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  • Hey, this is Sammy P on CleanIt TV and this is the Purell 1305D4 LTX-7 Touch Free 700 mL

  • Hand Sanitizer Dispenser Kit, Detail Product Breakdown,

  • available at

  • Introducing the Purell 1305D4 LTX-7 Touch Free Hand Sanitizer Kit.

  • This Purell kit includes one LTX Touch Free Dispenser and one 700 mL Hand Sanitizer Refill.

  • The compact size of this dispenser is ideal for tight spaces.

  • This unit features a large front window and skylight to easily check the refill status.

  • One last cool feature of this kit is the patent pending "controlled collapse" refill bottle that

  • holds its shape as it empties. Bingo!

  • No more unsightly crinkled plastic in the window.

  • There you have it; the Purell 1305D4 LTX Touch Free 700 mL Hand Sanitizer Dispenser Kit.

  • And remember, subscribe below, get in the know.

  • I'm Sammy P and you're watching CleanIt TV.

Hey, this is Sammy P on CleanIt TV and this is the Purell 1305D4 LTX-7 Touch Free 700 mL


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B2 中上級

Purell LTX-7 タッチフリー 700 mL ハンドサニタイザー ディスペンサー キット (Purell LTX-7 Touch Free 700 mL Hand Sanitizer Dispenser Kit)

  • 3 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日