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  • Hi I'm Hollie Melding and I study theatre design at Wimbledon College of

  • Arts and we're currently stood in my degree show space and I have designed a

  • play called On Emotion it's a strange little play not a lot happens but it is

  • a snapshot of these people's lives and there is a psychiatrist and his two

  • children and one of his children has got some form of autism that's never really

  • specified but he lives in this world of like space and Star Trek and he's

  • constantly just in his own little world so throughout the play this kind of

  • looked just weird scenes really where like no one knows where anyone is and everyone's

  • talking into nobody and everybody at the same time so I designed my set

  • like I really didn't want it to be naturalistic at all so I made like a

  • solar system it's like a very vague solar system and in the play there is a

  • puppet of Mark as a spaceman so for my degree show I decided that I would make the

  • model box of the set but I also wanted to make the puppet I just really wanted to

  • like improve my skills and like practice everything that I like was reasonably

  • good at but wanted to get better at so I made my puppet as well which is hanging above

  • you and I've also done my technical drawings and then I've also got on display another

  • piece of work that I did a few months ago called Advice to Iraqi Women which

  • was a piece written in response to the occupation in Iraq and it's a really

  • interesting piece is also really quite strange and and that is I've just got my

  • model box here and some pictures because that happened a few months ago

Hi I'm Hollie Melding and I study theatre design at Wimbledon College of


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

宇宙人と奇妙なシーン-「On Emotion」のデザイン-ウィンブルドンUALサマーショー (Spacemen and weird scenes - designing 'On Emotion' - Wimbledon UAL Summer Shows)

  • 12 1
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日