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  • What can explain that eerie, unsettling feeling we sometimes get that we've experienced a new situation once before?


  • It might just be the weirdest experience you'll ever have sober, but what exactly is deja vu?


  • One thing it definitely is, is common.

    1 つ確かなことは、それがよくあることだということです。

  • Two-thirds of us have had it, with younger people, globetrotters, and film fans likely to get it more frequently.

    私たちの 3 分の 2 がデジャヴを体験したことがあり、若者や世界中を旅する人、そして映画ファンたちがよりそれを体験する傾向にあります。

  • Because of its inherent weirdness, deja vu was long thought of alongside paranormal events like clairvoyance and reincarnation.


  • In fact, it was parapsychologist Émile Boirac who first named the feeling in the 1870s using the French for "already seen."

    実は、1870 年にその感覚に初めて名前をつけたのは、超心理学者のエミール・ボイラックで、フランス語で「すでに見た」という言葉を使いました。

  • The focus on the uncanny has persisted, and in films like "The Matrix," deja vu is a glitch in the computer simulation.


  • So, what's actually going on?


  • The truth is, no one is 100 percent sure, but psychologists have suggested dozens of possibilities combining theories of memory, perception, and cognition.

    誰も100% 確証がないということが真実です。しかし、心理学者たちは記憶、知覚、認知の理論を組み合わせた多くの可能性を挙げています。

  • One is divided perception.

    その 1 つは、知覚が分かれているということです。

  • Maybe our brains process a situation in a quick and shallow way before we become fully aware of it, and then we get a jolt of having seen it before.


  • Another is dual processing.

    もう 1 つの説は二重処理です。

  • Incoming signals enter the temporal lobe from both hemispheres of the brain, one a millisecond later than the other.

    側頭葉に入ってくる情報は、脳の左右の半球から入り、どちらかが 1 ミリ秒ほど遅れます。

  • And it's in this moment of delay that deja vu occurs.


  • Others speculate that errors around the hippocampusthe brain's librarianare to blame.


  • The problem with studying deja vu is that neurologists can't very well wait around for it to happen.


  • One solution has been to look at people with temporal lobe damage.

    解決策の 1 つは、側頭葉損傷のある人を調べることです。

  • Many find that they get chronic deja vu.


  • Another way to study deja vu is to induce it under lab conditions.


  • In 2012, one study used virtual reality to immerse people in different 3D environments, some of which were very similar in layout.

    2012 年に行われた 1 つの調査では、バーチャルリアリティを使用して、人々をさまざまな3D環境に浸らせました。 それらのいくつかは、レイアウトが非常に似ていたのです。

  • For instance, a doctor's waiting room and an aquarium, with furniture arranged in the same configuration.


  • People were more likely to report deja vu when they encountered environments that had a similar layout to previous, forgotten scenes, suggesting it's a memory phenomenon.


  • A 2014 study had very different results.

    2014 年に行われた調査では、それとはかなり異なる結果が出ました。

  • Those who took part were shown a series of words with a secret common theme, words like bed, pillow, nap, dream.


  • The linking word, "sleep" never appeared.


  • Viewers were asked to keep note of any words beginning with S.

    参加者たちは、S で始まるすべての言葉を覚えるように言われました。

  • Those who took part were later asked if any words began with S, and sure enough, they said no.

    参加者たちは、あとから S で始まる言葉があったかどうかを訊かれ、もちろん彼らは「見ていない」と答えました。

  • But many also felt that they had been shown the word "sleep."


  • For two thirds of people, this confusion was tantamount to deja vu.

    3 分の 2 の人々にとって、この混乱はデジャヴと同じような感じでした。

  • Neurologists have used this method to scan the brain during deja vu.


  • They found that rather than being a memory error in the hippocampus, deja vu involved the frontal areas of the brain responsible for decision making.


  • This led some to suggest that deja vu is a sign your brain's memory-checking mechanisms are actually working well.


  • But, if you're looking for something a bit more out there to explain deja vu, try quantum entanglement.


  • Perhaps through the mysterious affinity of subatomic particles, deja vu might actually be a window into a parallel universe, or else a blip in time.


  • Thanks for watching.


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What can explain that eerie, unsettling feeling we sometimes get that we've experienced a new situation once before?


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