
in this particular case, they pretty much look
like they're brand new.
All right, we have
oh, these are the $40 Sennheisers, right.
Oh wait, wait!
Wait, that looks real, Sennheiser Original,
we've got a little authenticity seal.
And maybe the printing is not the greatest,
but I mean, I wouldn't really look twice at this
if this showed up from like Amazon or something.
Dude, this looks pretty legit.
Ah, they're so tiny, oh they're so nice.
Ooh that seal's good.
I'm really curious to see if I'm about to have
my mind blown by a pair of $30 headphones
or whether this is like an incredibly ingenious fake.
I think these are real, that's pretty phenomenal, wow.
I need to get the pair of headphones from the last
Mystery Tech to compare, these are...
These are real, if these are fakes then they're
incredible fakes, I don't,
okay, I'm just gonna go get the other ones.
Okay, let me switch real quick.
Okay, I'm really torn right now.
Because at $30, these are bar none the best headphones
I've ever tried, like it's not even close.
And yet, these are really $300 headphones.
I can't help the feeling
that someone stole these or--
- Yeah, there's like a
a truck fell out the box or something.
If you wanna go take a gamble on some risky
Wish headphones, by all means go ahead.
I guess it worked out for us.
- A truck fell off the box, did I say that?
Oh boy, what ever do we have here?
Ooh, we have our GTX 1060!
I've seen a lot of people talk about the graphics cards
and the PC components that they've been able
to get off of Wish, and this looks interesting.
Oh, what, wow.
Why is this a DVI, a VGA, and HDMI?
I'm pretty sure the GTX 1060 is not supposed
to have a VGA port, in fact,
nothing from this decade should have a VGA port.
So I've installed the 1060 into a gaming system
and the very first thing I've noticed,
is that the ports are just, well they're just not good.
So in addition to this fact that it's weird to have VGA,
the HDMI is right on the edge which means
that you really have to crank the cable in there.
It's a very questionable decision.
Now it does work so I'm actually curious to see
does Windows see it as a 1060?
No, it doesn't even see it at all.
It's really loud considering it's not doing
anything at all.
Now the price is theoretically a really good deal.
So even a used 1060 at this point is
still going for around 120 bucks
whereas this was $60 supposedly brand new.
I feel like there's a catch coming.
But let's see if I can actually get Drivers installed.
Oh no, no, I was just getting excited!
I wanna believe.
I wanna believe that we just got a killer deal.
Oh no!
We're in a boot loop, ugh!
Is there a way to get this card to work?
Will I spend some time after this video
trying to get it to work?
Is this a good waste of your $60, well yes,
it is a good waste of your $60.
(upbeat music)
So, after a little bit of digging I realized
that it does of course come with a CD and I installed it.
So on the CD we have a couple of very old drivers
from 2018.
Now that's a little bit unusual but maybe it's hacked
or whatever.
And once I did it, it actually works.
We open up task manager, you'll see we have the GTX 1060
shows five gigs of RAM.
The driver date does say January of 2018
but it's okay, I guess, however,
the story's about to get much more nefarious my friends.
Because as soon as I open up GPU-Z, oh look at this!
Fake GTX 1060 with a giant yellow exclamation point.
So instead it shows that this is a graphics card
from 2011 on the 40 mm process.
That's pretty old and is most certainly not a 1060!
So, shall we actually try
to see how well this actually works?
(laughing) Yup.
So if this was a real 1060, we would be doing what?
40 to 50 frames per second here, no problem.
And yet we're at like, nine.
That being said, I feel like we should try to
play a game on it.
Seems pretty reasonable.
- Okay?
I almost caught that one.
Oh, the game controller!
This is the knock-off Xbox controller right?
- Excellent, all right.
So if I look at an original, like, actually
a real one, I'm not gonna lie, it's similar
although the font is different.
I mean these are very, very similar.
If this is fake, it's a good fake.
Although I will say that it does not have
the headphone jack at the bottom.
So to test, I will be using CS: GO!
The obvious game of choice when you're using
a Xbox controller.
All right, so, yeah, oh.
What, okay well that's horrible.
Everything's on one stick right now, what?
Yeah, the Xbox controller works.
I could re-bind it, I'm not going to though.
It's fine, don't buy this.
Buy a real controller.
Don't save your, like, $6 by buying it on Wish.
This is
Oh yeah, so one thing is,
Matt, can you look up something for me?
- Can you look up the Nvidia, GF116
What cards did that GPU go into?
- GT 545?
- Hold on a second, the GT 545?
(laughing) One gig of GDDR5?
Yup, this is a straight up scam.
Don't buy a GTX 1060 off of Wish.