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  • Hello my Socratica Friends! Were here to help you be a GREAT student. Hey...are you

  • doing okay? You look a little...stressed.

  • Not all stress is bad. When it’s something really important, a little stress can help

  • us rise to the challenge. It can actually make us better students, more focused on our

  • tasks. You SHOULD take it seriously when you have a big test, or an important presentation.

  • But you can’t be stressed every single day. It can get to be overwhelming, and instead

  • of stimulating our minds, we shut down, get sick, and perform poorly in our studies. Our

  • work suffers, and we suffer.

  • Today, let’s talk about how to manage your stress so it can play a small, beneficial

  • role in your life.

  • The solution is not to have ZERO stress in your life. If you didn’t care about anything,

  • you wouldn’t accomplish anything. But a lot of the time, all those worries are a needless

  • complication in your life, and CAN be avoided. Here are some of the most common sources of

  • stress for students - some of which can be eliminated, or at least minimized.

  • For example, if you have a bad habit of procrastinating, that can lead to unnecessary, stressful situations.

  • Some people procrastinate because of an unspoken fear of failure. They avoid studying for that

  • test or writing that paper. After all, if they put it off, they can blame their poor

  • performance on factors out of their control by saying they just ran out of time. But the

  • truth is, they never really gave themselves the chance to do well. In fact, they set themselves

  • up for failure.

  • Sound familiar?

  • Sometimes it looks like youre procrastinating because you just lack awareness of time constraints

  • - youve never really tried to budget your time. For example, we know that cramming doesn’t

  • work. You really can’t study effectively when you try to cram in all your studying

  • in the last four hours before the test. But it might surprise you that around four hours

  • is all you really need, as long as you break it into 30 minute chunks. Now, that means

  • you have to start studying about a week before your test. Work backwards from your due date,

  • and be honest with yourself about how much time you can devote to this task.

  • Time management is SUCH a big topic, well tackle it in its own video. But this tip should

  • be enough to get you started. By the way, if you are looking forward to more videos

  • from Socratica, consider supporting us on Patreon. We love making these videos for you,

  • and if you find value in them, help us make more with a small monthly donation.

  • Now what was I talking about?

  • Are you always forgetting things, like deadlines and due dates? That’s the worst feeling,

  • when something sneaks up on you. Attack it at the source. Make a to-do list - a rough

  • outline for the month, a little more detailed for the week, and very detailed for today.

  • This will help you get rid of that cloud of anxiety hovering over your head - that giant

  • mental list of things to do looks far more feasible when it’s down on paper.

  • Mindfulness is the latest buzzword for reducing stress. This isn’t a new concept - having

  • control of your thoughts is a powerful way to get a handle on your stress. Think of it

  • as developing your mental discipline. Most people recommend breathing exercises, focusing

  • on your breath, and when you get distracted, drawing your focus back to your breath. But

  • ironically, some people get MORE anxious when focusing on their breath, so it backfires.

  • If that’s true for you, pick something else to focus on. A flower arrangement, a beautiful

  • picture, a candle flame. Don’t beat yourself up for being distracted! The very act of catching

  • your mind wandering and bringing it back to focus - that’s the whole point of meditation.

  • Try it for 10 minutes a day for a week, and see if you don’t notice an impact.

  • I think you will.

  • Are you always late for class? Late for appointments? Late for life? Don’t you hate that panicky

  • feeling, and the shame of letting people down? Don’t be that person. Show respect for other

  • people’s time and get yourself there on time. This is another AVOIDABLE source of

  • stress.

  • Youre going to tackle this just like your problem with procrastination - start with

  • the time you have to be someplace, and work backwards.

  • Your study session is at 2 PM. It takes you 15 minutes to get there, so you think you

  • can leave at 1:45? No. Nope. Youre fooling yourself! It’s going to take you at least

  • 5 minutes to park and walk in. And another 5 minutes at your house to find your keys

  • and pet your dog on your way out. So you’d better leave at 1:30. Trust me. Round up all

  • your time estimates. Traffic/ red lights/accidents- theyre always going to be there. Keep working

  • backwards. You know you have to eat before you go. You think it takes you 10 minutes

  • to eat, 15 minutes to cook, so start lunch at 1, right? Wrong. It takes you 20 minutes

  • to eat, 20 minutes to cook, 10 minutes to clean up. Start lunch at ..hmm..12:30. Again,

  • I’m rounding up. You don’t want to be wolfing down your food - that’s not healthy.

  • Give yourself this time.

  • Let’s try another one. You know you need to go to class at 10AM in the morning? When

  • should you wake up, and when should you leave so youre not late? Using our counting backwards

  • and rounding up technique, I’m going to say wake up at 8 AM. Let’s check.

  • 9:30 - leave for class 9 - 9:30 - do 30 minutes of homework or something

  • to prepare for class 8:30-9 - shower and get changed.

