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  • Déjà vu in the desert. Once again US troops head to the Persian Gulf to

  • counter an Iraqi threat against Kuwait. The massive US deployment follows an

  • Iraqi build up along the Kuwaiti border, including about 20,000 troops from

  • Baghdad's Republican Guard. The Clinton administration responds with a show of

  • force and a word of warning. "Our policy is clear: we will not allow Iraq to

  • threaten its neighbors or to intimidate the United Nations as it ensures that

  • Iraq never again possesses weapons of mass destruction." Russia marches into the

  • middle of the fray to try to defuse the crisis. After the week-long faceoff with

  • the United States, Saddam Hussein finally blinks. "As a gesture of goodwill to the

  • Iraqi friends it has decided to withdraw the armed forces in question deeper into

  • Iraq." Iraqi troops draw back to their positions before the crisis, and what

  • could have been another Desert Storm amounts to little more than thundering.

Déjà vu in the desert. Once again US troops head to the Persian Gulf to


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B1 中級

イラクがクウェートでセイバーを叩きつけ、瞬きをする [1994年] (Iraq Rattles Saber at Kuwait, Blinks [1994])

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日