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  • ANDREW YANG: The reality is the last four years have already been the four warmest years in

  • recorded history. Even as we're attacking emissions we need to start researching

  • innovative methods to address climate change.

  • DREW MAGRATTEN: Andrew Yang has a unique plan to fix the climate and it's unlike anything

  • introduced so far.

  • Yang rose to fame as an entrepreneur. Now he believes that innovation and

  • technology aren't just good for business, they could also solve the climate crisis.

  • As president, he would refuse to allow anyone with ties to the fossil fuel

  • industry to serve in his administration. He would also immediately cut subsidies

  • to the industry as a whole. And he would channel that money back into renewable

  • job creation and retraining. YANG: Look this does not have to be a matter of cost and

  • inconvenience we can actually create hundreds of thousands of opportunities

  • around the country if we make the right moves towards a sustainable economy.

  • MAGRATTEN: But Yang knows changing politics isn't enough to fix our climate. He wants a 100 percent

  • renewable electric grid by 2035. Yang wants every new car on the road to run

  • zero-emissions as early as 2030. Yang would champion charging stations

  • throughout the nation and invest $50 billion dollars to make it happen.

  • Yang also wants to tackle aviation by investing billions of dollars

  • in low emission aircraft fuel and carbon capture technology.

  • But Yang thinks tech could go even further.

  • He would build new national labs across the country that

  • would develop new technologies to help all sectors lower their emissions.

  • That includes lowering the emissions of the world's expanding data centers.

  • Yang supports nuclear power, but would replace the fuel used now with thorium.

  • Yang says thorium has 200 times more power than uranium, is less dangerous,

  • and produces less waste. He also has some controversial emergency plans prepared.

  • Plans like launching giant "space mirrors" into the sky to reflect the sun's rays.

  • Or spraying the stratosphere with aerosols to mimic the cooling effect of

  • an erupting volcano in the Earth's atmosphere. YANG: In a crisis, all solutions

  • have to be on the table. And so if you are attacking on one side, you also

  • should be researching various alternatives on the other and that to me

  • is just responsible management and responsible leadership.

ANDREW YANG: The reality is the last four years have already been the four warmest years in


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B1 中級

アンドリュー・ヤンの気候変動計画 (Andrew Yang's Climate Change Plan)

  • 3 0
    王惟惟 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日