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  • -We have the momentum,

  • and I think a lot of the superdelegates

  • are now beginning to look at which Democratic candidate

  • is in the best place to defeat Donald Trump.

  • I think some of them are beginning to understand

  • that it's Bernie Sanders.

  • -If you do not secure the majority of pledge delegates,

  • do you still believe that superdelegates

  • should switch and back you? -Yes.

  • -In essence, rejecting the opinion of the voters.

  • -If those superdelegates conclude that Bernie Sanders

  • is the best candidate,

  • the strongest candidate to defeat Trump and anybody else,

  • yes, I would very much welcome their support.

  • -Should the person with the most pledged

  • delegates be the Democratic nominee?

  • -Well, I think if that was the only criteria,

  • then you get rid of all the superdelegates,

  • which may not be a bad idea, but you do have superdelegates.

  • You got 700 superdelegates.

  • And I am not a great fan of superdelegates,

  • but their job is to take an objective look at reality.

  • And I think the reality is that we are the stronger candidates.

  • For those superdelegates who came on board

  • before I was even in the race,

  • you have got the very grave responsibility

  • to make sure that Trump does not become

  • elected president of the United States.

  • Vote for the strongest candidate.

  • -If, in fact, Hillary Clinton wins the majority of pledge

  • delegates on top of what she's done with superdelegates,

  • are you gonna try to turn them?

  • -Yeah, we are. We're on the phone right now.

  • -You'd be defying history.

  • You'd be defying the will of the voter, right?

  • Hillary Clinton is -- -Well, defying history

  • is what this campaign has been about.

  • I think that the will of the people should prevail, yes.

  • The person with the most votes should become the nominee.

-We have the momentum,


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B2 中上級

バーニー・サンダースは、2016年に有権者を覆すスーパー代議員を望んでいました。今、彼は考えを変えました。 (Bernie Sanders wanted superdelegates to overrule voters in 2016. Now he's changed his mind.)

  • 1 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日