  • 8-8:30 eat breakfast So, yeah, give yourself TWO WHOLE HOURS. If

  • youre chronically late, that may seem a crazy long time. But it’s not.

  • See? We wrote it out in black and white.

  • So let’s say you leave your house at 9:30 and you arrive with plenty of time for your

  • 10AM class. You take your seat, relaxed, and maybe even a little bored. DON’T take this

  • as a sign that you should leave later next time, you adrenaline junky! This just means

  • you need something to occupy your time. Carry flashcards with you, or review your class

  • notes from last time. These 5-10 minute stretches of free time are perfect places to sneak in

  • a little studying, which will further reduce your stress.

  • Are you stressed IN class? Got the fidgets? Many people find themselves distracted and

  • jumpy in class - they feel trapped, and they tap their feet and spin their pens. You might

  • be helped by one of these little beauties - the fidget spinner. The idea is - when your

  • hand is occupied with a soothing, repetitive task like spinning a fidget spinner, you are

  • free to concentrate on the task at hand. You could also try one of these squeezy toys.

  • If you’d like to try this for yourself, well include links to the fidgety toys

  • weve tried ourselves. Worth a shot. Better than kicking the chair in front of you.

  • Don’t discount the importance of friends. Make time to check in with your buddies. Walk

  • to class together. Try to eat together with friends or family. Did you know that one of

  • the best predictors of a long, healthy life is a strong social network? We are social

  • animals, even those of us who are introverts. We need real human connection to be well.

  • Now weve been talking about what you can do for YOURSELF in your daily life, but this

  • is no substitute for professional care. Honestly, everyone could benefit from talking through

  • their life challenges with a counselor. Your school has mental health professionals available.

  • Please take advantage of this incredible resource. You may feel more comfortable talking with

  • a spiritual guide. That can be a wonderful option as well. Most importantly, know that

  • reaching out for help sends your brain a powerful message that your well-being matters.

  • Now that’s the mental side. How about the physical? Are you eating right, exercising,and

  • getting enough sleep? All of these things can contribute to your stress level, if you

  • neglect them.

  • You heard it from your parents, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t true - you are what you eat.

  • Are you eating your vegetables? I’m not going to preach some special diet at you other

  • than this - vegetables are your friend. If youre eating fast food all the time, you

  • might be going a whole day sometimes without eating a single vegetable. You could even

  • be malnourished. Learn how to make simple, healthy meals. It’s not hard. Have at least

  • one vegetable with every meal (even breakfast). This will reduce your body stress, your mental

  • stress, all kinds of stress.

  • Get outside for some fresh air. Being out in nature reduces our stress in mysterious

  • but measurable ways. Try reading outside. Go for a walk. Take your coffee break outside.

  • Speaking of coffee - watch your caffeine intake. Many people find it helpful to jump start

  • their day, and it may even be beneficial for your health - but it’s easy to overdo it.

  • If youve got the jitters, try cutting back. Everything in moderation!

  • Your bed is for sleep. Don’t study in bed. Don’t read your phone in bed. Don’t watch

  • TV in bed! All of these interfere with your getting to sleep. Most people need about 7

  • to 9 hours of sleep. Are YOU getting enough? If you know youre a morning person, don’t

  • force yourself to stay up late with caffeine. Start your day early instead. Similarly, if

  • youre a night owl, use those night hours to your benefit. Get your reading done in

  • the peace and quiet at nighttime - then - let yourself sleep in. Arrange your schedule as

  • much as possible to match the hours when you are at your best. Even if you suffer from

  • insomnia, staying on a steady schedule will help. Don’t let anything interfere with

  • your getting enough sleep.Exercise also seems to help people sleep better.

  • Yep, here’s another big source of stress that you CAN do something about. Your body

  • NEEDS exercise, and if you don’t do any, youll feel tired, sore, and unhappy. This

  • doesn’t mean you have to be a super athlete. Just get your body moving. Make sure to find

  • something that you enjoy, so you don’t have to force yourself. If you like to be with

  • people when you exercise, you could find a team sport to play. Or join that spontaneous

  • kickball game. Do you like taking walks? Take a friend with you! Or if you prefer to use

  • this time for quiet reflection, consider the peace and solitude of swimming laps. Your

  • body will thank you, and your stress will evaporate... along with a little sweat.

  • We hope you find some of these suggestions helpful. Let us know what YOU do to reduce

  • stress in your life. Taking care of yourself, minimizing stress - it’s all part of being

  • a great student.

  • Subscribe to Socratica for more smart videos!

  • Follow the hashtag #MentalHealthAwareness for more Mental Health Awareness videos

Hello my Socratica Friends! Were here to help you be a GREAT student. Hey...are you


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A2 初級

ストレスを管理する方法 - 勉強のヒント - 学生のメンタルヘルス (How to Manage Stress - Study Tips - Student Mental Health)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日